Manual of Standards for Licensing/Rating of ATC Personnel

Manual of Standards for Licensing/Rating of ATC Personnel Manual of Standards for Licensing/Rating of ATC Personnel
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1.2 Pre-operational, elementary and pre-elementary levelsLEVELPreoperational3Elementary2Preelementary1PRONUNCIATIONAssumes a dialect and/oraccent intelligible to theaeronautical community.Pronunciation, stress,rhythm, and intonation areinfluenced by the firstlanguage or regionalvariation and frequentlyinterfere with ease ofunderstanding.Pronunciation, stress,rhythm, and intonation areheavily influenced by thefirst language or regionalvariation and usuallyinterfere with ease ofunderstanding.Performs at a level belowthe Elementary level.STRUCTURERelevant grammaticalstructures and sentencepatterns are determined bylanguage functionsappropriate to the task. VOCABULARY FLUENCY COMPREHENSION INTERACTIONSBasic grammaticalstructures and sentencepatterns associated withpredictable situations arenot always well controlled.Errors frequently interferewith meaning.Shows only limited controlof a few simple memorizedgrammatical structures andsentence patterns.Performs at a level belowthe Elementary level.Levels 4, 5 and 6 are on preceding page.Vocabulary range andaccuracy are oftensufficient to communicateon common, concrete, orwork-related topics, butrange is limited and theword choice ofteninappropriate. Is oftenunable to paraphrasesuccessfully when lackingvocabulary.Limited vocabulary rangeconsisting only of isolatedwords and memorizedphrases.Performs at a level belowthe Elementary level.Produces stretches oflanguage, but phrasing andpausing are ofteninappropriate. Hesitationsor slowness in languageprocessing may preventeffective communication.Fillers are sometimesdistracting.Can produce very short,isolated, memorizedutterances with frequentpausing and a distractinguse of fillers to search forexpressions and toarticulate less familiarwords.Performs at a level belowthe Elementary level.Comprehension is oftenaccurate on common,concrete, and work- relatedtopics when the accent orvariety used is sufficientlyintelligible for aninternational community ofusers. May fail tounderstand a linguistic orsituational complication oran unexpected turn ofevents.Comprehension is limitedto isolated, memorizedphrases when they arecarefully and slowlyarticulated.Performs at a level belowthe Elementary level.Responses are sometimesimmediate, appropriate, andinformative. Can initiate andmaintain exchanges withreasonable ease on familiartopics and in predictablesituations. Generallyinadequate when dealingwith an unexpected turn ofevents.Response time is slow andoften inappropriate.Interaction is limited tosimple routine exchanges.Performs at a level below theElementary level.Note.— The Operational Level (Level 4) is the minimum required proficiency level for radiotelephony communication. Levels 1 through 3 describePre-elementary, Elementary, and Preoperational levels of language proficiency, respectively, all of which describe a level of proficiency below the ICAOlanguage proficiency requirement. Levels 5 and 6 describe Extended and Expert levels, at levels of proficiency more advanced than the minimum requiredStandard. As a whole, the scale will serve as benchmarks for training and testing, and in assisting candidates to attain the ICAO Operational Level (Level 4).______________________

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAPPENDIX - DL I C E N S I N G A N D RATING D I V I S I O NSTATEMENT FORMFull Name : Sex : Male [ ]Nationality : Organization: Female [ ]Occupation : Date of Birth : MaritalStatus:Type of Licence applied for Initial [ ] ATPL [ ] CPL [ ] PPL [ ]Renewal [ ] F/E [ ] ATC [ ] OTHER [ ]Have you previously been Yes [ ] If yes, where Were you Fit [ ]examined for aviation duties ? No [ ] and when declared Unfit [ ]Has a "Medical Waiver" Yes [ ]ever been issued to you ? No [ ]MEDICAL HISTORYHave you ever had or have you now any of the following : (elaborate yes answers under remarks )Yes No Yes NoFrequent and severe headachesNervous trouble of any kindDizziness or fainting spellsAny drug or narcotic habitUnconsciousness for any reasonExcessive drinking habitEye trouble except glassesAttempted suicideHay leverMotion sickness requiring drugsAsthmaRejection for life insuranceHeart troubleAdmission to hospital in the last two yearsHigh or low blood pressureAviation accidentsStomach troubleOther accidentsKidney stone or blood in urineGynaecological/Obstetrical conditionsSugar or albumen in urineOperationEpilepsy or fitsOther illnessesHearing problemAny illness since last medicalIs there any family history of Diabetes : Yes/No Cardiovascular diseasee : Yes/No Tuberculosis : Yes/NoAre you in good physical and mental health as far as you know and believe ? Yes/NoREMARKSI hereby certify that all statements and answers provided by me in thisexamination form are complete and true to the best of my knowledgeDate :...Signature

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALAPPENDIX - DL I C E N S I N G A N D RATING D I V I S I O NSTATEMENT FORMFull Name : Sex : Male [ ]Nationality : Organization: Female [ ]Occupation : Date <strong>of</strong> Birth : MaritalStatus:Type <strong>of</strong> Licence applied <strong>for</strong> Initial [ ] ATPL [ ] CPL [ ] PPL [ ]Renewal [ ] F/E [ ] <strong>ATC</strong> [ ] OTHER [ ]Have you previously been Yes [ ] If yes, where Were you Fit [ ]examined <strong>for</strong> aviation duties ? No [ ] and when declared Unfit [ ]Has a "Medical Waiver" Yes [ ]ever been issued to you ? No [ ]MEDICAL HISTORYHave you ever had or have you now any <strong>of</strong> the following : (elaborate yes answers under remarks )Yes No Yes NoFrequent and severe headachesNervous trouble <strong>of</strong> any kindDizziness or fainting spellsAny drug or narcotic habitUnconsciousness <strong>for</strong> any reasonExcessive drinking habitEye trouble except glassesAttempted suicideHay leverMotion sickness requiring drugsAsthmaRejection <strong>for</strong> life insuranceHeart troubleAdmission to hospital in the last two yearsHigh or low blood pressureAviation accidentsStomach troubleOther accidentsKidney stone or blood in urineGynaecological/Obstetrical conditionsSugar or albumen in urineOperationEpilepsy or fitsOther illnessesHearing problemAny illness since last medicalIs there any family history <strong>of</strong> Diabetes : Yes/No Cardiovascular diseasee : Yes/No Tuberculosis : Yes/NoAre you in good physical and mental health as far as you know and believe ? Yes/NoREMARKSI hereby certify that all statements and answers provided by me in thisexamination <strong>for</strong>m are complete and true to the best <strong>of</strong> my knowledgeDate :...Signature

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