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EMS Newsaginary.org is now available in German and Spanish (besidesEnglish); translations into French and Catalan areon the way.PublishingIt was noted that the Proceedings of the 6th EuropeanCongress of Mathematics had now been published. TheExecutive Committee agreed the details of the renewalof the Editorial Board of Journal of the European MathematicalSociety.The President reported that the committee awardingthe EMS Monograph Prize was unanimous in deciding tomake a joint award to two of the submissions:- Foundations of Garside Theory, by Patrick Dehornoywith François Digne, Eddy Godelle, Daan Krammer,and Jean Michel- Topics in Elliptic PDEs and Measure Theory, by AugustoPonceClosingThe next meeting will be a short one just before the Councilin Donostia/San Sebastián. The autumn meeting willbe in Barcelona from the 21st to the 23rd of November.The President expressed the gratitude of the wholeExecutive Committee to the London Mathematical Societyfor its hospitality.New Editorial Board of the Journal ofthe European Mathematical SocietyThe Executive Committee of the EMS has appointedthe new editorial board of its flagship journal JEMS. Thecomposition of the new editorial board is as follows:Editor-in-Chief:François Loeser, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris,FranceEditors:Kari Astala, University of Helsinki, FinlandAnnalisa Buffa, CRN Pavia, ItalyTom Bridgeland, University of Oxford, UKXavier Cabré, ICREA and Universitat Politècnica deCatalunya, Barcelona, SpainHélène Esnault, Freie Universität Berlin, GermanyMichael Harris, Columbia University, USA, andUniversité Paris Diderot, FranceJános Kollár, Princeton University, USAKarl Kunisch, University of Graz, AustriaMichel Ledoux, Université de Toulouse, FrancePhilip Maini, University of Oxford, UKGünter Malle, University of Kaiserslautern, GermanyPhilippe Michel, École Polytechnique Féderale,Lausanne, SwitzerlandJaroslav Nešetřil, Charles University, Prague, CzechRepublicLaure Saint Raymond, École Normale Supérieure deParis, FrancePaul Seidel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USASylvia Serfaty, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris,FranceStanislav Smirnov, University of Geneva, SwitzerlandJan Philip Solovej, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkBertrand Toën, Université de Montpellier, FranceXavier Tolsa, ICREA and Universitat Autònoma deBarcelona, SpainGiuseppe Toscani, University of Pavia, ItalySara van de Geer, ETH, SwitzerlandMarcelo Viana, IMPA, BrazilAlex Wilkie, University of Manchester, UKBurkhard Wilking, University of Münster, GermanyUmberto Zannier, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, ItalyTamar Ziegler, The Hebrew University of Jerusalemand Technion, Haifa, IsraelThe Editor-in-Chief and the editors have an initial termof four and three years, respectively, with the possibilityof an extension for a second term. From 1 June 2014,authors submitting articles to the journal will be directedto an electronic submission system on the journal’shomepage and the new editorial board will handle thesearticles.Created by the EMS in 1998, the first volume of JEMS,published by Springer-Verlag, appeared in January 1999,with Jürgen Jost as Editor-in-Chief. Since January 2003,the Editor-in-Chief has been Haim Brézis. With the creationof the EMS Publishing House, the publication ofJEMS was moved from Springer to the EMS publisherin 2004.Today, JEMS is one of the strongest mathematicaljournals, thanks to the skill and dedication of the firsttwo editorial boards. In this transition period, the EMSwould like to fully recognise and acknowledge the extraordinarywork of the departing editorial board:Haim Brezis (Editor-in-Chief), Université Pierre etMarie Curie, Paris, France, Rutgers University, USA,and Technion, Haifa, IsraelAntonio Ambrosetti, SISSA, Trieste, ItalyEnrico Arbarello, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”,ItalyRobert John Aumann, The Hebrew University ofJerusalem, IsraelHenri Berestycki, EHESS, Paris, France8 EMS Newsletter June 2014

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