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ContentsEditorial TeamEditor-in-ChiefLucia Di VizioUniversité de Versailles-St QuentinLaboratoire de Mathématiques45 avenue des États-Unis78035 Versailles cedex, Francee-mail: divizio@math.cnrs.frCopy EditorChris Nunn119 St Michaels Road,Aldershot, GU12 4JW, UKe-mail: nunn2quick@qmail.comEditorsJean-Paul Allouche(Book Reviews)CNRS, Math., Équipe Combinatoireet OptimisationUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie4, Place Jussieu, case 18975252 Paris Cedex 05, Francee-mail: allouche@math.jussieu.frMariolina Bartolini Bussi(Math. Education)DESU – Universitá di Modena eReggio EmiliaVia Allegri, 9I-42121 Reggio Emilia, Italybartolini@unimore.itJorge Buescu(Societies)Dep. Matemática, Faculdadede Ciências, Edifício C6,Piso 2 Campo Grande1749-006 Lisboa, Portugale-mail: jbuescu@ptmat.fc.ul.ptEva-Maria Feichtner(Research Centres)Department of MathematicsUniversity of Bremen28359 Bremen, Germanye-mail: emf@math.uni-bremen.deEva MirandaDepartament de MatemàticaAplicada I, EPSEB, Edifici PUniversitat Politècnicade CatalunyaAv. del Dr Marañon 44–5008028 Barcelona, Spaine-mail: eva.miranda@upc.eduMădălina Păcurar(Personal Column)Department of Statistics,Forecast and MathematicsBabeș-Bolyai UniversityT. Mihaili St. 58–60400591 Cluj-Napoca, Romaniae-mail: madalina.pacurar@econ.ubbcluj.roUlf PerssonMatematiska VetenskaperChalmers tekniska högskolaS-412 96 Göteborg, Swedene-mail: ulfp@math.chalmers.seZdzisław PogodaInstitute of MathematicsJagiellonian Universityul. prof. StanisławaŁojasiewicza30-348 Kraków, Polande-mail: zdzislaw.pogoda@uj.edu.plThemistocles M. Rassias(Problem Corner)Department of MathematicsNational Technical Universityof Athens, Zografou CampusGR-15780 Athens, Greecee-mail: trassias@math.ntua.grVolker R. Remmert(History of Mathematics)IZWT, Wuppertal UniversityD-42119 Wuppertal, Germanye-mail: remmert@uni-wuppertal.deDierk SchleicherSchool of Engineering andScienceP.O. Box 750 561University Bremen28725 Bremen, Germanydierk@jacobs-university.deOlaf Teschke(Zentralblatt Column)FIZ KarlsruheFranklinstraße 1110587 Berlin, Germanye-mail: teschke@zentralblatt-math.orgJaap TopUniversity of GroningenDepartment of MathematicsP.O. Box 4079700 AK Groningen,The Netherlandse-mail: j.top@rug.nlScan the QR code to go to theNewsletter web page:http://www.euro-math-soc.eu/node/4230EuropeanMathematicalSocietyNewsletter No. 92, June 2014Editorial: IMAGINARY – Mathematics Communication for the21st Century – G.-M. Greuel, A. D. Matt & A. S. J. S. Mey ......... 3EMS Executive Committee Meeting in London – S. Huggett ......... 7New Editorial Board of the Journal of the EuropeanMathematical Society ............................................................. 8The 1st Caucasian Mathematics Conference – R. Duduchava ..... 9EMS Monograph Award ............................................................ 11The Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize 2014 ................................... 12The Abel Prize Laureate 2014 ................................................... 12On Some Conjectures in Additive Number Theory – P. Mihăilescu.. 13Ideas That Will Outlast Us – L. Vainerman .................................. 16Mathematical Knowledge Management: Transcending theOne-Brain-Barrier with Theory Graphs – M. Kohlhase .............. 22Is a Graviton Detectable? – F. Dyson .......................................... 29Bill Thurston (1946–2012) – J. H. Hubbard ................................ 36Who Are the Invited Speakers at ICM 2014? – M. Andler ............ 38Interview with Alois Kufner on the Occasion of his80th Birthday – L. Pick ......................................................... 45Buffon: Did He Actually Throw Sticks? – E. Behrends & J. Buescu.. 47ICMI Column – M. Bartolini Bussi & and J.-L. Dorier ................... 50ERME Column, May 2014 – V. Durand-Guerrier ......................... 52Guarding your Searches: Data Protection at zbMATH –J. Holzkämper & O. Teschke .................................................. 54Book Reviews ........................................................................... 56Letter to the Editor – M. Ferri .................................................... 59Personal Column ...................................................................... 60The views expressed in this Newsletter are those of theauthors and do not necessarily represent those of theEMS or the Editorial Team.ISSN 1027-488X© 2014 European Mathematical SocietyPublished by theEMS Publishing HouseETH-Zentrum SEW A27CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland.homepage: www.ems-ph.orgFor advertisements and reprint permission requestscontact: newsletter@ems-ph.orgEMS Newsletter June 2014 1

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