Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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460 Ductwork designxAmplitudeyFigure 16.21 Amplitudes <strong>of</strong> sound powerAmplitudeThe amount <strong>of</strong> energy imparted to the air at point A is termed the sound power, <strong>and</strong> isreferred to in terms <strong>of</strong> watts. Sound power may be visualised as the amplitude at thesource.The amplitude, see Figure 16.21, <strong>of</strong> sound X is greater than Y:X is a loud sound <strong>and</strong>transmits more energy than s<strong>of</strong>t sound Y. The energy involved is represented by powermultiplied by time (W s). Sound power cannot be measured as such; it can however bedetermined from measurements <strong>of</strong> the sound pressure level measured in a room withknown acoustic properties.Sound receivedThe power <strong>of</strong> sound received is termed sound intensity <strong>and</strong> is measured in W/m 2 . Althoughthe sound produced at point A cannot be measured directly, the sound received by the ear±or by a sound meter ± at point B can be expressed in terms <strong>of</strong> pressure variation.The amount <strong>of</strong> variation in pressure <strong>of</strong> the sound waves reaching the receiver ± termedthe sound pressure ± is measured in Pa.The decibel (dB)The units referred to above are absolute values <strong>and</strong> are not convenient for general use.Units <strong>of</strong> reference have therefore been invented <strong>and</strong> are termed the bel <strong>and</strong> decibel(10 dB ˆ 1 bel). They are logarithmic, so that if two sounds differ in magnitude by 1bel, the magnitude <strong>of</strong> one is ten times that <strong>of</strong> the other. Similarly, if the difference is 1 dB,the magnitude <strong>of</strong> one will be about 26% greater.The decibel may be defined as 10 log 10 <strong>of</strong> the ratio between two absolute values suchas levels <strong>of</strong> sound power, sound intensity <strong>and</strong> sound pressure.. Sound power level (with reference to a datum <strong>of</strong> 10 12 watt)ˆ 10 log 10 W/10 2 dBwhere W ˆ actual sound power.. Sound intensity level (with reference to a datum <strong>of</strong> 10 12 watt/m 2 , taken to be threshold<strong>of</strong> hearing)ˆ 10 log 10 I/10 12 dBwhere I ˆ actual sound intensity.

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