Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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Equipment for central stores 135As to the first <strong>of</strong> these developments, it might seem odd at first sight that any application<strong>of</strong> the storage principle to a hot water heating system should be via three-stage heatexchange, first ± energy to core, second ± core to air; <strong>and</strong> third ± air to water. The reasonsare not hard to find. As to core capacity, Table 5.7 has shown that water at atmosphericpressure compares unfavourably as a storage medium, in terms <strong>of</strong> both mass <strong>and</strong> volume,with the other materials now used. As to heat transfer, it is possible to conceive anarrangement which would have water pipes embedded in a refractory core but, withtemperatures there <strong>of</strong> 750 C, the prospect <strong>of</strong> any sort <strong>of</strong> control failure is uninvitingquite apart from construction problems.Warm air unitsExtensively publicised under the `Electricaire' label, such units are no more than largeversions <strong>of</strong> storage fan heaters, arranged to serve as a heat source either to an extendedspace or to multiple rooms via an indirect system <strong>of</strong> air-duct distribution. Figure 5.7illustrates one pattern where the heat store is mounted above the fan, mixing box <strong>and</strong>outlet plenum chamber. The reverse arrangement, with the heat store at the bottom, ispreferred by some.Typical equipment <strong>of</strong> this type will have the dimensions, etc., listed in Table 5.10 for arange <strong>of</strong> input ratings between 6 <strong>and</strong> 100 kW. The not inconsiderable floor loadingimposed by the larger sizes should be noted as should the fact that a three-phase powersupply may sometimes be required. Output, usually arranged by admixture with recirculatedair from the heated space in a similar manner to that described for the smallerCasingInsulationCast iron coreMixing damper(core output <strong>and</strong>return air)FilterReturn airFanSupplySupplyFigure 5.7 Warm air unit

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