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EMS NewsEMS Executive Committee Meeting inLondon from the 28th of February tothe 2nd of March 2014Stephen Huggett (University of Plymouth, UK)MembershipThe Treasurer reported that at the Council meeting thisyear several Societies (hence, Full Members) would beapplying to move up a class. The Executive Committeewas also pleased to agree to elect the European SetTheory Society to Associate Membership of the EMS,and to approve the list of about 80 new individual members.The Publicity Officer Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov reportedthat, as planned, a selection of institutions in theUK, France, and Germany had been sent a letter and aposter, inviting them to consider joining the EMS. ThePresident reported that she had done the same in Spain.This process would continue with Italy and Holland.The webThe consultant, Robert Carr, presented his proposal fora redesign of the EMS web site. There would be a prototypeready soon, and he requested feedback on it. Thefinished site would be ready to show Council. The ExecutiveCommittee approved this process, and thankedRobert.Lucia Di Vizio presented a paper giving detailed usagestatistics for our Newsletter presence on both Facebookand Twitter. Her report was welcomed by the ExecutiveCommittee.Scientific MeetingsVolker Mehrmann reported that in addition to the usualmathematical programme, the 7th European Congressof Mathematics would include a mathematical film festival,a public lecture on mathematics and architecture,a student conference, and historical lectures and walks.It was agreed that the membership of the NeugebauerPrize Committee can be made public, as can the Chair ofthe Klein Prize Committee. The Treasurer reported thatFoundation Compositio Mathematica is happy to fundabout half of the cost of the EMS prizes. The membershipof the EMS Prize Committee was discussed. Finally,it was agreed that Michael Atiyah and Jean-Pierre Bourguignonbe suggested as the EMS representatives on theHirzebruch Lecture panel.The Executive Committee discussed the First JointInternational Meeting RSME–SCM–SEMA–SIMAI–UMI, to be held in Bilbao from June 30th to July 4th 2014,which looks very strong. Jouko Väänänen suggested thatthe EMS organise a lecture about (and visit to) the RichardSerra sculptures in the Guggenheim Museum.Armen Sergeev reported on the Caucasian MathematicsConference, to be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, on the5th and 6th of September 2014 under the auspices of theEuropean Mathematical Society and the cooperationof the Armenian, Azerbaijan, Georgian, Iranian, Russianand Turkish Mathematical Societies.The six invitedspeakers, one from each of the six participating countries,had now been finalised. Funds from the EMS SolidarityCommittee would be used to support some of the invitedspeakers and two young mathematicians from eachcountry.EMS Council 2014The President reported that local preparations for the2014 meeting of Council in Donostia/San Sebastián werevery good, and that details were almost ready to be publishedon the Council web site. The Executive Committeethen considered whether to propose to Council anyamendments to the Statutes. It was agreed that the By-Laws 10–12 might be reviewed, in order to ensure thatdelegates were members of the EMS. After a detaileddiscussion of the membership fees it was agreed to proposesmall increases for both corporate and individualmembers. The draft agenda for Council was agreed inoutline, except that it should include a presentation ofthe web site, which would form part of the report fromthe Executive Committee.Standing CommitteesJosé Antonio Carrillo presented the report of the AppliedMathematics Committee, noting in particular thatthe Bedlewo Summer School is now confirmed. ThenVolker Mehrmann reported on the EU-MATHS-INproject, which is applying for support under COST.Alice Fialowski presented the report from the Chairof the Committee for Developing Countries, noting thatnone of the new Emerging Regional Centres of Excellenceunder consideration is from Africa.The Treasurer introduced the draft position paper onOpen Access from the Publications Committee. It wasagreed that this was very important, but the ExecutiveCommittee would only comment in detail once a morenearly final draft had been received. Gert-Martin Greuelobserved that it was unique to this paper that the role oflibraries was analysed.Gert-Martin Greuel reported that IMAGINARYwould be having an exhibition at the ICM in Seoul andat the next ECM in Berlin, and the platform www.im-EMS Newsletter June 2014 7

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