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EMS NewsSURFER installation at the IMAGINARY exhibition in Belgrade, 2012. Cedric Villani inaugurating the IMAGINARY exhibition in Paris, 2010.at the 10th anniversary pi-day celebrations in Dar esSalaam, Tanzania. The event was attended by over 2000schoolchildren and their teachers from three universities,33 secondary schools and 14 primary schools. In November2014, a workshop and exhibition will be organisedin Cape Town to plan future mathematics communicationactivities with partners on the African continent. Atthe same time, IMAGINARY’s travelling exhibitions arecurrently on tour or planned for the coming months inGermany, Russia, Spain, Norway, Portugal and Hungary.But most certainly, the planned highlight is an IMAGI-NARY exhibition organised by the NIMS institute at theICM in Seoul, South Korea, in August, which will be thelargest IMAGINARY exhibition yet, featuring all modulesof previous years, as well as new software, images,films and sculptures. Following the IMAGINARY philosophy,we invite all mathematicians to send us their latestimages, films or software programs to be included atthe ICM exhibition.The IMAGINARY pick and mix science stand hasbecome a franchise (non-commercial and open), whereyou can taste new maths and bring your own ideas. Ithas grown from a single exhibition into a collaborativeframework and community driven movement withIMAGINARY teams in several countries. The RoyalSpanish Mathematical Society (RSME), for example,has already organised more than 15 exhibitions andseveral museum installations. The question now is howdoes IMAGINARY continue? A new project is to connectmodern mathematics and current research to outreach.Mathematicians visiting the MFO are asked towrite about their current work but for a general public.These so-called “snapshots of modern mathematics”are then reviewed and edited and distributed throughthe project. Another new idea is to increase networkingbetween mathematics communicators. To kick startThe Lorenz attractor by Jos Leys, an image submitted at the MPEcompetition. Young IMAGINARY fans, 2008.EMS Newsletter June 2014 5

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