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EMS Newsthis, an open map of all mathematics museums on ourplanet was prepared – yes, there are many more thanone might think!IMAGINARY is constantly evolving and always welcomesexciting new contributions and ideas (for examplethe game http://2048.imaginary.org).The Newsletter thanks IMAGINARY, and in particularAndreas Daniel Matt, for providing the cover illustration.Gert-Martin Greuel is a professor at theUniversity of Kaiserslautern. His researchinterests are algebraic geometry, singularitytheory and computer algebra. He is one ofthe authors of the computer algebra systemSingular. Since January 2012, he has beenEditor-in-Chief of Zentralblatt MATH. UntilMarch 2013, he was the Director of theMathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO)and at present he is the scientific adviser of IMAGINARY.Andreas Daniel Matt is a mathematicscommunicator at the Mathematisches ForschungsinstitutOberwolfach. He studiedmathematics and computer science and didhis PhD in mathematics in machine learningat the University of Innsbruck and theUniversity of Buenos Aires. Since 2007, hehas coordinated the project IMAGINARY.He also curates the MiMa Museum for Minerals andMathematics, Oberwolfach.Antonia S. J. S.Mey is a postdoctoral researcherin the Mathematics and ComputerScience Department at the Free University,Berlin. She completed her PhD at the Universityof Nottingham in theoretical physics.Her research interests lie in appliedmathematics and focus on stochastic estimatorsand Markov state models and theirapplications to biological problems. Since 2014, she hasbeen a member of the IMAGINARY team.AMS-EMS-SPM InternationalMeeting 2015,10–13 June 2015, Porto, PortugalThe meeting will bring together the American Mathematical Society (AMS), the European Mathematical Society(EMS) and the hosting Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM) in the UNESCO world heritage city ofPorto.The scientific scope of this meeting ranges from plenary talks of general interest to special sessions focusing oncurrent research in specific areas. There will be distinguished Invited Addresses, an evening Public Lecture anda variety of Special Sessions.List of invited speakers:Marcus du Sautoy (evening Public Lecture), University of Oxford, UKRui Loja Fernandes, University of Illinois, USAIrene Fonseca, Carnegie Mellon University, USAAnnette Huber-Klawitter, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, GermanyMikhail Khovanov, Columbia University, USAAndré Neves, Imperial College London, UKSylvia Serfaty, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, FranceGigliola Staffilani, MIT, USAMarcelo Viana, Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilFor more information see http://aep-math2015.spm.pt/6 EMS Newsletter June 2014

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