The New Cattle Economy - Beef

The New Cattle Economy - Beef The New Cattle Economy - Beef
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<strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Cattle</strong> <strong>Economy</strong>...continued from page 1...condition scores on the herd isimperative.So, what is a cow/calfproducer to do? <strong>The</strong> temptationmany are succumbing to is sellcows and heifers, cut productioninputs (and in return cuttingreproduction and weaningweights) and cut back oninvestments in high qualitygenetics. In times like theseinventory and higher productionlevels are the keys to profitability.Yes, inputs are high, but we aregetting paid well for hitting highproduction targets. Feedyardswant big, heavy feeder steers andfor those producers with the rightcattle, opportunities abound forgreater return.Another critical factor isthe lack of replacement heifersbeing retained for rebuilding ofour nations cowherd. Valuesof bred females will top $1,500to $1,800 or more this year andthere will simply not be enoughof the right kind of replacementfemales to meet demand. <strong>The</strong>investment we make in thefactory will determine our longterm production efficiencyand again, genetics plays acrucial role.It is understandable tou.s. cattle producers to thinkthat we are still living in aworld of $2.00 corn and $500calves and wanting to stillpay $2,000 for bulls and $900for bred replacement heifers,April 29 th & 30 thbut that simply is not in the cardstoday. Old rules of thumb maystill come into play howeverwhen determining how much topay for seedstock. One of the oldrules with new numbers is that anaverage cost of a bull being worth5 times the value of a weanedcalf would mean that an averagebull from a purebred breedershould be $3,750.00. Anotherrule of thumb is the value of bredreplacement females being thevalue of her weaned calf plus hersalvage value. At that $750 plusanother $800 salvage value, thatmeans an average bred female isworth $1,550 as a starting point.Adjusting our sights will prepareus for the new realities in thecattle business.Have inputs costs gone up?You bet, but this time we shouldsee some nice returns due to alltime record high cattle prices in2011 and beyond. It is a <strong>New</strong><strong>Cattle</strong> <strong>Economy</strong>….are you readyto respond to the challenges?GENETRUST at Cavender’s Neches River Ranch • Jacksonville, TXSelling Friday @ 5:00 pm100 Registered FemalesHighly proven donor females plus an eliteoffering of young herd building females siredby the most highly sought after and provenherd sires in the breed and representing thebreeds most prestigious and highly proven female lines.Selling Saturday @ 1:00 pm500 Commercial FemalesBrangus, Brangus baldies, black F1’s and tigerstripes. Pairs, bred heifersand open heifers. Superior quality from the breed’s most proven sires.GENETRUSTPost Office Box 365Concord, AR 725231-877-GENETRS (436-3877)March 22Suhn <strong>Cattle</strong> CompanyEureka, KSBrangus, Angus & UB BullsJoe Cavender • (903) 571-1209Joe@Cavenders.com2011 SALE DATESApril 29-30Cavender RanchesJacksonville, TXReg. & Comm. FemalesNovember 4-5Chimney Rock <strong>Cattle</strong> Co.Concord, ARBulls, Reg. & Comm. FemalesDON’T MISS OUR FIELD DAY ON SATURDAY @ 9:00 AMDecember 3Cavender RanchesJacksonville, TXBulls & Comm. FemalesCatalogs mailed by request ONLY. Call orvisit our website to request yours today.Vernon 583-3706Craig 834-1976Moving Forward...continued from page 1...the future. We firmly believe that a“more pounds” philosophy measuredsimply by increased weaning weightis not the best solution. In ourchallenge to change forage to proteinand with 70% of a cow’s intake usedfor maintenance what is our future?Do we need to step back and analyzeour unit cost of production andwhat we can do to reduce input costswhile still capitalizing on producingmore total pounds from the sameforageable acreage?Will every operation’s solutionand genetic needs be same? Certainlynot. We already are aware of that asthe genetic partners and cooperatorsthat we work with each face theirown challenges and advantages inthe diverse environmental locationsin which we operate. Feed resourceavailability, rainfall and the typeand quality of forage that yourenvironment provides will be atremendous factor in the degree ofgrowth and milk production you areable to sustain.As your genetic supplier we willcontinue to provide some variationin the genetic profiles of the bullsoffered. We do not feel that a “onesize fits all” philosophy works foreveryone. We endeavor though tosupply genetics that are packaged tobe as functionally efficient for ourcustomer base as possible. <strong>The</strong> GTpartners were some of the first in thisindustry to recognize the need forbiosecurity and offer bulls that weretested free of PIBVD, Leukosis, andJohnes to help protect you from theaddition of unwanted health issues.Disposition, the ease of handlinglivestock and reducing its cost tothis industry has been and willcontinue to be addressed in ourmating decisions. As always we willbreed today with a cautious ear andforethought for tomorrow’s futureneeds: a future that we have trendedtoward for several generations todefine and breed a productionfactory that will optimize productionfor our customers.For all times we have for saleat either our Kansas, Texasor Arkansas base ranches thefollowing....• Bulls at private treaty• Embryos• Registered females• Commercial femalesCraig Green 870-834-1976Vernon Suhn 620-583-3706Kenneth Welch(903) 571-8716www.GENETRUSTBrangus.com2Justin Matejka(903)-521-1070GENETRUSTPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.GENETRUSTPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.

A few words fromour customers...Delmar Snyderpurchased his first bullfrom Vernon Suhn in1988 while he was stilloperations manager atBrinks Brangus. He hascontinued to be one of our bestcustomers after beginning our ownregistered cattle business. He has akeen eye for cattle, knows what he islooking for and studies thoroughlythe information that is available tohim to help make his selections.Delmar and his family run arotational cross breeding programwhere his Brangus cows and a fewCharolais cross cows are bred toAngus bulls; Angus and Ultrablackcows to Brangus bulls; and a group ofmixed cows that he uses Ultrablackbulls on. He strongly believes thatour industry needs to use a plannedcross breeding program to survive aswe are giving up too many benefitsof heterosis if we stay with straightbreds.<strong>The</strong> cows he likes best thoughare his straight Brangus females fortheir hardiness and ability to raise abig, strapping calf.In 2009 he felt he had madeenough progress in his herd to feeda portion of his cattle. From thatexperience he has become even morecommitted to Brangus genetics.Those steers yielded at 67.3% anddid not have to be fed the extra 2-3weeks to reach the premiums of aquality based grid. His remarks to meare that efficiency, gain and yield arewhere the profits are. Yield on cattlewill make more money than grade,unless you are in a wide choice-selectprice spread.his demands on a cow to produceor be culled. He utilizes a crossbreedingprogram on his commercialoperation and relies on AI to makeit work. His more Angus type cowshe breeds to Brangus bulls and hismore Brangus type cows he breedsto Angus bulls. Over the past severalyears he has used some of the highestgrowth, positive carcass bulls fromthe Angus side while using moremoderate to breed average growthbulls like Alydar, Next Step andAffirmed to supply his Brangusgenetics. Zak has retained ownershipand fed the resulting steer progenyfrom these AI groups and collectedfeed out and harvest data to compareand evaluate what the bulls are doing.You might expect that an Angusbull in the top 1% of that breed forgrowth would blow the doors ofthe progeny of Brangus bulls withmoderate to breed average growth.However, year in and year out the416X11LTD x NimitzBrangus sired calves have held theirown or exceeded the harvest value oftheir Angus contemporaries. Yes, theAngus cattle have produced a higher% choice; however, the Brangus siredcalves will out gain and out yieldthem to offset the difference inquality grade to put more dollarsback in his pocket at harvest.<strong>The</strong> positives do not stop thereaccording to Zak— his Brangusinfluenced mothers are tougher,harder working females with greatdispositions that shed off better.Moreover, they have less healthproblems and definitely less eyeproblems in his environment.Zak’s no nonsense; low inputmanagement system lends itselfto a 1250 lb. cow that is capable ofproducing a steer that is harvestedat 14-15 months of age at 1400+pounds. Plus it does not require breedleading growth EPD Brangus bulls toproduce at his production levels.Scan Our DepthMarch 22, 2011At the Ranch • Eureka, KS • 1:00 pm140 Brangus and Ultrablack Bulls • 25 Angus BullsBW WW YW Milk TM SC IMF REA FT2.0 29 54 20 35 0.7 .07 .42 -.013O’BRIEN 2010 HARVEST VALUES PER HEAD:SireAve. $/headSuhn’s Alydar 416N3$1455/headSuhn’s Next Step 331R7$1459/headConnealy Impression$1451/head919W23LTD x KOBW WW YW Milk TM SC IMF REA FT1.8 30 61 11 26 1.3 .13 .47 -.0101302X2Hill x CsonkaBW WW YW Milk TM SC IMF REA FT0.9 35 70 12 30 1.5 .07 .46 0.0_______When you open aconversation with ZakO’Brien about politicsor the cattle industryyou need to be readyfor a straight forward,no nonsense reply. Heis passionate about both subjects.Zak, his wife Cortney and beautifulfamily have a small registered herdalong with a commercial cow-calfoperation in Northeast Oklahomajust south of the Kansas border.He is passionate about the beefcattle industry, loves Brangus asa mother cow and is ruthless in1417X5BT x 6807BW WW YW Milk TM SC IMF REA FT-0.8 18 42 12 21 0.0 .14 .16 .004362W3<strong>New</strong>t x Lead OnUPCOMING GENETRUST SALESCavender’s Neches River Ranch • April 29-30, 2011 • Jacksonville, TexasChimney Rock <strong>Cattle</strong> Company • November 4-5, 2011 • Concord, ArkansasBW WW YW Milk TM SC IMF REA FT-2.3 29 55 17 31 .5 .14 .19 .0080237Protege x ForemanBW WW YW Milk TM SC IMF REA FT2.3 66 116 21 54 .24 .39 .47 .011Buy online at:CATALOGS MAILED BY REQUEST ONLY. CALL OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO REQUEST YOURS TODAY!Vernon Suhn • • (620) 583-3706 • Craig Green • • (870) 834-1976Cody Gariss • • (417) • 1-877-GENETRS (436-3877)3

GENETRUSTGENETRUSTPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.GENETRUSTPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.Performance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.P.O. Box 365Concord, AR 72523GENETRUST1-877-GENETRSPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.(436-3877)GENETRUSTwww.genetrustbrangus.comPRSRT STDUS POSTAGEPAIDTSGGENETRUSTPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.GENETRUSTPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.GENETRUSTwww.genetrustbrangus.comPROVENPREDICTABLEPREPOTENT2011 Spring AI Sire Directory607L11BW 1.8Owned By: Genesis RanchSemen Price: $40 per strawTransformer of BrinksBright Side of Brinks 789G5Ms BB Bright Promise 789E14Brinks CC Big Easy 54DMiss Brinks Big Easy 607H10Miss Brinks <strong>New</strong>sDay 607F32WW 22YW 46Milk 13TM 24SC 0.1IMF -0.03REA 0.61FT -0.001GENETRUSTPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.GENETRUSTPerformance Genetics. Trusted <strong>Cattle</strong>men.GENETRUSTwww.genetrustbrangus.comWhy Use 607L11?• Is the top semen seller internationallyover the last 10 years• Continues to breed natural serviceand remain athletic at 10 years of age• Produces moderate, easy fleshingoffspring that will stay in your herd• Ranks in the top 20% for Milk or visit our website today to request your spring sale catalogs.ALL CATALOGS ARE MAILED BY REQUEST ONLY.Download our Spring AI Sire Directory at:GENETRUSTwww.GENETRUSTBrangus.comwww.genetrustbrangus.comAbramsBW -2.2Owned By: Schmidt Farms, Iron Farms, Circle RP, MoundCreek Semen Price: $40 per strawTJM John Wayne 44LMC John Wayne 165N3MC Ms <strong>New</strong>s Man 165KCadence of BrinksMiss Brinks Cadence 468G15Miss BB <strong>New</strong> Macho 468CWW 33YW 63Milk 21TM 37SC 0.5IMF 0.14REA 0.84FT 0.001Why Use Abrams?• Low birth “John Wayne” grandsoneveryone is searching for• Tremendous BW to YW spread in avery athletic package• Top 1% for REA and has highindividual IMF scores, his sons areexhibiting the 1.4Owned By: Schmidt Farms, Cavender Brangus, Suhn <strong>Cattle</strong>Semen Price: $40 per strawKO of Brinks 392F10Ali of Brinks 209J2Miss Brinks Trooper 209GBrinks CC <strong>New</strong>s Day 661C2Miss CC <strong>New</strong>s Day 416EMTG Ms Update 416BWW 28YW 51Milk 13TM 27SC 1.3IMF -0.01REA 0.17FT -0.003Why Use Affirmed?• #8 AI sire in the breed in 2010• Outcross genetics that works well onCadence and Transformer• Daughters are early maturing, haveexcellent udder design and aremaking great mothers• Will help with structural Crowd for GTat Chimney Rock SaleEnthusiastic Brangus breedersfrom fifteen states converged onConcord, AR November 6 th and 7 thfor the Second Annual GENETRUSTat Chimney Rock Brangus Sale.Friday night’s sale saw the lead off ofSuhn’s Next Step 331R7 commandeda final bid of $36,000 from 101Ranch, of Palo Pinto, TX.<strong>The</strong> next lot to sell, Lot 59 fromSchmidt Farms, SF Miss <strong>New</strong>sman535R3 brought $30,000 and waspurchased by the partnership ofPlatte Valley Brangus, Columbus,NE, TJM Ranch, Kerrville, TX andSuhn <strong>Cattle</strong> Company, Eureka, KS.Alydar son was Roy Schoenig HoneyGrove, TX at $35,000.<strong>The</strong> next lot was CRC North Star9U8W3, a calving ease grandson ofWR Duke 228F and out of Guardian’sdam commanded a price of $25,000from Cavender Ranches, Troup, TX.GENETRUST Sale atCavender’s Ranch Provesthe Depth and Strengthof the GT ProgramA packed house of enthusiasticbuyers enjoyed perfect weather forthe GENETRUST at Cavender’sNeches River Ranch Annual BrangusBull and Commercial Female Sale,Jacksonville, TX. Buyers’ commentswere that this was the mostconsistent, uniform, highest qualityset of Brangus bulls this sale has everoffered.<strong>The</strong> high selling bull of the daywas Lot 2, GR Swift 209W3 andwas the selection of Roy Schoeing,Schoeing Land & <strong>Cattle</strong>, HoneyGrove , TX at $20,000 for ½ interestand possession. <strong>The</strong> second highseller was Lot 3, WW Cherokee535W36 and was purchased bySalacoa Valley Ranch, Fairmont, GAfor $8,000.88 coming two year old Brangusbulls grossed $294,500 to average$3,347. 53 yearling Brangus bullsgrossed $148,450 to average $2,801.Topping the commercial femalesale was a tremendous pen of tenBraford females with Brangus siredcalves at side. <strong>The</strong>y commanded a bidof $1685 from Robin Liles, Tatum,TX. <strong>The</strong>y were followed closely by apen of Brangus pairs going to DannyWright, Hinton, OK at $1600. <strong>The</strong>ywere also one of the volume femalebuyers of the day along with JimmyAcker, Greensboro, AL. Both ranchesput together an outstanding set ofpairs, and bred and open heifers.229 commercial heifers grossed$261,130 to average $1140. 200commercial pairs grossed $272,100to average $1361.Miss CRC Cadence 55R18 andher heifer calf by Specialist broughta $28,000 final bid from Draggin’ MRanch, El Dorado, AR.Saturday’s offering sawcompetitive bidding from bothregistered and commercial breederson an outstanding offering ofBrangus bulls. Lot 150, DMRGoodnight 607W3 created muchexcitement and conversation inBrangus circles and when the finalgavel fell the new owner of ½ interestand possession in the exciting<strong>The</strong> strongest set of yearling bullsever offered at Chimney Rock sawLot 251, Suhn’s Chisholm 331W45, ason of LTD of Brinks was purchasedby Cavender Ranches for $18,000.<strong>The</strong> commercial females sawstrong consistent demand with aset of 4 year old pairs receiving afinal bid of $1500 each from CorlayBrangus and Mike Vorel purchaseda group of heavy bred four yearolds for $1400. Volume buyers inthe commercial female sale were:Mike Brumley, Hereford, TX; RockyHiggins, Lamar, MO; Terry Jones,Gravelly, AR; and Todd Garrett,Midlothian, TX.A total of 112 Brangus femalesand pregnant recipients averaged$4750 and 130 bulls averaged$3,419.4

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