Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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148 Indirect heating systemsin continental practice but these relate to circumstances which have little relevance togood practice in the British Isles.The types <strong>of</strong> heat emitting equipment (see Chapter 7) which are most suited to lowtemperature hot water are floor-panel coils embedded within sheaths (Panelite); heatedacoustic ceilings; metal radiant panels; radiators <strong>of</strong> all types <strong>and</strong> natural or fan convectors.Medium temperature hot waterIt could be argued that systems <strong>of</strong> this type originated from those which enjoyed a voguein about 1920, when fitted with a device known as a heat generator. This was an item <strong>of</strong>static equipment, containing a mercury column <strong>and</strong> reservoir, which was interposedbetween the feed <strong>and</strong> expansion cistern <strong>and</strong> the boiler. The effect was to multiply thepressure available by density difference <strong>and</strong> thus permit the working temperature to beelevated accordingly.As now understood, however, systems <strong>of</strong> this type were so identified in the early 1950s<strong>and</strong>, as such, were advocated as being a compromise between low <strong>and</strong> high temperaturepractice. As will be noted later, high temperature systems at that time used steam boilertechniques to apply pressure, split-casing circulating pumps with water cooled gl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong>either high quality welding or flanged joints for pipework. These, needless to say, arecorrespondingly costly.It was suggested that medium temperature systems could be constructed using whatwere, effectively, the best <strong>of</strong> low temperature equipment <strong>and</strong> methods. The use <strong>of</strong> screwedjoints was proposed <strong>and</strong> adopted for valves <strong>and</strong> other fittings but, for most pipeworkjoints, welding <strong>of</strong> an adequate commercial st<strong>and</strong>ard was becoming the more economicapproach. A further concurrent development was the introduction <strong>of</strong> the factory madegas pressurisation sets which will be referred to later.Taking mid-point temperatures from the ranges in Table 6.2, the differential, water toair, in a medium temperature system would be 105 20 ˆ 85 K whereas that in a hightemperature system would be 132 20 ˆ 112 K. To achieve the same output, therefore,the medium temperature system would need to have over 40% more radiant heatingsurface. Nevertheless, there are many compensating advantages in terms <strong>of</strong> capital <strong>and</strong>running costs for smaller installations <strong>and</strong>, for these reasons, it has come to be acceptedthat medium temperature systems are best applied where the overall load is not greaterthan about 2.5±3.0 MW.Most designers prefer to equip medium temperature systems with one or other <strong>of</strong> thepackaged pressurising sets which are described in more detail later. However, it is possiblein some instances to provide adequate pressure from a cistern elevated above the highestpoint <strong>of</strong> the system. A central boiler plant providing primary water to heat exchangers atbasement or ground level in each <strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong> buildings, might be so arranged. As in thecase <strong>of</strong> pressure so applied to thermal storage vessels, Figure 5.11, it is necessary to takesteps to ensure that heated water from the system does not circulate within the expansionpipe <strong>and</strong> rise to the cistern.As an example <strong>of</strong> pressure so applied, consider a cistern mounted 17 m above anypipework carrying water at system flow temperature. A gauge pressure would be producedat that point <strong>of</strong> 17 9:81 ˆ 167 kPa corresponding to 167 ‡ 101 ˆ 268 kPa absolute.From Table 6.1 it will be seen that an absolute vapour pressure <strong>of</strong> 270 kPa relates toa temperature <strong>of</strong> 130 C <strong>and</strong> thus, allowing for a 10 K safety margin, the system could bedesigned to operate with a flow temperature <strong>of</strong> 120 C.

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