Introduction to IP Contribution - Cisco Knowledge Network

Introduction to IP Contribution - Cisco Knowledge Network

Introduction to IP Contribution - Cisco Knowledge Network


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<strong>Introduction</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>IP</strong><strong>Contribution</strong>Lotte Kaae Ferraro overgal@cisco.comSales Business Development ManagerSP Video Infrastructure<strong>Cisco</strong> CKN - November 3 rd , 2011© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 1

• <strong>IP</strong>/ MPLS growingStatus: …entering <strong>IP</strong> wave• Higher quality / bit-rates nowfeasible – enabling ServiceProviders <strong>to</strong> re-engage andcompeteEvent siteBroadcastCenter• New codec formats enablinghigher compression efficiency– providing motivation forsystem renewals• Demand for consolidatedtermination points increasing;<strong>to</strong> improve efficiency and easeof operationMainStudioStadion siteRadio/Satellite linksSDH/ Full ATM <strong>IP</strong><strong>Network</strong>sMultiserviceWDM/DWDM <strong>Network</strong>Darkfiber<strong>IP</strong>-DataRegionalStudioEvent siteLife event site• <strong>Network</strong> convergens© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 2

VideoStreamBandwidthStudio <strong>to</strong> Studio;Broadcaster <strong>to</strong> BroadcasterUncompressed, LosslessVery High bit-rate stream: SD(270Mbps), HD (1.5-3Gbps)P-<strong>to</strong>-P and P2MP(unicast and multicast)MPLS & <strong>IP</strong> technology<strong>Contribution</strong>Content owner <strong>to</strong> providerCompressedLow/moderate bit-rate stream~ same as secondary distP-<strong>to</strong>-P and P2MP(unicast and multicast)MPLS & <strong>IP</strong> technologyPrimaryDistributionProvider <strong>to</strong> subscriber i.e.Cable TV & <strong>IP</strong>TVCompressedLow bit-rate stream: SD (3-4Mbps mpeg2, 2-3Mbpsmpeg4), HD (16-20Mbpsmpeg2, 8-10Mpbs mpeg4)P-<strong>to</strong>-P for VOD (unicast) &P2MP for <strong>IP</strong>TV (multicast)MPLS & <strong>IP</strong> technologySecondaryDistribution# of end points© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 3

Broadcaster AUSBroadcaster ARegional siteInter-broadcasterBroadcaster ARegional siteCore <strong>IP</strong><strong>Network</strong>Inter-studioCore <strong>IP</strong><strong>Network</strong>Broadcaster BUKBroadcaster AMain site• Exchange of content betweendifferent internationalbroadcasters and contentproviders• Moving content betweenregional studios belonging <strong>to</strong>the main broadcaster locationFixed locationsMainly linear (real-time) <strong>to</strong>day,increasing use of file-baseddeliveryPermanent or scheduledconnections© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 4

• Bringing video & audio contentfrom remote locations back <strong>to</strong> astudioSatellite News Gathering• Local news trucks & vans;Special permanent locations(e.g. Parliament; sport facilities)Eventsite ABroadcaster siteEventsite B• International events and shows(e.g. sports, concerts)Fixed or temporary locationsMainly linear (real-time)Mainly scheduled connectionsEventsite AEventsite DCore <strong>IP</strong><strong>Network</strong>Eventsite BOutside BroadcastEventsite C© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 5

• Simple: no unnecessary convolutions• Scalable: Solution accommodatescurrent and future capacity needs• Versatile: multi-service, multiinterface• Quality guaranteed: Very highservice availability, zero packetloss• Manageable: Managementsystems have the look-andfeelof broadcasters workflowsand operations• Profitable: Cost efficient,accurately respond andanticipate <strong>to</strong> market needsNMS<strong>Cisco</strong> Audio/VideoDevices<strong>Cisco</strong> <strong>IP</strong> <strong>Network</strong><strong>Cisco</strong> Optical <strong>Network</strong>© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 6

Are you planning <strong>to</strong> deploy an <strong>IP</strong> <strong>Contribution</strong> network? Yes No We’re already in the process of deployment We already have an <strong>IP</strong> <strong>Contribution</strong> network We’re looking how <strong>to</strong> operate <strong>IP</strong> migration of alegacy network© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 7

Thank you.

• EncapsulationA/V. Uncompressed, TS and MXF wrapping (SMPTE 2022-6)• Adaptation/ProfilingRTP. Sequencing and Timestamp• TransportUDP. Multiplexing and Checksum• <strong>Network</strong><strong>IP</strong>. QoS, Multi-service• Traffic EngineeringMPLS. Path selection, Admission control, Bandwidth ReservationL2Header(26)<strong>IP</strong>Header(20)UDPHeader(8)RTPHeader(12)MPEG-2188 BMPEG-2188 BMPEG-2188 BMPEG-2188 BMPEG-2188 BMPEG-2188 BMPEG-2188 B© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 11

Queues Distribution(A+B+C+D=100)Multi-Play Application TrafficDSCP / EXPPQA% of Link BWBroadcast Video AF41 / 4*VoD AF42 / 1Streaming TV AF43 / 1Ad Traffic AF31 / 2Content Distribution (Music, Video) AF11 / 0Class1 - VideoB% of Link BW(tail-drop)Vo<strong>IP</strong> Bearer EF / 5Videoconferencing (Video/Audio Bearer) CS5 / 5Vo<strong>IP</strong> Signaling (incl. video conferencing) CS3 / 3Prioritized Data Services (Including CommercialServices) AF21 / 2Residential Data Services CS0 / 0Class2 - Business CriticalC% of Link BW(WRED-DSCP/EXP)Gaming CS 0 / 0Other Data CS0 / 0<strong>Network</strong> Control - Routing CS6 / 6Service Provisioning, Control & Mgmt. CS2 / 2Class3/ DefaultD% of Link BW<strong>Network</strong> Management CS2 / 2© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 12

DCMGService LevelMoni<strong>to</strong>ringUncompressed flowsare Tagged with RTPHeadersRTP Headers arechecked for TransportLossApplicationManagementNorthboundAll Events areCorrelated <strong>to</strong> AffectedServicesSPORTING VENUEIBCDCMGState, Path, andFlow Moni<strong>to</strong>ring10GE LinksIn-lineMoni<strong>to</strong>ringVidMon InlineVideo MeasurementsProvisioning,FCAPS, NMS<strong>Network</strong> Management© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 13

• Tunnel path follows Explicit RoutePath is calculated using Constraint Based Routing or offline methods(CBR) ISP floods link attributes (available bandwidth, flags, TE metric)• Path is signaled using RSVPAdmission Control and Bandwidth ReservationTunnel pre-emptionRSVP based label distribution<strong>IP</strong>/MPLS• MPLS FRR for link and node protectionSub 50 msec res<strong>to</strong>ration• P2MP LSPs use multiple P2P sub-LSPsEach of them RSVP signaledLabel merging at branch nodes© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 14

• Live-live stream transport over diverse paths• Path creationMoFRR for PIM based networksRSVP-TE for tunnel setup in MPLS• Merging techniques<strong>Network</strong> Stream Merge at PE routers using MoFRR (sub 50 msec <strong>to</strong>day)Application Stream Merge at DCMG-Rcv (lossless!)DCMG-SrcC7609-1CRS-1CRS-3C7609-3DCMG-RcvStudioCRS-2CRS-4StudioC7609-2C7609-4© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 15

• What transport pro<strong>to</strong>col would you adopt <strong>to</strong> deliver NextGen contribution?MPLS-TPCarrier E/L2<strong>IP</strong>/MPLSOTNPBB/TEEthernet over SONETWe don’t do any video contribution© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 16

Thank you.

The adaptation layer in <strong>IP</strong>video contributionNicola GianaroliConsulting Engineer<strong>Cisco</strong> CKN - November 3 rd , 2011© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 18

Low jitter andwanderZero packetdropEnd <strong>to</strong> endDelayVideo adaptation layerplays a key role© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 19

BitrateTrade-offPQLatencyTechnologyVery LowBit-RateHD: 20Mbit/sJPEG2000AVC-IUncompressedHD: 1.5 / 3Gbit/sSD: 270Mbit/s© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 20

InterframeCompressionIntraframeCompressionTransparent© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 21

•LL1HL1LH1HH1• Technology based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) used forsubband coding.JPEG2000 supports two modes: a lossy one (irreversible transform) and a losslessone (reversible transform) depending on the filters applied.A few caveats are <strong>to</strong> be kept in mind with lossless mode:• At bitrate typically used in most of the application lossy mode performsclearly better than lossless• Lossless mode should not be operated with capped bandwidth© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 22

• For the bit rate selected, theoptimal quality codestream isproduced• Possible because subbands aredivisible in<strong>to</strong> “quality layers”• Entropy encoding determineshow much of each quality layer isincluded100Mbps75Mbps50Mbps© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 23

• What compression format would you consider adopting <strong>to</strong>do contribution?UncompressedIntraframe (JPEG2000, AVC-I)Interframe (AVC/MPEG-2)A mix of different technologiesWe don’t do any video contribution© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 24

End2End DelayEndcodingDelayQueuingDelaySerializ.Delay<strong>Network</strong> DelayTransmission Delay (

PortBack-upFECRe-TXLive-Liveand hitlessmergeHw.Redundancy© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 26

PrimaryStreamVideoSourceDCMGSecondaryStreamDCMGVideoReceivers1615 14 13 12 11 10Streamallignement1413 12 11 10 9 8Input1GbE10GbEInput14 13 12 11 1014“Hitless switchover” packet by packetLost packetsDelayBuffer11 10 9 8OutputBuffer must be user tunableTypical delay differences will be less than 10ms14 13 12 11 10 9 8Resulting stream© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 27

• Create and extra FEC packets, used <strong>to</strong> recover lost packets• It introduces overhead and additional delay• Use FC/FRR <strong>to</strong> bound protection period• Most useful for recoveringfrom intermittent packet loss, i.e., due <strong>to</strong> bit errorsFEC ProcessingP4Recover Packet 4 from processingpacket 1, 2 and repair packetsP5 P4 P3 P2 P1F3 F2 NATIONALF1TRANSPORTNETWORKP5 P4 P3 P2 P1© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 28

HighAvailabilityClockingretrievalMultichannelVideo and <strong>IP</strong>statisticsCodecDesignInterfacesflexibilityMulti formatSupportASI,Digital AudioSupport© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 29

• Beside video baseband do you see any other signal whichmust be transported over your backbone?NoMPEG/ASIDigital audio (AES/EBU)E1All of themOther© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 30

© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 31

Under the mostslippery conditions© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 32

Inven<strong>to</strong>ryManagerTopologyManagerDevice &ServicediscoveryRoutingManagerSchedulerBandwidthManagerProvisioningFaultManagerPerformance& SLAManagerSecurityManager© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 33

Bandwidthmodellingand off lineCACProvisioningin the videoedgeRoutingalgorithm orroute manualpinningLink scheduledor immediateactivation. Predefinedlink librarysupportedProvisioningin the <strong>IP</strong> coreand on lineCACVideointerfaceServiceAnalyticsVideointerfacePerformanceReportFault manager androot cause analysisHierarchicalaccesscontrolDevice discoveryand <strong>Network</strong>inven<strong>to</strong>ryVideointerface<strong>Network</strong> Topology© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 34

Engage with third party• Ensure multi vendor• Actively engage• Validate architecturesand productsDevelop internally• One shop approach• “Simple” connec<strong>to</strong>rmodule• Comprehensive solution© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 35

More details on the September issue of Funkschau magazine also available onhttp://www.funkschau.de/telekommunikation/know-how/article/81857/0/Netze_im_Feldversuch/© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 36

© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 37

Total ControlTopology … … Session Builder … ... Session SchedulerView of the world … … always in control … ... know what is coming© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 38

Video Connection ManagementControlling video flow and configuration• Video Flow Controland Verification overEasy-<strong>to</strong>-Use GUI• Single Click Service setupand tear-down• Manual and Scheduledsetup and tear-down of Sessions/Services• Easy Configuration of Devices via pre-defined configuration templates• Video Equipment Redundancy Support• Video Resource Verification© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 39

© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 40

BOSS Link Manager ® - Overview© 2010 <strong>Cisco</strong> and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <strong>Cisco</strong> Confidential 41

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