Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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Condensate return pumping unitsSteam pressure reduction 223In instances where either distance or site levels make it impossible for condensate to bereturned to the boiler plant by gravity flow, it may be delivered either piecemeal or inquantity to some convenient central point where a built-up pumping unit <strong>of</strong> the type shownin Figure 8.21 is sited. Such condensate receiver sets are made to a range <strong>of</strong> manufacturers'ratings <strong>and</strong> consist <strong>of</strong> a cylinder fitted with a float operated switch which is mounted abovea pump or pumps. The cylinder is sized to accommodate about one <strong>and</strong> a half to twice themaximum quantity <strong>of</strong> condensate returned per minute <strong>and</strong> each pump is rated to empty thecylinder in about two minutes. In order to avoid any possibility <strong>of</strong> pressure build up, thecylinder must be provided with an open vent to atmosphere, terminating in what is knownas an exhaust head from which a drain pipe must be run to a safe position.Super-lifting steam trapsWhere it is difficult to provide for a pipe run from isolated items <strong>of</strong> equipment to conveycondensate back to a condensate receiver set, use may be made <strong>of</strong> a super-lifting trapwhich is, in effect, a steam-pressure-operated pump, Figure 8.22. A small vented receiveris required to collect incoming condensate which then feeds the trap, in preparation forintermittent discharge.Steam pressure reductionWhere, for some industrial process, it may have been necessary to generate steam at apressure quite unsuitable for heating purposes, some means <strong>of</strong> reduction will be necessary.For this purpose, pressure-reducing valves are available, as in Figure 8.23. It has beenexplained earlier, on pp. 162±63, that dry-saturated steam entering a valve <strong>of</strong> this type willproduce a super-heated output. However, if there were some level <strong>of</strong> wetness in the enteringstream, as is probable at the end <strong>of</strong> a long pipe run, <strong>and</strong> some losses following pressurereduction then the condition at the reduced pressure may approach that <strong>of</strong> saturation.As in the case <strong>of</strong> steam traps, the provision <strong>of</strong> a pressure reducing valve involvesinstallation <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> auxiliary components as shown in Figure 8.24, the completearray being known as a pressure reducing set.Condense inlet Vent/exhaust Level controlControlsPumpdischargeDuplicatepumpsTo suittemperatureFigure 8.21 Condensate pump <strong>and</strong> receiver unit

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