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Mathematics EducationNad’a Vondrová (Chair) and Jarmila Novotná (Co-Chair) are in charge of the local organisation.The chief aims of the ERME are to promote communication,cooperation and collaboration in researchin mathematics education in Europe, in order to knowmore about research and research interests in differentEuropean countries and to create opportunities forinter-European cooperation between researchers incollaborative projects. This conference is designed as astarting point in promoting these aims in a communicativespirit.In order to achieve these goals, CERME deliberatelyand distinctively moves away from research presentationsby individuals towards collaborative group work.Its main feature is the Thematic Working Group (TWG),whose members work together on a common researchdomain. TWGs will have about 12 hours over four daysin which to meet and progress their work. Each ThematicWorking Group (TWG) should aim to provide a goodscientific debate with the purpose of deepening mutualknowledge about the problems and methods of researchin the field. Conference participants are expected to workwithin just one group.There will be about 20 Thematic Working Groupsat CERME 9: details about the focus of each group canbe accessed from the list of the TWGs on the CERME9 website. Researchers wishing to have their work discussedat the conference should submit a paper or a posterproposal to one of these TWGs. CERME papers andposters must be about research (empirical, theoretical ordevelopmental). In addition, there will be plenary activitiesand a poster session.The deadline for submission of papers will be 15 September;the deadline for poster proposals will be 1 October.All the deadline details are available at http://www.cerme9.org/about-cerme-9/deadlines/.In order to support researchers who might not be ableto attend the CERME without financial assistance, theERME has developed the Graham Litter Fund. A limitedamount of financial support is available to researchers.Applications should be sent before 15 September2014. Information is available at http://www.cerme9.org/about-cerme-9/financial-support/.The ERME is deeply interested in the active participationin CERME of young researchers in mathematicseducation. From CERME 9 onwards, the InternationalProgramme Committee (IPC) will comprise two electedrepresentatives of Young Researchers, and the inclusionof Young Researchers in the co-chairing of the ThematicWorking Groups is considered.I invite you to visit the website of CERME 9: http://www.cerme9.org, which will be regularly updated.Chow Rings,Decomposition ofthe Diagonal, and theTopology of FamiliesClaire VoisinIn this book, Claire Voisin provides an introduction to algebraic cycleson complex algebraic varieties, to the major conjectures relating them tocohomology, and even more precisely to Hodge structures on cohomology.The volume is intended for both students and researchers, and not onlypresents a survey of the geometric methods developed in the last thirty yearsto understand the famous Bloch-Beilinson conjectures, but also examinesrecent work by Voisin.Annals of Mathematics Studies, 187Phillip A. Griffiths, John N. Mather, and Elias M. Stein, Series EditorsPaper $75.00 978-0-691-16051-1Cloth $1 65.00 978-0-691-16050-4Hangzhou Lectureson Eigenfunctions ofthe LaplacianChristopher D. SoggeBased on lectures given at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China,and Johns Hopkins University, this book introduces eigenfunctions onRiemannian manifolds. Christopher Sogge gives a proof of the sharp Weylformula for the distribution of eigenvalues of Laplace-Beltrami operators,as well as an improved version of the Weyl formula, the Duistermaat-Guillemin theorem under natural assumptions on the geodesic flow. Soggeshows that there is quantum ergodicity of eigenfunctions if the geodesicflow is ergodic.Annals of Mathematics Studies, 188Phillip A. Griffiths, John N. Mather, and Elias M. Stein, Series EditorsPaper $75.00 978-0-691-16078-8Cloth $165.00 978-0-691-16075-7See our E-Books atpress.princeton.eduEMS Newsletter June 2014 53

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