Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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476 Fans <strong>and</strong> air treatment equipment(a) Forward curved (b) Radial (c) Backward curvedFigure 17.2 Types <strong>of</strong> runner in centrifugal formThe three types <strong>of</strong> runner (a), (b) <strong>and</strong> (c), are shown in Figure 17.2.. Propeller type:(a) ordinary propeller or disc fan(b) axial flow.. Mixed flow type.Figure 17.3(a)±(f) gives typical curves for the main types. Paddle-wheel fans arenot given, as they are now little used in ventilating workon account <strong>of</strong> their noise,being confined chiefly to dust removal <strong>and</strong> industrial uses. Radial bladed fans havecharacteristics which are similar to those <strong>of</strong> the backward curved type but withoutthe advantage <strong>of</strong> power limitation. They are not commonly used in ventilation applications.The curves for static pressure, power input, <strong>and</strong> static efficiency are drawn from testsat constant speed, as already described. The base <strong>of</strong> the curve is percentage <strong>of</strong> fullopening <strong>of</strong> the orifice. The vertical scale is percentage <strong>of</strong> pressure, efficiency or powerinput.Forward curvedIt will be noted that the forward-bladed centrifugal fan most commonly used in ventilationreaches a maximum efficiency at about 50% opening, where at the same time thestatic pressure is fairly high. Fans are generally selected to worknear this point. It willalso be observed that the power curve rises continuously. Thus, if in a duct system thepressure loss is less than calculated, the air delivered will be more <strong>and</strong> the power absorbedmore, which may lead to overloading <strong>of</strong> the motor.Backward curvedThis type <strong>of</strong> fan runs at a higher speed to achieve the same output as a forward curved.The efficiency reaches a maximum at about the same point, <strong>and</strong> the power, after reachinga peak, begins to fall. This is called a self-limiting characteristic, <strong>and</strong> means that if themotor installed is large enough to cover this peakit cannot be overloaded. This is <strong>of</strong>tenuseful in cases where the pressure is variable or indeterminate. The pressure curve issmooth without the dip <strong>of</strong> the forward curved; for this reason this kind <strong>of</strong> fan is to bepreferred where two fans are working in parallel. The forward curved type under suchconditions is apt to hunt from one peakto the next, so that one fan may take more than itsshare <strong>of</strong> the load <strong>and</strong> the other much less. The backward-bladed fan is <strong>of</strong>ten made withaer<strong>of</strong>oil blades, so raising efficiency. It is much used in high velocity systems where highpressures are required.

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