Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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690 Combined heat <strong>and</strong> power (CHP)Figure 24.2 Components <strong>of</strong> a CHP system<strong>and</strong>,perhaps,. Supplementary heat <strong>and</strong> power sources.Figure 24.2 illustrates,in schematic form,how the various components <strong>of</strong> a simplesystem might be arranged. Similar groupings <strong>of</strong> components have been built for manyyears <strong>and</strong> the concept <strong>of</strong> independence from public supplies has always appealed toplanners. When local generation has been employed,it has usually been for one <strong>of</strong> tworeasons,either to ensure a continuity <strong>of</strong> supply where essential to the functional use <strong>of</strong> thebuilding <strong>and</strong> process or to provide complete security <strong>of</strong> an electrical supply in allcircumstances,including national disaster or insurrection.Prime moversAt this stage,it would be as well to consider the form <strong>and</strong> availability <strong>of</strong> the heat rejectedby some <strong>of</strong> the normally encountered prime movers since it is an essential to the design <strong>of</strong>CHP systems that the marked differences in these characteristics are not only appreciatedbut put to use. The more important are:. the heat to power ratio at both full <strong>and</strong> part load. the level or levels <strong>of</strong> heat rejected. the energy input rate throughout the working range.The first <strong>of</strong> these characteristics has the greatest influence on selection <strong>of</strong> equipmentsince the exercise will be centred on matching the heat-to-power ratio <strong>of</strong> the plant to thebuilding energy-dem<strong>and</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>iles. However,it is not enough to ensure that a match exists

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