Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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Maintenance 679Table 23.12 Energy available from alternative sourcesFuelUnit <strong>of</strong>deliveryHeat content perunit <strong>of</strong> delivery(MJ)Solidcoal kg 28±30Oilkerosene (C2) litre 36.6gas oil (D) litre 37.9light (E) litre 40.3medium (F) litre 40.7heavy (G) litre 41.2Gasnatural kWh 105.5propane litre 0.095butane litre 0.122Electricity kWh 3.6Table 23.13 Carbon dioxide emission from fuels*FuelCO 2 emission(kg/kWh delivered)Electricity 0.44Coal 0.30Gas/diesel oil 0.25Natural gas 0.19* Values taken from BREEAM data.fuels; these rates will vary, <strong>and</strong> hopefully reduce, from time to time as the primary fuels usedfor electricity generation change <strong>and</strong> with increasing combustion efficiencies.Many <strong>of</strong> the other environmental issues arising from the subject <strong>of</strong> heating <strong>and</strong> airconditioning<strong>of</strong> buildings, such as ozone depleting refrigerants, water use <strong>and</strong> NO xemissions from combustion have been dealt with elsewhere in this book. To enable anassessment to be made <strong>of</strong> the impact that a building <strong>and</strong> its engineering services will haveon the environment, a rating system has been developed (since the early 1990s) basedupon a point scoring system known as BREEAM, the BRE Environmental AssessmentMethod. The issues that relate to building services include energy use, health <strong>and</strong> wellbeing,systems commissioning, water use <strong>and</strong> pollution. A number <strong>of</strong> publications on theBREEAM method are available from BRE.MaintenanceThere are various levels <strong>of</strong> maintenance which may be applied to building services, themost common being:. Corrective. The majority <strong>of</strong> operations are carried out on breakdown or fall-<strong>of</strong>f inperformance, backed up sometimes with specific tasks undertaken on a regular basis.

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