Professional Application Guide - Alexseal

Professional Application Guide - Alexseal Professional Application Guide - Alexseal


GlossarySheeting Out:When a water rinse flows over a surface in a continuous sheet with no breaks orinterruption in consistency. Also known as a “break-free rinse,” indicating the absence ofcontaminants.Siphon Cup:A spray gun system that draws paint up into the spray head from a reservoir locatedbelow the spray head or atomizer.Solvent:A material with enhanced evaporative properties used to dissolve, dilute, and suspendpaint materials.Spray:The atomized paint particulates emitted from an atomizer or spray gun.Spray Chart:Reference data that shows settings and ratios required to properly apply a coating viavarious spray gun equipment.Substrate:The underlying surface material that coatings and finishes are applied to protect andenhance.GlossaryVOC:Volatile Organic Compounds – hazardous emitted chemicals that may be carcinogenicor otherwise toxic to living organisms.Wet Edge:A characteristic of paint maintaining a liquid or “wet” state as it is applied by brush orroller, so that additional strokes of paint will not reveal the edges of previous brush/roller strokes.Wet Film Thickness (WFT):Paint film thickness measured while it is still wet immediately after application.Measuring WFT will help determine how much material to apply wet to achieve aspecified dry film thickness (DFT).Wipe Down Solvent:Liquid solution used to remove contaminates and impurities on a primed or coatedsurface. ALEXSEAL ® Wipe Down Solvent (A9049) is an example of a Wipe DownSolvent.Zahn Cup:Viscosity measurement used primarily in the painting industry. There are 5 cupspecifications in the Zahn standard of measurement.Surfacing:A final type of fairing in which comparatively minor surface imperfections are filled and/or sanded to achieve a linear uniform surface.Tack Rag:A special wiping cloth treated with a sticky additive. Tack rags are used to remove looseparticles of dust, dirt and small particles that might contaminate a surface.Tape DryTime between a paint application and when it can be taped without damaging thesurface.Technical Data SheetsA document summarizing the performance, technical characteristics and usageprocedures of a product.Topcoat:Also see finish coat – the final protective and decorative coating of paint.Viscometer:Device used to measure the thickness or density of a liquid.Viscosity:The thickness or density of a liquid usually measured in Zahn cup or DIN cup.142ALEXSEAL ® Professional Application Guide version 0.4.3ALEXSEAL.COM > Europe: +49 0 40 75 10 30 > North America: +1 843 654 7755143

GlossarySheeting Out:When a water rinse flows over a surface in a continuous sheet with no breaks orinterruption in consistency. Also known as a “break-free rinse,” indicating the absence ofcontaminants.Siphon Cup:A spray gun system that draws paint up into the spray head from a reservoir locatedbelow the spray head or atomizer.Solvent:A material with enhanced evaporative properties used to dissolve, dilute, and suspendpaint materials.Spray:The atomized paint particulates emitted from an atomizer or spray gun.Spray Chart:Reference data that shows settings and ratios required to properly apply a coating viavarious spray gun equipment.Substrate:The underlying surface material that coatings and finishes are applied to protect andenhance.GlossaryVOC:Volatile Organic Compounds – hazardous emitted chemicals that may be carcinogenicor otherwise toxic to living organisms.Wet Edge:A characteristic of paint maintaining a liquid or “wet” state as it is applied by brush orroller, so that additional strokes of paint will not reveal the edges of previous brush/roller strokes.Wet Film Thickness (WFT):Paint film thickness measured while it is still wet immediately after application.Measuring WFT will help determine how much material to apply wet to achieve aspecified dry film thickness (DFT).Wipe Down Solvent:Liquid solution used to remove contaminates and impurities on a primed or coatedsurface. ALEXSEAL ® Wipe Down Solvent (A9049) is an example of a Wipe DownSolvent.Zahn Cup:Viscosity measurement used primarily in the painting industry. There are 5 cupspecifications in the Zahn standard of measurement.Surfacing:A final type of fairing in which comparatively minor surface imperfections are filled and/or sanded to achieve a linear uniform surface.Tack Rag:A special wiping cloth treated with a sticky additive. Tack rags are used to remove looseparticles of dust, dirt and small particles that might contaminate a surface.Tape DryTime between a paint application and when it can be taped without damaging thesurface.Technical Data SheetsA document summarizing the performance, technical characteristics and usageprocedures of a product.Topcoat:Also see finish coat – the final protective and decorative coating of paint.Viscometer:Device used to measure the thickness or density of a liquid.Viscosity:The thickness or density of a liquid usually measured in Zahn cup or DIN cup.142ALEXSEAL ® <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> version 0.4.3ALEXSEAL.COM > Europe: +49 0 40 75 10 30 > North America: +1 843 654 7755143

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