Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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644 Automatic controls <strong>and</strong> building management systemsFrom this it may be possible to underst<strong>and</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the problems concerned <strong>and</strong> how theymay be tackled. Other permutations <strong>and</strong> combinations <strong>of</strong> system <strong>and</strong> equipment may bebuilt up to suit any variety <strong>of</strong> circumstances.The main types <strong>of</strong> plant will be considered <strong>and</strong> reference to the diagrams will benecessary along with the following descriptions. For further information the reader isdirected to the CIBSE Guides Section B2 (2001) <strong>and</strong> H.Central system with cooling coilThe control arrangement in this case is illustrated in Figure 22.26 which shows a typicalarray <strong>of</strong> sensing devices, control valves <strong>and</strong> motorised dampers, including some <strong>of</strong> thedesired safety features, to provide full control over temperature <strong>and</strong> humidity in theconditioned space under all outside air conditions. This figure relates in principle to theexample air-conditioning calculation in Chapter 18 (p. 519) with humidification by steaminjection.In an all-air system, the quantities <strong>of</strong> outside <strong>and</strong> recirculated air, respectively, may bevaried in any combination between full outside air, with no recirculation, <strong>and</strong> a mixture inany ratio subject to the provision <strong>of</strong> the minimum quantity <strong>of</strong> outside air which will satisfythe ventilation requirements <strong>of</strong> the occupancy. The mixture ratio is controlled to providethe most economic level <strong>of</strong> plant operation as determined by the condition <strong>of</strong> the outsideair relative to the required condition <strong>of</strong> the supply air.FanSupplyairT 4V 2T 5M 3Heating coilRecirculated airHumidifier Cooling coilM 1M 2V 3 T 2V 1 H 2 T 1airReturnH 1T 3Exhaust airOutside airChilledwaterHotwaterFigure 22.26 Control principles <strong>of</strong> a central plant system with cooling coil

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