Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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544 Refrigeration: water chillers <strong>and</strong> heat pumps100Zero storage Approx. 66% storage 100% storageChilleroperationLoad (per cent)5000 12 24 0 12 24 0 12 24Time <strong>of</strong> day(a) To match instantaneousloadFigure 19.11 Chilled water storage options(b) Chiller operationcontinuous(c) Off-peakarise since the specific mass <strong>of</strong> water at that temperature is critical <strong>and</strong> stratification isunstable.The use <strong>of</strong> alternative media such as ice <strong>and</strong> phase-change chemicals must be consideredif storage volumes are to be <strong>of</strong> practical size. As a result, there has been anincreasing use <strong>of</strong> ice storage systems over the past few years, particularly large city centre<strong>of</strong>fice developments where ro<strong>of</strong> space is at a premium <strong>and</strong> quite <strong>of</strong>ten there is a surplus <strong>of</strong>lower value basement space. Another advantage to the <strong>of</strong>fice occupier is that becausethere is a significant, sometimes by 50%, reduction in the refrigeration capacity requiredthe use <strong>of</strong> dry air coolers in lieu <strong>of</strong> wet cooling towers becomes more practical. Thesystems also have inherent stored cooling capacity but care must be taken where there is a24 hour cooling requirement, for example computer equipment rooms.CIBSE Technical Memor<strong>and</strong>um TM18: 1994 Ice storage provides comprehensive informationon the use <strong>of</strong> ice for cool thermal storage. Whilst there are various systemsavailable in commercial <strong>of</strong>fice schemes it is more usual to incorporate indirect ice-on-coilsystems with a control strategy providing chiller priority. In this case, the cooling load forthe building is met initially by the chillers with ice store topping up any shortfall incapacity, then, if advantageous from an energy tariff point <strong>of</strong> view, the chillers will beturned <strong>of</strong>f at a time that allows the ice store to meet the cooling load <strong>and</strong> be depleted bythe end <strong>of</strong> the day. The advantages <strong>of</strong> this arrangement are that the chillers will beoperating more <strong>of</strong>ten at their maximum capacity <strong>and</strong> hence more efficiently <strong>and</strong> the size<strong>of</strong> the ice store is usually less.Free coolingUse may be made <strong>of</strong> the principle <strong>of</strong> evaporative cooling in order to produce water at atemperature low enough to be suitable for cooling in an air h<strong>and</strong>ling plant. A coolingtower, provided to reject condenser heat in summer, may be usefully employed to providea source <strong>of</strong> cooling at times when the outside wet bulb temperature is low enough. A basicarrangement is shown in Figure 19.12 where a closed circuit water cooler is piped into thechilled water circuit: an alternative arrangement would be to use an open circuit towerwith a heat exchanger interposed between the open circuit <strong>and</strong> the closed chilled watercircuit, in order to prevent fouling in the closed circuit.

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