Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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146 Indirect heating systemsTable 6.3 Variation in size <strong>of</strong> heat emitting equipment with water temperatureType <strong>of</strong> heatemitting unitComparative length <strong>of</strong> heat emitting unitfor following temperature differentials (K)water to air at 20 C55 45 35 25 15Primarily radiant 1 1.29 1.79 2.83 5.46Primarily convective 1 1.35 1.95 3.31 7.14increase in size <strong>of</strong> terminal heat emitting equipment, as Table 6.3. Of equal importance,however, is the reaction <strong>of</strong> occupants who cannot be convinced that a space is heatedadequately by a radiator, however large, which is `never more than just warm'!As a result <strong>of</strong> these two similar but conflicting considerations, the concept <strong>of</strong> bivalencehas emerged. This is a term adopted by the now defunct Electricity Council to representthe use, in parallel, <strong>of</strong> two energy sources to meet a common requirement. The principalapplication to date has been to demonstrate that a warm water source <strong>and</strong> a boiler plantmay be arranged to work together throughout a heating season, the former carrying theload in mid-seasons <strong>and</strong> the latter taking over during periods <strong>of</strong> extreme weather. Aheating analysis chart has been designed to provide a basis for representation <strong>of</strong> theproportions <strong>of</strong> the annual load which may be supported by either <strong>of</strong> the two energysources <strong>and</strong> a simplified version is included here in Figure 6.1.Low temperature hot waterUnder this heading fall most <strong>of</strong> the systems fitted in domestic, commercial <strong>and</strong>institutional premises. The basis for the operating temperature is the traditional practice<strong>of</strong> providing that such systems should be connected above the highest point to afeed <strong>and</strong> expansion cistern open to atmosphere. Thus, a temperature <strong>of</strong> 82 C (180 F)was chosen for two reasons, first because it provided a reasonably wide margin withrespect to boiling point at atmospheric pressure <strong>and</strong> second because it left sometolerance within that margin for elevation to perhaps 90 C under sub-normal weatherconditions.The water in a heating system exp<strong>and</strong>s when the temperature is raised <strong>and</strong> the purpose<strong>of</strong> the feed <strong>and</strong> expansion cistern is to receive the additional volume when the system ishot <strong>and</strong> return it when the system cools down. In following this cycle, the water contentremains relatively unchanged <strong>and</strong> the scaling or corrosion which might arise from theadmission <strong>and</strong> rejection <strong>of</strong> fresh water each time is largely avoided.The volume <strong>of</strong> expansion over any temperature range may be found from Table 6.1since the mass remains constant. Thus, between 10 C <strong>and</strong> 100 C for example, it is(999:7 958:3)/958:3 ˆ 4:32% or one twenty-third <strong>of</strong> the original volume. Manufacturers'literature must be consulted for the water content <strong>of</strong> equipment since this variesgreatly with pattern:Table 6.4 provides that information for pipework.Of recent years, an ever increasing proportion <strong>of</strong> systems in this category has beenprovided with means, by way <strong>of</strong> a pressure cylinder as noted later in Chapter 8, todispense with the open cistern. Nevertheless, although an output temperature <strong>of</strong> about80 C may have originated in an era when h<strong>and</strong> firing with coke without any form <strong>of</strong>automatic control was the norm, no good reason to ab<strong>and</strong>on it has yet been advanced.Furthermore, for domestic <strong>and</strong> most commercial premises, where operating skills <strong>and</strong>

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