Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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Air-to-air heat exchangers 5097060EvaporationVapourCondensationEfficiency, %50403020Heat inHeat out100–10Down0 +10Up+20Evaporator tilt, mmFigure 17.33 Heat pipe orientation <strong>and</strong> performance (in counterflow)with an internal wick<strong>of</strong> woven glass fibre normally as a concentric lining to the tube.During manufacture, a working fluid is introduced in sufficient quantity to saturate thewick. The actual fluid used is selected to suit the temperature range required <strong>and</strong> wouldtypically be one <strong>of</strong> the common refrigerants.In operation, heat applied to one end <strong>of</strong> the pipe will cause the liquid to evaporate <strong>and</strong>the resultant vapour will travel to the `cool' end where it will condense, surrenderingenergy, <strong>and</strong> the liquid will return through the wickby capillary action to the `hot' end.Figure 17.33 illustrates this process <strong>and</strong> shows also how the heat transfer capacity <strong>of</strong> apipe may be adjusted by varying the angle to the horizontal at which it lies. Thischaracteristic may be used to match capacity to a given application or, by automation,to provide a means <strong>of</strong> control. Where the angle <strong>of</strong> tilt is used in this way, a facility must beprovided to reverse the action when the season changes, winter to summer.An alternative arrangement is where the pipes are installed vertically to transfer heatfrom a warm lower duct to a cool duct above. With this configuration, movement <strong>of</strong> theheat transfer fluid is by phase change; liquid in the lower section absorbs heat <strong>and</strong> changesto a gas, which condenses, releasing heat in the upper section, causing the liquid to drop tothe lower end. Vertical units will not function where the cool duct is below the warmer one.The capacity <strong>of</strong> a built-up heat exchanger <strong>of</strong> given overall dimensions will varyaccording to the number <strong>of</strong> rows <strong>of</strong> heat pipes, the fin spacing <strong>and</strong> the air velocity.Typically, a six row unit having 55 fins per 100 mm would, for equal supply <strong>and</strong> exhaustair quantities, have an efficiency for sensible heat exchange <strong>of</strong> up to 80% at a face velocity<strong>of</strong> 3 m/s <strong>and</strong> with a resistance to air flow <strong>of</strong> 200 Pa. Module sizes range from 150 to 36 000litre/s. Efficiency <strong>of</strong> heat exchange is dependent upon the relative direction <strong>of</strong> air flow inthe two ducts. Counterflow gives the higher performance, which is the basis for mostpublished data; parallel air flow will reduce efficiency by about one-fifth <strong>of</strong> the quotedpercentage. Subject to the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> the division plate <strong>and</strong> seals between the two airstreams there should be no cross-contamination between supply <strong>and</strong> extract air. Thismethod <strong>of</strong> heat exchange is seldom used due to the relatively high cost.Run-around coils (water circulation)This approach to the problem has the merit <strong>of</strong> extreme flexibility <strong>and</strong> is, moreover,founded upon a well understood technology. As shown in Figure 17.34, the basis <strong>of</strong> the

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