Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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All-air systems 383<strong>of</strong> the air±water system since the additional cooling load is h<strong>and</strong>led by the water circuits; theair ducts being unaffected. There is, in consequence, a practical limit to the level <strong>of</strong> heat gainthat can be dealt with satisfactorily by an all-air system.To complement high velocity supply systems, where space for ductwork distribution islimited, consideration may be given to using a high velocity extract system, but this willimpose additional initial cost <strong>and</strong> subsequent running costs.All-air systemsSimple systemsThese, the most primitive <strong>of</strong> high velocity systems, differ from their traditional counterpartsby the form <strong>of</strong> the terminals used to overcome problems arising from noisegenerated in the air distribution system. To this end, a variety <strong>of</strong> single-duct air volumecontrol devices has been developed to provide for the transition between a high velocitydistribution system <strong>and</strong> air outlets local to the conditioned spaces. The terminal box, withoctopus distribution section illustrated in Figure 14.8, is typical <strong>of</strong> equipment producedfor this purpose. It consists, in principle, <strong>of</strong> an acoustically lined chamber provided with asophisticated air volume damper or `pressure reducing valve': such dampers are in someinstances fitted with self-actuated devices, others have powered actuators, arranged sothat they may be set to provide constant or variable output volume under conditions <strong>of</strong>varying input pressure. Such devices are a considerable aid in regulating air flowquantitiesduring the commissioning process.Simple all-air systems will provide adequate service in circumstances where the loadimposed is either constant or will vary in a uniform manner for the area served thusallowing temperature control by means <strong>of</strong> adjustment to temperature <strong>of</strong> the supply air atthe central plant.Ceiling diffuserHigh velocitysupplyFlexibleconnectionVolume control deviceOctopus sectionLow velocitybranchFigure 14.8 Single-duct high velocity terminal box

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