Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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394 Air-conditioningPrimaryair2 Pipeconnections(not shown)DamperclosedDamperopenSingle coilDrain pan(a) (Shown in metal case) (b)Watercontrolvalve2 PipeconnectionsPrimaryairSinglecoilHeating <strong>and</strong>cooling coilsPrimaryairWater controlvalves(c)(Shown in timber case)(d)4Pipe connections<strong>and</strong> drainFigure 14.21 Alternative control arrangements for induction unitsthe return air from the room is drawn either through the coils for heating or cooling, orthe coils are bypassed to a greater or lesser extent. In the type shown in Figure 14.21 (c),control is by variation <strong>of</strong> water flow: increase in water flow is required to lower the airtemperature during the cooling cycle, <strong>and</strong> increase in flowis required to raise the airtemperature in the heating cycle. There is thus required some means <strong>of</strong> change-over <strong>of</strong>thermostat operation according to whether the winter or summer cycle is required.An alternative method, using the so-called non-change-over system, avoids this problemby always circulating cool water through the coils <strong>of</strong> the induction units <strong>and</strong> varying theprimary air temperature according to weather only. Thus, throughout the year, theheating or cooling potential <strong>of</strong> the primary air is adjusted to suit that component <strong>of</strong>dem<strong>and</strong> imposed upon the system, or zone <strong>of</strong> the system, by orientation, by outsidetemperature or by wind effect. Any other variant ± solar radiation, heat from lighting oroccupancy ± will necessarily produce a local heat gain <strong>and</strong> the sensible cooling needed to<strong>of</strong>fset this will be provided by the capacity <strong>of</strong> the unit coils under local control. In so far as

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