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Featurea graviton traveling in the z direction and 1T ij = (B i + b i )(B j + b j ) , (26)4πis the energy–momentum of the photon magnetic field b i superimposedon a fixed classical magnetic field B i . Then theinteraction (25) contains the term 4GI = hc 4 xy B x b y , (27)bilinear in the graviton and photon fields. The effect of this bilinearterm is to mix the photon and graviton fields, so that aparticle that is created as a photon may be transformed into agraviton and vice versa. There is an oscillation between gravitonand photon states, just like the oscillation between neutrinostates that causes neutrinos to change their flavors whiletraveling between the sun and the earth. If a photon travels adistance D though a uniform transverse magnetic field B, itwill emerge as a graviton with probability GP = sin 2 1/2 BD D2c 2 = sin 2 , (28)Lwith the mixing-length 2c2 L =(29)G 1/2 Bindependent of wave-length. In all practical situations, D willbe small compared with L, so that GB 2 D 2 P = . (30)4c 4The quadratic dependence of P on D makes this process interestingas a possible astrophysical source of gravitons. Thenumerical value of L according to (29) is roughly 1025 L = , (31)Bwhen L is measured in centimeters and B in Gauss.We may also consider the Gertsenshtein process as the basisof a graviton detector consisting of a hollow pipe of lengthD filled with a transverse magnetic field B. The tube must beaccurately pointed at a putative source of gravitons in the sky.At the far end of the tube is a shield to block incident photons,and at the near end is a detector of photons resulting from theconversion of gravitons on their way through the tube. If D isone astronomical unit (10 13 cm), then (30) givesP = 10 −24 B 2 . (32)The field B must be very strong to obtain a reasonable rate ofconversion of gravitons to photons. A detector with the samedesign has been used in a real experiment to detect axionsthat might be created by thermal processes in the core of thesun [10]. The axion field is supposed to interact with the electromagneticfield with an interaction energy similar to (27),but with a much larger coupling constant. The experimentersat CERN in Switzerland are using a surplus magnet from theLarge Hadron Collider project as an axion-detector, pointingit at the sun and looking for kilovolt photons resulting fromconversion of axions into photons. The length of the magnetis 9 meters and the magnetic field is 9 × 10 4 Gauss. They havenot yet detected any axions.The Gertsenshtein process does not require the classicalmagnetic field to be uniform. For a nonuniform field, the conversionof photons to gravitons still occurs with probabilitygiven by (28), if we replace the product BD by the integralof the transverse component of B along the trajectory of thephotons. Likewise, the conversion will not be disturbed by abackground gravitational field, even when the field is strongenough to curve the photon trajectory, because the gravitationalfield acts in the same way on photons and gravitons.In a curved space–time, the photons and the gravitons followthe same geodesic paths, and the photon and graviton wavesremain coherent.7 Nonlinear ElectrodynamicsHowever, there is an important disturbing factor which wasneglected in previous discussions of the Gertsenshtein process.The disturbing factor is the nonlinearity of the electromagneticfield caused by quantum fluctuations of electron–positron pairs in the vacuum [11, 12]. The fourth-order termin the electromagnetic field energy density is (Ref. [12],page 190),α (E 2 − H 2 ) 2 + 7(E · H) 2 , (33)360π 2 Hc2where α is the fine-structure constant and m 2 c 3 H c = = 5 × 10 13 Gauss (34)eis the critical magnetic field at which electron–positron pairfluctuations become noticeable.When the field in (33) is divided into classical and photoncomponents as in (26), there is a term quadratic in both theclassical and photon fields,α360π 2 Hc2 (4(B · b) 2 + 7(B · e) 2 ) , (35)where b and e are the magnetic and electric fields of the photon.From (35) it follows that the photon velocity v is not equalto c but is reduced by a fraction vkαBg = 1 − =c2 360π 2 Hc2 . (36)The coefficient k is equal to 4 or 7 for a photon polarizedwith its magnetic field or its electric field parallel to B. Weconsider the case k = 4, since that case is more favorableto the Gertsenshtein process. Since the graviton field is notaffected by the nonlinear electromagnetic interaction (33), thegraviton velocity is precisely c, and the photon and gravitonwaves will lose coherence after traveling for a distance c 90π 2 cH 2 c 1043 L c = == . (37)gω αB 2 ω B 2 ωIf the propagation distance D is larger than L c , the Gertsenshteinprocess fails and the formula (30) for the photon–graviton conversion probability is incorrect. A necessary conditionfor the Gertsenshtein process to operate isDB 2 ω ≤ 10 43 . (38)Furthermore, even when the Gertsenshtein process is operating,the probability of photon–graviton conversion accordingto (30) and (38) is 1036 P ≤ . (39)B 2 ω 2EMS Newsletter June 2014 33

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