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EMS NewsFabrice Bethuel, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris,FranceJean Bourgain, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton,USAJean-Michel Coron, Université Pierre et Marie Curie,Paris, FranceJesús Ildefonso Díaz, Real Academia de Ciencias, SpainCorrado De Concini, Università di Roma “LaSapienza”, ItalySimon Donaldson, Imperial College, London, UKYasha Eliashberg, Stanford University, USAGeoffrey Grimmett, Cambridge University, UKMarius Iosifescu, Romanian Academy, Bucharest,RomaniaSergiu Klainerman, Princeton University, USAEduard Looijenga, Utrecht University, the NetherlandsAlex Lubotzky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,IsraelAngus Macintyre, Queen Mary, University of London,UKIb Madsen, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkJean Mawhin, Université Catholique de Louvain,BelgiumStefan Müller, University of Bonn, GermanyBart de Smit, Universiteit Leiden, the NetherlandsH. Mete Soner, ETH Zürich, SwitzerlandAlain Sznitman, ETH Zürich, SwitzerlandMina Teicher, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, IsraelClaire Voisin, IHES, Bures sur Yvette, FranceThis board is responsible for the handling of papers submittedto JEMS before 1 June 2014 and will terminate itsfunctions by September 2015.The EMS is greatly indebted to the departing editorialboard, which under the leadership of Professor Brézishas raised the journal to its current high rank. At the sametime, the EMS expresses its gratitude to the new editorialboard for having accepted this important responsibilityand warmly welcomes all its members.EMS Executive CommitteeMay 2014The First Caucasian MathematicsConference (CMC I)Roland Duduchava (Ivane javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia)with EMS-EC member Armen Sergeev. An organisationalmeeting in January 2014 in Istanbul gave the first shape tothe idea. The three initiators mentioned were joined by therep resentatives of the participating countries and institutions:How much can mathematicians contribute to peace andharmony in the world? At a time when the region is surroundedby old and new tensions, the first CaucasianMathematics Conference (CMC I) is being organisedin Tbilisi, Georgia, 5–6 September 2014, under the auspicesof the European Mathematical Society and withthe cooperation of the Armenian, Azerbaijan, Georgian,Iranian, Russian and Turkish Mathematical Societies. Althoughit is welcoming mathematicians from all over theworld, the first aim of the Caucasian Mathematical Conferenceis to bring together mathematicians from Caucasianand neighbouring countries annually in one of thesecountries.The idea of this gathering was expressed by Betül Tanbayat the EMS Presidents Meeting in Aarhus in 2013and, encouraged by Marta Sanz-Solé, the presidents of theGeorgian and Turkish Mathematical Societies Roland Duduchavaand Betül Tanbay started the preliminary workCarles Casacuberta (ex-officio; Chair of the EMSCommittee for European Solidarity),Mohammed Ali Dehghan (President of the IranianMathematical Society),Tigran Harutyunyan (President of the ArmenianMathematical Union),Misir Jumayil oglu Mardanov (Representative of theAzerbaijan Mathematical Union) andMarta Sanz-Solé (ex-officio; President of the EuropeanMathematical Society),forming together a Steering Committee responsible forthe scientific programme of the conference. The committeehas selected the invited spea kers:Maria Esteban (C.N.R.S. at the University Paris-Dauphine),Mohammad Sal Moslehian (Ferdowsi University ofMashhad),Garib N. Murshudov (MRC Laboratory of MolecularBiology, Cambridge),Dmitri Orlov (Steklov Institute, Moscow),EMS Newsletter June 2014 9

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