acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONcontain the specific version of the specification. All characters marked “A” ,“N”or “S” in the 'Type' column of Table 108 Character encoding set values maybe used.8.1.17 Field 1.017 Agency names / ANMThis optional field is comprised of two optional information items. The first is thedestination agency name / DAN. This corresponds to the agency listed in Field1.007 Destination agency identifier / DAI. The second optional information item isthe originating agency name / OAN. This corresponds to the agency listed in Field1.008 Originating agency identifier / ORI. Both information items arealphanumeric and can have any special characters in the names. All characters marked“A” ,“N” or “S” in the 'Type' column of Table 108 Character encoding set values may beused.8.1.18 Field 1.018 Geographic name set / GNS[2013n>] This optional field is used if the transaction uses GENC in lieu of ISO 3166-1 as a code list for country code specifications. GENC is available at ISO 3166-1 is the default country code list,when this field is not used with a value of 1.The values for this field are:0 = ISO 3166-1 (default)1= GENC[

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.2 Record Type-2: User-defined descriptive text recordType-2 records are optional, but when present, shall contain textual information relating tothe subject of the transaction. This record may include such information as the state or FBInumbers, physical characteristics, demographic data, and the subject’s criminal history.Every transaction usually contains one or more Type-2 records which is dependent upon theentry in Field 1.004 Type of transaction / TOT.Table 23 Type-2 record layoutFieldNumberMnemonicContentDescriptionCondcodeCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#2.001 RECORD HEADER Mencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditionalencoding orAnnexC: NIEMconformantencoding rulesencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditionalencoding orAnnexC: NIEMconformantencoding rules1 12.002 IDCINFORMATIONDESIGNATIONCHARACTERM N 1 20 < IDC < 99integer1 12.003 andaboveUSER-DEFINEDUSER-DEFINED FIELDS O user-defined user-defined user-defined8.2.1 Field 2.001: Record headerThe content of this mandatory field is dependent upon the encoding used. See therelevant annex of this standard for details. See Section Field 2.002: Information designation character / IDCThis mandatory field shall contain the IDC assigned to this Type-2 record as listed in theinformation item IDC for this record in Field 1.003 Transaction content / CNT. SeeSection Fields 2.003 and above: user-defined fieldsIndividual fields shall conform to the specifications set forth by the agency to which thetransmission is being sent, to the domain listed in Field 1.013 Domain name / DOM, theapplication profiles listed in Field 1.016 Application profile specifications / APS and to106

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONcontain the specific version of the specification. All characters marked “A” ,“N”or “S” in the 'Type' column of Table 108 Character encoding set values maybe used.8.1.17 Field 1.017 Agency names / ANMThis optional field is comprised of two optional in<strong>for</strong>mation items. The first is thedestination agency name / DAN. This corresponds to the agency listed in Field1.007 Destination agency identifier / DAI. The second optional in<strong>for</strong>mation item isthe originating agency name / OAN. This corresponds to the agency listed in Field1.008 Originating agency identifier / ORI. Both in<strong>for</strong>mation items arealphanumeric and can have any special characters in the names. All characters marked“A” ,“N” or “S” in the 'Type' column of Table 108 Character encoding set values may beused.8.1.18 Field 1.018 Geographic name set / GNS[2013n>] This optional field is used if the transaction uses GENC in lieu of ISO 3166-1 as a code list <strong>for</strong> country code specifications. GENC is available at ISO 3166-1 is the default country code list,when this field is not used with a value of 1.The values <strong>for</strong> this field are:0 = ISO 3166-1 (default)1= GENC[

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