Myanmar at the HLP Crossroads: - Displacement Solutions

Myanmar at the HLP Crossroads: - Displacement Solutions

Myanmar at the HLP Crossroads: - Displacement Solutions


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<strong>Myanmar</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>HLP</strong> <strong>Crossroads</strong> 8BOX 3:Company lied about project for industrial zone: farmersDispossessed farmers in a rural partof Yangon’s Mingalardon township arepreparing to take <strong>the</strong>ir fight againstone of <strong>the</strong> country’s largest firms to<strong>the</strong> courts.The farmers from Shwe Na Tharvillage say <strong>the</strong>y only want <strong>the</strong>irland back and are not seeking anycompens<strong>at</strong>ion from <strong>the</strong> Zaykabarcompany, which acquired <strong>the</strong> landto construct Yangon Industrial Zone4. Starting from February 2010, <strong>the</strong>company acquired 845 acres from71 households with <strong>the</strong> help of twogovernment officials in <strong>the</strong> village.About 100 acres remain in <strong>the</strong> handsof residents. Some of <strong>the</strong> farmersalready received K300,000 eachin compens<strong>at</strong>ion but <strong>the</strong>y told The<strong>Myanmar</strong> Times on February 21 th<strong>at</strong><strong>the</strong>y were tricked into accepting <strong>the</strong>money by <strong>the</strong> two officials.“At first we were told th<strong>at</strong> our landwas being taken for a governmentproject. All this farmland is owned bygovernment and if <strong>the</strong> governmentwants it, we know we have to give itback. So we gave it to <strong>the</strong>m withoutcomplaint,” said farmer Daw Tin Sein.“I am still keeping my o<strong>the</strong>r five acres.I didn’t give it to <strong>the</strong>m and didn’ttake any compens<strong>at</strong>ion,” she added.O<strong>the</strong>rs have been left with nothing,however. “I gave my 16 acres of farmlandto <strong>the</strong>m. The future of our familydepends on th<strong>at</strong> land. I don’t wantanything from [Zaykabar] except myfarm,” said Daw Tin Yi, 48. Ma HninNandar, 38, said th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> companybought her farmland, which was fullof toddy palms, for K5000 a tree.“The company cut down my plantsbut I still haven’t got my money,” shesaid. “For my children’s educ<strong>at</strong>ion andhealth we need money and we canget money only from our farms. I can’tdo anything except farming. I wantmy land back. Unless this happensmy children will have many difficultiesfor <strong>the</strong>ir educ<strong>at</strong>ion.” In mid-2011,<strong>the</strong> company began breaking downembankments, blocking canals andlaying concrete roads. Farmers said<strong>the</strong> company told <strong>the</strong>m on January18 to move out by January 24 andth<strong>at</strong> some of <strong>the</strong>ir land had alreadybeen sold to unknown buyers fromoutside Mingalardon township. U NayMyo Wai, chairman of <strong>the</strong> Peace andDiversity Party, which is based inMingalardon township and has beenhelping <strong>the</strong> farmers raise awarenessabout <strong>the</strong>ir plight, said existing lawsprohibited <strong>the</strong> company from selling<strong>the</strong> land. “According to section fourof <strong>the</strong> Act of N<strong>at</strong>ionalis<strong>at</strong>ion of Farmlands(1953), farmland is not allowedto be bought or sold between civilians.And also <strong>the</strong> Law of RentalLands for Cultiv<strong>at</strong>ion (1963) st<strong>at</strong>esth<strong>at</strong> civilians are not allowed to doo<strong>the</strong>r things with farmland besidesagriculture,” U Nay Myo Wai told The<strong>Myanmar</strong> Times. “If <strong>the</strong> company hassold <strong>the</strong> farmland to o<strong>the</strong>rs, this is notlegal under <strong>the</strong> law,” he added. U NayMyo Wai said <strong>the</strong> farmers had initiallytold him th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir land was acquiredby <strong>the</strong> government. “But l<strong>at</strong>er I cameto understand th<strong>at</strong> it was not <strong>the</strong>government – just a priv<strong>at</strong>e companyth<strong>at</strong> took advantage of <strong>the</strong>ir lackof knowledge. So I decided to getinvolved,” he said.The notice <strong>the</strong> company distributedto farmers on January 18 gave someclues about <strong>the</strong> situ<strong>at</strong>ion, he said.“According to <strong>the</strong> papers <strong>at</strong>tachedto <strong>the</strong> notice, <strong>the</strong> government didn’tgive <strong>the</strong> farmland to Zaykabarfor an industrial zone. Secondly, Inoticed th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> government told <strong>the</strong>company to run an agriculture businessif <strong>the</strong>y got <strong>the</strong> farmland andthirdly <strong>the</strong> company was told to giveback <strong>the</strong> land to farmers if <strong>the</strong>y don’tdo agriculture on this farmland. And Inoticed th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> company reported to<strong>the</strong> government th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> farmers donot want to farm anymore because<strong>the</strong>y want to do ano<strong>the</strong>r businessand th<strong>at</strong>’s why <strong>the</strong>y gave up <strong>the</strong>irfarmland. But th<strong>at</strong>’s totally wrong,” UNay Myo Wai said. The farmers arenow preparing to take legal actionagainst <strong>the</strong> company but said <strong>the</strong>ywould drop <strong>the</strong> case if <strong>the</strong> companyreturns <strong>the</strong> land.“We are lost. Unless we don’t getback our farmland, we will starve,”one Mingalardon farmer said. Thefarmers said th<strong>at</strong> it appeared asthough Zaykabar had suspended itsproject. Officials from Zaykabar took<strong>the</strong> unusual step of holding a pressconference to deny <strong>the</strong> farmers’alleg<strong>at</strong>ions. The company’s generalmanager, Daw Mi Mi Thein Tan, toldreporters on February 14 th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>industrial zone project had governmentsupport. “After March 2011 wecontinued our project with <strong>the</strong> permissionof <strong>the</strong> government. And we gotth<strong>at</strong> permission through <strong>the</strong> governmentprocedure,” Daw Mi Mi TheinTan said. Ano<strong>the</strong>r company officialsaid it was not possible for Zaykabarto do <strong>the</strong> industrial zone on its own.“We got this agreement and allowanceafter reporting step by step toauthorised people in <strong>the</strong> government.This is a joint project between Zaykabar,<strong>the</strong> Ministry of Construction and<strong>the</strong> Department of Human Settlementand Housing Development,” he said.The official said <strong>the</strong> company wasfollowing <strong>the</strong> orders of <strong>the</strong> YangonRegion government. (8)(8) Source: Noe Noe Aung in The <strong>Myanmar</strong>Times, February 27 - March 4, 2012)

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