Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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462 Ductwork designNoise criteriaIt is common experience that the human ear can tolerate a noise <strong>of</strong> low frequency muchmore than one <strong>of</strong> high frequency, even though <strong>of</strong> equal intensity. Thus it is necessary toconsider frequency in relation to sound measurement <strong>and</strong> for this purpose the spectrum <strong>of</strong>frequencies has been split up into eight octave b<strong>and</strong>s as previously shown in Figure 16.20.Noise criteria curves <strong>and</strong> noise rating curves (NC <strong>and</strong> NR) have been established on asubjective basis <strong>and</strong> each is given a number corresponding to the sound pressure level indecibels in the sixth octave b<strong>and</strong> (1000 Hz). NC curves were much used in the past but nowNR curves are more generally used. For most practical purposes the two sets <strong>of</strong> curves maybe regarded as interchangeable. Figure 16.23 shows NR plots <strong>of</strong> equal tolerance for theeight frequency b<strong>and</strong>s. Acceptable NR values may be classified as follows:NR 25 very quietNR 30 normal living spaceNR 35 spaces with some activityNR 40 busy spacesNR 45 light industryNR 50 heavy industryThe Guide Section Al gives recommended NR values for the design <strong>of</strong> ventilationsystems for various specific applications.A weighting scaleAs pointed out earlier, the ear does not evaluate sounds <strong>of</strong> different pitch in a linearmanner <strong>and</strong> hence weighting scales have been adopted in an attempt to account for this.In practical terms this means a filter is used within a sound level meter which gives more1 2 3 4 5 6 7 880Sound pressure level (db RE 20 N/m )2μ70605040302010062.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000Mid-frequencies <strong>of</strong> octave b<strong>and</strong>s Hz5045403530252015Noise rating (NR)Figure 16.23 Noise rating curves

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