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WorldWorld ScientificConnecting Great MindsNOTABLE BOOKS BYFREEMAN DYSONFreeman John Dyson FRS, born December15, 1923, is an eminent English-bornAmerican physicist, mathematician, andfuturist. He is famous for his work inquantum electrodynamics, solid-statephysics, mathematics, astronomy andnuclear engineering, as well as a renownedand best-selling author. He has spent most of his life as aprofessor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Studyin Princeton, taking time off to advise the US governmentand write books for the public. He has won numerousnotable awards including the Enrico Fermi Award,Templeton Prize, Wolf Prize, Pomeranchuk Prize, andHenri Poincaré Prize.PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCEIN HONOUR OF THE 90TH BIRTHDAYOF FREEMAN DYSONNanyang Technological University, Singapore,26 – 29 August 2013edited by K K Phua & L C Kwek (Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity), N P Chang (City College of New York), & A H Chan(National University of Singapore)Professor Freeman Dyson, a greatphysicist, thinker and futurist, has beenvery active in scientific, literary andpublic policy activities throughout hiscareer. As a tribute to him on theoccasion of his 90th birthday and tocelebrate his lifelong contributions inphysics, mathematics, astronomy,nuclear engineering and globalwarming, a conference covering awide range of topics was held inSingapore, August 2013.This memorable volume collects an interesting lecture byProfessor Dyson, Is a Graviton Detectable?, and contributionsby many other speakers, including C DeWitt-Morette, M-L Ge,K Huang, T Kinoshita, J L Lebowitz, E H Lieb, M Longuet-Higgins,B H J McKellar and P F Schewe.Readership: Academics and students interested in high energyphysics, astrophysics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics.500pp April 2014978-981-4590-10-5 US$85 £56978-981-4590-70-9(pbk) US$44 £29BIRDS AND FROGSSelected Papers, 1990–2014by Freeman J Dyson (IAS, Princeton)This book, a sequel to the volume, SelectedPapers of Freeman Dyson with Commentary,published by the American MathematicalSociety in 1996, that contains a selection ofDyson’s papers up to 1990, is a collectionof the most interesting writings of FreemanDyson from the period 1990–2014, selectedby himself.It comprises five sections. The first introduces how the various itemscame to be written, while the second section carries Talks aboutScience. The most substantial is a lecture to the American MathematicalSociety entitled Birds and Frogs, describing two kinds of mathematician,with examples from real life. The next section has an important tributeto Yang Chen Ning written for his retirement banquet at Stony BrookUniversity, and is followed by a section on Politics and History. Thelast and final section carries a recent article, Is a Graviton Detectable?discussing the question whether any conceivable experiment coulddetect single gravitons, to provide direct evidence of the quantizationof gravity.Readership: Students of physics and mathematics and all members ofthe general public interested in science.320pp Dec 2014978-981-4602-85-3 US$58 £38978-981-4602-86-0(pbk) US$28 £18ADVANCED QUANTUM MECHANICSSecond Editionby Freeman Dyson (IAS, Princeton),translated and transcribed by David Derbes (University of Chicago)Reviews of the First Edition“The fame of these lectures as well as ofthis author, together with the enduringinterest in their contents attested bythis transcription, obviously classify thebook as of great interest to students andresearchers willing to hear a presentationof quantum electrodynamics from one ofthe founding fathers.”Zentralblatt MATHReadership: Physicists, graduate andundergraduate students.316pp Nov 2011978-981-4383-40-0 US$98 £65978-981-4383-41-7(pbk) US$42 £28AD/PK/05/14/03/JLOrder your copies @ www.worldscientific.com

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