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FeatureWe are interested in detecting astrophysical sources of gravitonswith energies up to 100 kilovolts, which means frequenciesup to 10 20 . With ω = 10 20 , (38) and (39) becomeD ≤ 1023B 2 , P ≤ 10−4B 2. (40)We consider two situations in which (40) has important consequences.First, with typical values for the magnetic fieldand linear dimension of a pulsar, B = 10 12 and D = 10 6 ,(40) shows that the Gertsenshtein process fails by a wide margin.The calculations of the graviton luminosity of pulsars inRef. [9] assume that the Gertsenshtein process is producinghigh-energy gravitons. These calculations, and the high luminositiesthat they predict, are therefore incorrect. Second,in the hollow pipe graviton detector which we consideredearlier, (40) shows that the Gertsenshtein process can operatewith a modest field, B = 10 5 Gauss, and a pipe lengthD = 10 13 cm, but the probability of detection of each gravitontraveling through the pipe is only 10 −14 . If the field is madestronger, the length of the pipe must be shorter according to(40), and the probability of detecting a graviton becomes evensmaller. The detector can work in principle, but fails for practicalreasons in the real universe.8 ConclusionsWe have examined three possible kinds of graviton detectorwith increasingly uncertain results. First, the LIGO detectorfor low-energy gravitons, which we prove ineffective as a consequenceof the laws of physics. Second, the gravitoelectricdetector for kilovolt gravitons, which we prove ineffective asa consequence of the background noise caused by neutrinoprocesses in the real universe. Third, the coherent gravitonconversiondetector for high-energy gravitons, is ineffectiveonly because of practical limits to the size of magnetic detectors.In addition to these three kinds of detector, there isa fourth kind which actually exists, the Planck space telescope,detecting polarization of the microwave backgroundradiation. According to Alan Guth [13], the polarization ofthe background radiation in an inflationary universe couldprovide direct evidence of the existence of single gravitonsin the primordial universe before inflation. The results of thePlanck polarization measurements are not yet published, andit remains to be seen whether the observations are able to distinguishbetween primordial gravitons and other gravitationaleffects of primordial matter. The question, whether a detectorof present-day microwave radiation is in principle able todetect primordial gravitons, remains open.Many papers have been published, for example Eppleyand Hannah [14] and Page and Geilker[15], claiming todemonstrate that the gravitational field must be quantized.What these papers demonstrate is that a particular theorywith a classical gravitational field interacting with quantummechanicalmatter is inconsistent. Page and Geilker assumethat the classical gravitational field is generated by the expectationvalue of the energy–momentum tensor of the matter inwhichever quantum state the matter happens to be. They performedan ingenious experiment to verify that this assumptiongives the wrong answer for a measurement of the gravitationalfield in a real situation.In this talk I am not advocating any particular theory of aclassical gravitational field existing in an otherwise quantummechanicalworld. I am raising three separate questions. I amasking whether either one of three theoretical hypotheses maybe experimentally testable. One hypothesis is that gravity isa quantum field and gravitons exist as free particles. A secondhypothesis is that gravity is a quantum field but gravitonsexist only as confined particles, like quarks, hidden insidecomposite structures which we observe as classical gravitationalfields. The third hypothesis is that gravity is a statisticalconcept like entropy or temperature, only defined for gravitationaleffects of matter in bulk and not for effects of individualelementary particles. If the third hypothesis is true, then thegravitational field is not a local field like the electromagneticfield. The third hypothesis implies that the gravitational fieldat a point in space–time does not exist, either as a classical oras a quantum field.I conclude that the first hypothesis may be experimentallytestable, but the second and third may not. Analysis of theproperties of graviton-detectors, following the methods of thispaper, cannot distinguish between the second and third hypotheses.Three outcomes are logically possible. If a gravitondetector is possible and succeeds in detecting gravitons, thenthe first hypothesis is true. If graviton detectors are possibleand fail to detect gravitons, then the first hypothesis is falseand the second and third are open. If a graviton detector is inprinciple impossible, then all three hypotheses remain open.Even if their existence is not experimentally testable, gravitonsmay still exist.The conclusion of the analysis is that we are still a longway from settling the question whether gravitons exist. Butthe question whether gravitons are in principle detectable isalso interesting and may be easier to decide.In conclusion, I wish to thank Tony Rothman and StevenBoughn, [16] for helpful conversations and for sharing theirthoughts with me before their paper was published.Bibliography[1] J. M. Weisberg and J. H. Taylor, in Binary Radio Pulsars, AstronomicalSociety of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 328,eds. F. Rasio and L. H. Stairs (Astronomical Society of thePacific, 2005).[2] N. Bohr and L. Rosenfeld, Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk., Mat.-Fys. 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