Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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Pressure distribution in ducts 449Pressure+0Total pressureTP STP D0BFan RPDCStatic pressureVelocity pressure–ASP = –1 SP = –2 SP = 1 SP = 0TP = 0TP = –1TP = 2VP = 1VP = 1VP = 11 2 3 46 7 8 9FanSuction duct5Discharge ductTP=3 SP <strong>of</strong> Fan = 3 – VP(1)=2TP = 1VP = 1Figure 16.15 Total <strong>and</strong> static pressure changes at a fanvarying velocities. The velocity pressure is more generally not recovered, though sufficientmust remain at the duct termination to eject the air at the required velocity.Where, however, by careful design <strong>of</strong> the fan discharge exp<strong>and</strong>er, the velocity pressureis converted to static pressure (probably to the extent <strong>of</strong> about 75%), this additionalpressure may be reckoned as augmenting the static pressure <strong>of</strong> the fan.The pressure generated by a fan may be better understood by study <strong>of</strong> Figure 16.15:. The total fan pressure is defined as the algebraic difference between the mean totalpressure at the fan outlet <strong>and</strong> the mean total pressure at the fan inlet.. The total pressure on the suction side, as will be seen from this figure, is TP s , i.e. thenegative pressure AO minus the velocity pressure equivalent to AB.. The total pressure TP D on the discharge side is similarly the static pressure OC plus thevelocity pressure CD.It has previously been explained that we are concerned only with the resistancepressure set up by the fan <strong>and</strong> this, as may be seen, is the difference in pressure <strong>of</strong> pointsB <strong>and</strong> C.We can arrive at the static pressure by measuring the total pressure <strong>of</strong> the fan as by theU-tube 5, <strong>and</strong> deducting therefrom the velocity pressure as given by difference betweengauges 6 <strong>and</strong> 7. Such a method is valid only if the velocity in suction <strong>and</strong> discharge ducts isthe same.The other U-tubes indicate the pressures at the various points along suction <strong>and</strong>discharge ducts, <strong>and</strong> their meaning will be apparent.If a fan has suction ducting only, the static pressure produced for overcoming friction<strong>of</strong> ducting will be represented by OB (a negative pressure), since the discharge will be at

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