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AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETYASYMPTOPIAJoel Spencer, New York UniversityWith Laura Florescu, New York UniversityAsymptotics in one form or another are part of the landscape for everymathematician. The objective of this book is to present the ideas of how to approachasymptotic problems that arise in discrete mathematics, analysis of algorithms, andnumber theory. A broad range of topics is covered, including distribution of primeintegers, Erdös Magic, random graphs, Ramsey numbers, and asymptotic geometry.Student Mathematical Library, Vol. 71Jun 2014 195pp 9781470409043 Paperback €36.00ANALYSIS OF STOCHASTIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSDavar Khoshnevisan, University of UtahThe stochastic PDEs that are studied in this book are similar to the familiar PDEfor heat in a thin rod, but with the additional restriction that the external forcingdensity is a two-parameter stochastic process, or what is more commonly the case,the forcing is a “random noise,” also known as a “generalized random field.” Atseveral points in the lectures, there are examples that highlight the phenomenon thatstochastic PDEs are not a subset of PDEs.CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, Vol. 119Jul 2014 116pp 9781470415471 Paperback €34.00A co-publication of the AMS and CBMSTHE GEOMETRIZATION CONJECTUREJohn Morgan, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics & Gang Tian, Princeton University andPeking UniversityProvides a complete proof of the geometrization conjecture, which describes allcompact 3-manifolds in terms of geometric pieces. The method is to understand thelimits as time goes to infinity of Ricci flow with surgery. The first half of the book isdevoted to showing that these limits divide naturally along incompressible tori intopieces on which the metric is converging smoothly to hyperbolic metrics and piecesthat are locally more and more volume collapsed. The second half of the book isdevoted to showing that the latter pieces are themselves geometric.Clay Mathematics Monographs, Vol. 5May 2014 291pp 9780821852019 Hardback €73.00A co-publication of the AMS and Clay Mathematics InstituteMATHEMATICS ACROSS THE IRON CURTAINA History of the Algebraic Theory of SemigroupsChristopher HollingsThe theory of semigroups is a relatively young branch of mathematics, with most ofthe major results having appeared after the Second World War. This book describesthe evolution of (algebraic) semigroup theory from its earliest origins to theestablishment of a full-fledged theory. Semigroup theory might be termed “Cold Warmathematics” because of the time during which it developed. There were thrivingschools on both sides of the Iron Curtain, although the two sides were not alwaysable to communicate with each other, or even gain access to the other’s publications.History of Mathematics, Vol. 41Sep 2014 449pp 9781470414931 Hardback €99.00To order AMS titles visit www.eurospanbookstore.com/amsCUSTOMER SERVICES:Tel: +44 (0)1767 604972Fax: +44 (0)1767 601640Email: eurospan@turpin-distribution.comFURTHER INFORMATION:Tel: +44 (0)20 7240 0856Fax: +44 (0)20 7379 0609Email: info@eurospangroup.comdistributed by Eurospan|group

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