Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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Pumps 209Pressure21kPa434032324(a)(b)Volume4.3 4.8 litre/sFigure 8.7 Centrifugal pumps. Application to systemssquare <strong>of</strong> the water velocity <strong>and</strong> hence <strong>of</strong> the quantity flowing. Taking any given systemtherefore, once the pressure loss has been determined for one flow quantity (see Chapter9), other values may be produced as the basis for plotting a curve which represents thepressure reaction <strong>of</strong> that system to varying rates <strong>of</strong> water throughput.Two characteristic curves produced in this manner are plotted in Figure 8.7(a), thatmarked `1' being for a system having a relatively low resistance in comparison with thatmarked `2'. The use <strong>of</strong> such curves is illustrated in Figure 8.7(b) where that having thehigher resistance is superimposed upon the pump volume/pressure characteristic reproducedfrom Figure 8.1(b). The point at which the system curve intersects with the pumpcurve represents the duty at which that particular combination would operate, i.e.4.8 litre/s against a pressure <strong>of</strong> 40 kPa. As an example <strong>of</strong> the type <strong>of</strong> adjustment to suchan intersection which may be required in practice, let us assume that a flow rate <strong>of</strong> 4.3 litre/sis critical to the operation <strong>of</strong> the system. There are two obvious ways in which this may beproduced, as shown in the diagram:. By adding resistance to the system (part closing a valve or some other similar action)such that a new system characteristic is developed, as `3', where 4.3 litre/s will bedelivered against a pressure <strong>of</strong> 43 kPa.or. By reducing the speed <strong>of</strong> the pump by 10% (changing a pulley or an impeller) such thata new pump characteristic is developed, as `4', where 4.3 litre/s will be delivered againsta pressure <strong>of</strong> 32 kPa.The second alternative would be preferred in this case since less energy will be expended.Pump applicationThe duties required <strong>of</strong> centrifugal pumps may be related to the heating capacity <strong>of</strong> asystem, these then being translated to litre/s. Mass flow <strong>of</strong> water is thus, in this respect, theenergy output in kW divided by the specific heat capacity <strong>of</strong> water <strong>and</strong> by the temperaturedifferential across the system, flow to return. For all practical purposes, therefore, over

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