Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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366 Ventilationbe noted that, as a result <strong>of</strong> the direction <strong>of</strong> a large proportion <strong>of</strong> the air supply to theventuri slots within the ceiling troughs, the air change rate in the occupied area is reducedpro rata. This reduced level will lead to a reduction in air velocity through servery hatches<strong>and</strong>, in the majority <strong>of</strong> cases, provide a more comfortable working environment for thekitchen staff.Ductwork connectionsDuctwork generally is dealt with in Chapter 16 (p. 436) but that for kitchens, whethersupply or exhaust, is a special case. In many instances, with a view to cleanliness, modernkitchens with canopies are provided with a false ceiling to conceal down-st<strong>and</strong>ing beams,ducting, pipework <strong>and</strong> electrical conduits, etc. It is <strong>of</strong>ten argued that the resultant voidcould, if adequate in depth, be used as a plenum for supply air, with ducting reduced toshort lengths <strong>and</strong> bell mouths, or as a suction chamber at negative pressure for exhaustair. Poor site workmanship by building contractors <strong>and</strong> the natural permeability <strong>of</strong> moststructures <strong>and</strong> materials should be taken into account <strong>and</strong> also the inevitability <strong>of</strong> a longtermcleaning problem.As far as supply air is concerned, use <strong>of</strong> such a ceiling void would be practicable only ifthere were absolutely no possibility <strong>of</strong> fouling by a noxious leak from, say, a waste pipe ora gas service or, furthermore, that there would be no possibility that a requirement foraccess, perhaps for maintenance, would ever occur.It goes without saying that canopies should always be connected directly by sheet metalducting to the suction side <strong>of</strong> the exhaust fan. Similarly, in the case <strong>of</strong> exhaust from akitchen through a ventilated ceiling, sheet metal suction chambers above the ceiling <strong>and</strong>sheet metal ducting to the fan suction therefrom is much to be preferred. In the interests <strong>of</strong>cleanliness <strong>and</strong> as a precaution against fire, facilities for cleaning, by way <strong>of</strong> access holes<strong>and</strong> covers, should be provided at regular intervals along all exhaust ductwork. As acounsel <strong>of</strong> perfection, similar access on supply ductwork is desirable.Special applicationsIt is not possible within the scope <strong>of</strong> this present chapter to deal with the whole range <strong>of</strong>dem<strong>and</strong>s for ventilation which are imposed by specialist applications. The notes includedin the following paragraphs are therefore no more than an introduction to the widevariety <strong>of</strong> those dem<strong>and</strong>s.Smoke control in escape routesWith the advent <strong>of</strong> tall buildings <strong>and</strong>, in their wake, a greater necessity for mechanical airmovement in the occupied areas <strong>and</strong> the greater use <strong>of</strong> internal stair <strong>and</strong> lift cores, somefire authorities realised that the traditional approach to smoke control throughout escaperoutes <strong>and</strong> firefighting shafts required re-examination. As a result, the concept <strong>of</strong> airpressurisation to those routes has received much attention. In view<strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong>the subject, it is necessary to refer the reader to BS 5588: Part 4: 1998, Code <strong>of</strong> Practice forSmoke Control using Pressure Differentials, which provides a detailed approach to theproblem, sets minimum requirements <strong>of</strong> pressure <strong>and</strong> air velocities to be achieved,calculation methods together with details <strong>of</strong> equipment specification.

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