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EMS NewsSamson Shatashvili (Trinity College, Dublin),Leon Takhtajan (University of Stony Brook) andCem Yalçin Yildirim (Bo ğaziçi University, Istanbul).A list of invited young mathematicians (under 40) will beselected by the National Mathematical Societies and approvedby the Steering Committee. Roland Duduchavawas appointed the Chairman of the CMC I and the LocalOrganising Committee consists of Buchukuri Tengiz,Davitashvili Tinatin (Scientific Secretary), Eliashvili Merab,Natroshvili David (Vice Chairman) and Sigua Levan.The programme consists of invited speakers’ talks andparallel sessions. Participants wishing to organise a parallelsession are invited to send applications before 15 June2014. The organiser of such a session should present togetherwith its title a preliminary list of participants with atleast five speakers.The conference fee is 20 USD. The organisers will applyfor financial support from different foundations and,in case of success, will try to pay accommodation for theselected young partici pants.The online registration page and all information aboutthe conference can be found at euro-math-soc.eu/cmc/ orhttp://www.gmu.ge/cmc and contact email addresses arecmc.tbilisi@gmail.com and cmc.tbilisi@gmu.ge.Citizens of many countries do not need a visa for Georgia(EU countries, USA, Japan, Israel, Turkey, Canada, Armenia,Azerbaijan, Mol do va, Russia, Ukraine, etc.) or elsemany can get a visa when entering Georgia.Tbilisi can be reached by aeroplane from most of thebig airports of Europe, Turkey and the former Soviet republics(see: http://www.tbilisiairport.com/en-EN/).Immediately after the CMC I, the fifth InternationalConference of the Georgian Mathematical Union willbe held in Batumi, Georgia, 8–12 September 2014 (see:http://www.gmu.ge/Batumi2014).New Service by EU-MATHS-INThe association EU-MATHS-IN (promoted by the EMS and the ECMI) has launched a new service: a websitefor advertising jobs for mathematicians in companies or institutions working on industrial contracts. The scopeof the website is advertising jobs in industrial mathematics and related fields.Please circulate this to all interested people, industrial contacts and young mathematicians looking for jobs.Job announcements can be found or deposited athttp://www.eu-maths-in.eu/jobs10 EMS Newsletter June 2014

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