Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology

Book - School of Science and Technology


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Factors affecting choice 119Fuel Unit sold Heat per unit sold To produce 100 MJNatural gas kWh 0.036 27.77 kWhBottled gas (propane) litre 0.256 3.309 litreSolid fuel kg 0.279 3.584 kgLiquid fuel litre 0.356 2.808 litreElectricity kWh 0.036 27.77 kWhIf unit prices, roughly representative <strong>of</strong> a domestic situation (<strong>and</strong> reflecting the competitivepricing following privatisation <strong>of</strong> gas <strong>and</strong> electricity supplies) at the time <strong>of</strong> goingto press, are put against these figures, then the unit costs in each case per 100 MJ <strong>of</strong> heatinput potential, excluding adjustment for any imposition <strong>of</strong> VAT are:Fuel Unit price Units per 100 MJ Cost per 100 MJNatural gas 1.4 p 27.77 ˆ 39 pPropane 35.0 p 3.906 ˆ 137 pCoal (singles) 28.0 p 3.584 ˆ 100 pOil (class D) 16.2 p 2.808 ˆ 46 pElectricity(on peak) 5.9 p 27.77 ˆ 163 p(<strong>of</strong>f peak) 2.6 p 27.77 ˆ 72 pExcept in the case <strong>of</strong> direct electrical heating <strong>and</strong>, to a lesser extent direct gas heating,these figures do not represent the cost <strong>of</strong> the heat as delivered to the point <strong>of</strong> use. In anindirect system there will have been a loss in the conversion <strong>of</strong> raw energy during thecombustion process in the boiler <strong>and</strong> to the chimney, say 20% with solid fuel <strong>and</strong> 15%with oil or gas. In addition, some heat will have been lost from the pipework system enroute to the space to be served ± mains loss ± which may amount to another 5% in certaincircumstances.Other factors affect fuel consumption such as controllability, no-load losses overnight<strong>and</strong> intermittent operation generally. For instance, an electrical storage system may havelosses during the night as it charges but some part <strong>of</strong> these may be absorbed in thebuilding structure; in contrast, boiler plant burning heavy fuel oil may carry an indirect 24hour penalty as a result <strong>of</strong> electrical consumption for fuel preheating or pumping <strong>and</strong>,similarly, gas firing may carry the penalty <strong>of</strong> pressure boosting as well as that <strong>of</strong> apermanent pilot for ignition. Each case merits separate evaluation.

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