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Project AthenaImagine a fairy godmother meetsThe Amazing Race. This storyis better than a script Hollywoodcould have dreamed up! Five femaleadventure athletes who’vesurvived life-affirming struggleshave launched a foundation to grantthe wishes of other women who’vehad medical or traumatic setbacksin their lives. Invoking the nameof the Greek goddess of war andwisdom, the group has dubbed itseffort “Project Athena.”Project Athena founders say theirorganization will grant “Athenaships”,which are similar to scholarships,that will completely fundand outfit the adventurous wishesof each recipient. Their mission isquite simple. “Someone may wantto trek to Everest Base Camp orrun a marathon,” said co-founderRobin Benincasa, ”Through ourown experiences, we know thehopelessness survivors battle. It isour intent to honor that by helpingthese women achieve their life longdreams of an adventure.”Once you’ve learned more aboutthese amazing and inspiring womenwho founded Project Athena,you will understand why their selfproclaimedtitles are guaranteedto bring a smile, but why they are“jobs” these adventure warriorstake seriously.Robin Benincasa, AKA “Ministerof Dreams”, has competed in morethan 35 expedition-length adventureraces. She has claimed top5 finishes in most of those races,including winning EcoChallengeBorneo in 2000. Benincasa wasdiagnosed with severe osteoarthritisin her hip and underwent hip resurfacingsurgery in August 2007.She captains co-ed adventure racingteam Merrell/Zanfel <strong>Adventure</strong>and works full time as a San Diegofirefighter.Danelle Ballengee, “Seraphim ofSurvival”, has won world championshipsin mountain running,snowshoeing and adventure racingover the past decade. She was alsopart of the winning team for PrimalQuest in 2004. In December 2006,Ballengee survived a near deathexperience after taking a fall whiletraining near Moab, Utah. Shespent most of 2007 recovering, butreturned to competition and tookfirst place in the women’s solo divisionof the <strong>Adventure</strong> Xstream adventurerace. In August 2008, shebegan a new adventure – as momto baby Noah!Melissa Cleary, “Angel of Hope”,was left bed bound for months aftera car accident years ago. “I remembertelling myself that when I gotbetter, I would never sit still again,”said Cleary. Since that vow, shehas run more than 40 marathons,including Nepal’s Hillary/TenzingMarathon on Mt. Everest and China’sGreat Wall Marathon. Despitehaving Rheumatoid Arthristis, sheruns every day. Cleary works withBenincasa as a San Diego firefighter(she drives the engine!).Louise Cooper, “Chief InspirationOfficer”, was diagnosed withbreast cancer in 1998. The cancerwas so aggressive, experts said itwas guaranteed to return. Cooperis going strong and has finishedseven Ironman Triathlons, and justas many EcoChallenge adventureraces. Now, she plans to climb thehighest summit on each of the sevencontinents. Four down, three togo! Cooper is an elementary school<strong>Adventure</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> May 2009 38

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