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Discussion4+4 US system (4 years of undergraduate study andtheoretically 4 years of PhD) is not present everywhere.Many European countries did not, until recently, offera degree below the Master’s level – corresponding to 5years of university studies. In several countries, there aresystems with two doctorates: PhD and habilitation or, forpeople roughly over 50 in France, the thèse de 3ème cycleand the thèse d’Etat. In Italy, the PhD system is fairlyrecent; older colleagues do not hold degrees beyond thelaurea – a Master’s level degree. For those, I have chosento classify them as holding an Italian PhD.For most mathematicians in our sample from thecountries belonging to the former Soviet Union, theUSSR classification seems to be more relevant, sincemost of them studied before 1989. For this reason, I haveregrouped those mathematicians in the ‘USSR’ category,even though it may seem dubious in terms of the politicalsituation today. For similar reasons, I have groupedtogether in the tables former Eastern European countriesbelonging to the Eastern Bloc – of course todaymost of them belong to the European Union or plan tojoin it.As may be expected, there is no significant mobilitybetween birth and country of primary/secondary schooling.Therefore the tables I give omit primary/secondaryschooling data altogether.Several speakers have dual appointments: I have chosento count them as 0.5 for each country.It would certainly be very interesting to make a similarstudy for past and future ICMs.The tables below may reveal obvious mistakes in caseswhere the numbers are small. Please feel free to writeto me so that I can correct the data in my tables and possiblypost corrected tables.Martin Andler is a professor at the Universityof Versailles. Before that, he held aCNRS position, first at the Université Paris7 and then at Ecole Normale Spérieure.He has held visiting positions at MIT, RutgersUniversity and IAS Princeton. Hisresearch concerns representation theory ofLie groups and history of mathematics. He is heavily involvedin outreach activities as the President of Animath(www.animath.fr).FranceGermanyItalyUKSwitzerlandRest ofWestern EuropeUSSRHungaryRest ofEastern EuropeCanadaUSAArgentinaBrazilRest ofSouth AmericaIsraelRest of NearEastern AsiaFrance 27 1 2Germany 10 1 1Italy 0.5 7.5 1UK 1 11Switzerland 3Rest WesternEurope1.5 7.5 8USSR 1 17 6 3Hungary 1 1 2 4Rest EasternEurope1 2 5Canada 5USA 26Argentina 1 2Brazil 0.5 1.5Rest SouthAmerica2Israel 1 2 4Rest NearEastern Asia1 1 1China 1 5 2 1Japan 6Korea 6SingapureRest East andSouth Asia5Africa 1 1 1Oceania 2ChinaJapanKoreaSingapureRest of East andSouth AsiaOceaniaTable 5: Birth to PhD. The number on line i and column j is the number of speakers born in country i, who obtained their PhD in country j.EMS Newsletter June 2014 43

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