Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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Air filtration 485Table 17.1 Typical mass <strong>of</strong> solids in the atmosphereLocalityTotal mass(mg/m 3 )Rural <strong>and</strong> suburban 0.05±0.5Metropolitan 0.1±1.0Industrial 0.2±5.0Factories or workrooms 0.5±10.0Table 17.2 Typical analysis <strong>of</strong> atmospheric dustAmount <strong>of</strong> solid (%)Range <strong>of</strong> particle size,diameter (mm)Number <strong>of</strong>particlesTotal mass<strong>of</strong> particles30±10 0.005 2810±5 0.175 525±3 0.25 113±1 1.1 61±0.5 6.97 2Below 0.5 91.5 1particle size. These values will vary between locations <strong>and</strong> with the season; winter conditionsnormally producing the highest values.Necessity for air cleaningIf, in a mechanically-ventilated or air-conditioned building, air is blown in without somemeans for filtration, deposits <strong>of</strong> dust will be found to occur throughout the rooms <strong>and</strong> thesystem <strong>of</strong> ducts will in itself become coated with solid matter. Heater batteries, coolingcoils <strong>and</strong> fans will also become fouled so that in time the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the system as awhole will fall <strong>of</strong>f at an increasing rate. Except in certain industrial applications, ventilation<strong>and</strong> air-conditioning systems therefore invariably include some means for filtration<strong>of</strong> the air.The removal <strong>of</strong> the larger particles is, <strong>of</strong> course, a simple matter, since any mesh <strong>of</strong> fineenough aperture will arrest such particles. A plain mesh is however liable to becomeclogged very quickly, <strong>and</strong> hence is <strong>of</strong> little use for the purpose. The finer material <strong>and</strong> thesmokes are, however, much more difficult to arrest <strong>and</strong> yet it is these which are largelyresponsible for the staining <strong>of</strong> decorations, the soiling <strong>of</strong> shirts <strong>and</strong> garments <strong>and</strong>, to someextent, also, the bearing <strong>of</strong> harmful bacteria. Apart from outside air, recirculated aircarries fluff from carpets, blankets <strong>and</strong> clothes, dust from paper <strong>and</strong> brought in on shoes<strong>and</strong>, in an industrial application, any dust resulting from the process.The greater the degree <strong>of</strong> filtration, as a rule, the higher the cost <strong>of</strong> the equipment <strong>and</strong>the greater the space occupied. The selection <strong>of</strong> the best filter for a particular applicationtherefore depends on whether great value is placed on a high degree <strong>of</strong> cleanliness or not.It is perhaps worthy <strong>of</strong> note that the staining on ceilings close to the point <strong>of</strong> air supply toa space, seen in many installations after a period <strong>of</strong> use, is more likely to be due tocontamination generated from within the space than to dirt in the outside air.

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