Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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System arrangements 615case that hybrid arrangements suit the needs <strong>of</strong> particular areas in a single building. Thereis, in principle, nothing wrong with a mixture <strong>of</strong> arrangements provided that the designfollows an easily discerned logic, that no hydraulic interactions take place, that problemsrelated to excessive pressure at draw-<strong>of</strong>f points are avoided <strong>and</strong> that facilities for airCisternVent (wherepossible)Vent throughtapsEssential ventsHighlevelstoresCisternCylinderC.W. feed(a)CylinderC.W. feed(b)Vents over cisternVent over cisternHigh level storeCylinderC.W. feed(c)ScalepocketsCylinderC.W. feed(d)Figure 21.10 Arrangements for secondary piping systems

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