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Obituarythings. It has inspired literally hundreds of further papers;it has inspired a whole generation of mathematicians.Photo courtesy of Thurston 60th Birthday Conference, PrincetonUniversity 2007Further, the two hyperbolization theorems inspiredThurston to make the geometrization conjecture: everyirreducible compact 3-manifold has a natural geometry,which belongs to one of eight types. This conjecture wassolved by Perelman in 2005; the mathematical communityis still coming to terms with his proof.As an interesting sideline, the famous Japanese couturierIssey Miyake and his clothes designer Dai Fujiwaradesigned their 2010 collection after Thurston’s “eightgeometries’’. Bill was invited to the presentation of thecollection at Fashion Week in Paris; further, he arrangedthat I was also invited to the show. Bill really got into theswing of things: the set was suggestive of the fundamentaldomain for a Kleinian group and Bill wandered around itwinding giant ropes around Dai and himself, all the whilespeaking about how this reflected various aspects of thegeometry of knots. The press corps were mystified butmuch entertained, and had a field day.This was actually far more in keeping with Bill’s generaloutlook on mathematics (and life in general): he keptin his office and at home an extensive collection of toysand games that could be given mathematical meaning;he always thought that mathematics should be a playfulactivity.Dynamical systemsItem 4 on the list above is part of a bigger picture. Allof Bill’s thinking was influenced by dynamical systems,which are somehow the essence of “infinite processes’’.All of Bill’s major results are concerned with thequestion: what is the right geometry underlying thisproblem? He would create the geometry by some infiniteprocess, starting with some inappropriate geometryand applying a transformation coming from his problemover and over, until it converged to the right geometry.So in some sense all his work concerned dynamical systems.But more specifically, Milnor and Thurston wrotea paper about iteration in one dimension in the 1980s.This paper contains an enormous wealth of ideas involvingkneading sequences, zeta-functions and many otherGeometric group theoryAround 1980, Bill broadened his focus from groups thatarise in specific geometric problems to groups in general.I well remember feeling that this was an unfortunatedevelopment: I loved the immediacy of the geometricproblems and found the new direction too general andabstract.Not so, said Bill: “A group is a very geometric object.”It took me a long time to see that he was right. The bookWord processing in Groups was a massive attempt towrite in one place the many insights that Bill brought tothe subject. It took the combined efforts of Epstein, Paterson,Cannon, Holt, Levy and Thurston.The entire mathematical community will miss his deepinsights. I miss him on a more personal level: Bill was agood friend. He had a wonderfully sunny outlook and hekept his good temper through the incredible hardships ofhis final illness.John Hamal Hubbard was born on 6 or7 October 1945 (the actual date is unknown).He is a professor at CornellUniversity in Ithaca, New York, and atthe Université de Provence in Marseille,France. He is well known for mathematicalcontributions to the fields of complexdynamics and Teichmüller theory.Hubbard graduated with a Doctorat d’État from Universitéde Paris-Sud in 1973 under the direction of AdrienDouady. He has written many influential papers on complexdynamics and he has written several books. In 2006,he completed the first volume of a series devoted to Teichmüllertheory and applications to four revolutionary theoremsof Bill Thurston. In his free time, he enjoys long bikerides in Ithaca and he likes collecting various mushroomsfound across the Cornell campus; he can easily give thebinomial nomenclature for each species.Photo courtesy of Mathematisches ForschungsinstitutOberwolfach.EMS Newsletter June 2014 37

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