Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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48 The building in winterTable 2.10 Values for coefficient k s <strong>and</strong> exponent aTerrain k s aOpen flat country 0.68 0.17Country with scattered windbreaks 0.52 0.20Urban 0.35 0.25City 0.21 0.33whereV ˆ mean wind speed at height z (m/s)V m ˆ mean wind speed at 10 m in open country (m/s)z ˆ height above ground (m)k s ˆ a coefficient representing the terrain (Table 2.10)a ˆ an exponent representing height (Table 2.10)It is sensible, in establishing infiltration values, to adopt a datum wind speed at the higherend <strong>of</strong> the scale <strong>and</strong>, for the greater part <strong>of</strong> the British Isles, an hourly mean speed <strong>of</strong> 8 m/sis exceeded for only 10% <strong>of</strong> the time.The pattern <strong>of</strong> wind flow over an exposed building takes a form such as that shownin Figure 2.10, but this, <strong>of</strong> course, is a generalisation since the effect <strong>of</strong> surroundingbuildings <strong>and</strong> obstructions may well disrupt the pattern in an unpredictable manner, asmay the aerodynamics <strong>of</strong> the building shape. However, it would appear that the sum <strong>of</strong>the positive pressure on the windward side <strong>and</strong> the negative pressure on the leeward sideapproximates to unity <strong>and</strong> that the pressure difference (P) is thus numerically equal tothe velocity pressure <strong>of</strong> the mean wind speed calculated as above, i.e. p v ˆ 0:6 V 2 Pa.The method may be summarised as shown in Table 2.11 where the individual values,for a limited range <strong>of</strong> building heights, are represented as the heat requirements per metrerun <strong>of</strong> window opening joint, for an air temperature difference inside to outside <strong>of</strong> onekelvin. The table lists basic figures which may require adjustment to take account <strong>of</strong>:. The reductions which may be appropriate in a building which is liberally compartmentedby partitions, as mentioned above. It must be emphasized that these reductionsapply to a whole building <strong>and</strong> not to individual rooms.. The need in a corner room to make an addition <strong>of</strong> 50% to the tabulated figure to takeaccount <strong>of</strong> cross-flow.Figure 2.10 Wind currents about a tall building

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