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<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>MARCH 2011

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Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3AMRITA DHARABHAGAVAN’S DISCOURSE:5TH JULY 1996LOVE IS THE GREATESTBINDING FORCEWhat is the use of all spiritual practices without the control of senses? What is the useof doing Yoga without forbearance? What is the use of performing Japa without innerpeace? All this is futile like ploughing a barren field.(Telugu Poem)C O N S I D E R A L L W O R K A S G O D ’ S W O R KStudents!ANY TASK CAN BEaccomplished in this world withproper effort. In order to achievevictory in any field of activity,one has to make necessary effort. Even atiny ant can walk miles together if it makeseffort. On the other hand, an eagle cannotmove even a step forward if it does not makeeffort. Man cannot perform even a small taskif he does not have the will to do or he doesnot make effort in the proper direction.Make Love the Basis of all SpiritualPracticesWith his strong will power, Dhruva attainedthe vision of God even at a tender age byperforming intense penance, overcomingall difficulties and sufferings with courageand fortitude. It was because of his strongwill power that he attained immortality andbecame shining pole star. In the same way,any person can achieve success when heperforms actions with full confidence, nomatter what his age, strength or capacityis. You must have heard the life stories ofmany great sages who had to ultimatelyface frustration and disappointment in spiteof performing intense penance for a numberof years because they lacked forbearance.Nothing in this world has more powerthan love. Love is more powerfulthan even an atom bomb, a hydrogenbomb or any other bomb. If youhave only love, you can achieveeverything. So many of you havegathered here. What is the reason? Itis love. It is because of Swami’s lovefor you and your love for Swami thatso many of you have come here. Hasanyone sent any invitation to you?No. Love is the greatest binding force.Therefore, develop love, talk to eachother with love, perform all actionswith love and always contemplate onthe principle of love.66 March 2011

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3Viswamitra is an example inthis regard who lost all hispower of penance due tohis lack of forbearance andsense control. He had torestart his penance from thevery beginning.Self-effort is most essentialin every field of activity.Your rendition of Ragabecomes more and moremelodious with more andmore practice. Even aNeem fruit tastes sweeterif you keep on chewing itmore and more.(Telugu Poem)It is because of theirstrenuous effort and intensepractice that boys are able tosing Bhajans melodiously.Though Sage Durvasawas one of great penance,he lacked self-restraint. Hewas full of anger and totallydevoid of inner peace. That iswhy he could not attain anyexalted status. Though heperformed intense penanceand attained great powers,he lost everything due to hislack of inner peace. Alongwith inner peace, one shouldhave forbearance also. Forbearance is likethe very eye of man.Forbearance is truth, forbearanceis righteousness, forbearance is theteaching of the Vedas, forbearance isnon-violence, forbearance is sacrifice,All that you see is the form of God. All heads thatyou see belong to the cosmic form of God. You seeonly the external names and forms and considerthem as mere mortals. When you change youroutlook, you will realise that all are divine. Defectlies in your vision and not in the creation. Whateveris the colour of your glasses, the world will appearto be of the same colour. If you see the world withhatred, you will find hatred everywhere. On theother hand, if you see the world with love, you willfind love everywhere. Therefore, Yad Bhavam TadBhavathi (as are the feelings, so is the result).forbearance confers happiness andheavenly bliss. In fact, it is everything inall the worlds.(Telugu Poem)Love is the very life of all spiritual practices.There can be no life without love. You haveto make efforts to understand this principle ofMarch 2011 67

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3love and make it a part of your life. The boywho spoke earlier said, “Life is love, enjoy it”.“Life is a dream, realise it”. What is a dream?The entire life of man is a dream. Now it isdaytime and you are sitting here, listeningto Swami’s Discourse. You think, it is not adream because you are seeing it with youreyes, hearing it with your ears, reflecting onit with your mind and experiencing it in yourheart. You think, you are directly experiencingall this. But, how long will this experiencelast? At night when you go to sleep after yourdinner, this experience will vanish. Similarly,you experience happiness and sorrow in yourdream. But, how long does this experienceof sorrow and happiness last? It lasts solong as the dream lasts. As soon as you areawake, all your dream experiences becomeuntrue. Your night dreams do not exist duringthe day. Similarly, you don’t remember yourdaytime experiences in your sleep. Hence,one is night dream and the other is daydream. Day dreams do not exist in the nightdream and night dreams do not exist in theday dream. But you are present in both.Therefore, you are omnipresent. Since bothyour daytime and night-time experiencesare just a dream, it is said, life is a dream.You have to realise it. That is true religion.Religion means to realise. Understanding thetruth is true religion.In everything, love is most important.Rishis do penance in dense forests wherefierce beasts roam about freely. TheseRishis don’t have guns, swords or any otherweapons with them. Yet these Rishis andfierce beasts live together in harmony inthese forests. Neither are the Rishis afraid ofthe beasts nor are the beasts afraid of theRishis. What is the reason? The reason isYou are not the body, you arenot the mind, you are the master.Body, mind and senses are mereinstruments. It is God in the formof Atmic consciousness whomakes these instruments function.This consciousness is present ineveryone. There is none in this worldwithout consciousness. Hence, Godis present in everyone in the formof consciousness. Isavasyam IdamJagat (the entire world is permeatedby God). The entire world is themanifestation of God.that Rishis are full of love, due to the effect ofwhich even the wild beasts are transformedinto loving animals. Hence, whatever is thetype of company you have, it will have thesame type of effect on you. That is why it issaid, “Tell me your company, I shall tell youwhat you are”. When you associate with goodcompany, you will imbibe good qualities. Ineverything, love is most important. Love isthe form of God. Live in love.Perform all Actions to Please GodThere lived in Italy a great violinist namedAntony, who earned a great name as themaker of violins. But he used to take oneyear to make one violin. His friends used totell him, “Antony! You are a householder.If you make only one violin in a year, howmuch income will you get out of it? How willyou meet the needs of your family? How canyou lead a happy life”? Then Antony told hisfriends, “My friends! God is the embodimentof perfection. Therefore, even a small taskthat man performs should be perfect. Only68 March 2011

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3He also performs Yogasanasand physical exercises. But,what is the use of doingall this when you are notable to get rid of your evilqualities, wicked thoughtsand mean mentality? TheRamayana, the Mahabharataand the Bhagavata are themain source of teachingfor mankind. What do theyteach? They teach that manshould not harbour the wickedqualities of Kama, Krodhaand Lobha (desire, anger andgreed). Ravana’s evil qualityof Kama was the root causefor the story of the Ramayana.Similarly, Hiranyakasipu’sanger was responsible for theBhagavata and Duryodhana’sgreed was responsiblefor the Mahabharata. Dueto his anger and hatredtowards God, Hiranyakasipubecame bereft of the powerof discrimination and losteverything. Due to hisgreed, Duryodhana wasnot prepared to give to thePandavas the land even equalto the point of a needle. Whatwas their ultimate fate? Whatdid Ravana get in the end?Though he was endowedwith all types of powers, helost his kingdom as well ashis entire clan because he became the victimof Kama. Hiranyakasipu harboured angeragainst Hari, lost his power of discriminationRishis do penance in dense forests where fiercebeasts roam about freely. These Rishis don’t haveguns, swords or any other weapons with them.Yet these Rishis and fierce beasts live together inharmony in these forests. Neither are the Rishisafraid of the beasts nor are the beasts afraid of theRishis. What is the reason? The reason is that Rishisare full of love, due to the effect of which even thewild beasts are transformed into loving animals.Hence, whatever is the type of company you have, itwill have the same type of effect on you. That is whyit is said, “Tell me your company, I shall tell you whatyou are”. When you associate with good company,you will imbibe good qualities.and without even a trace of kindness andcompassion subjected his own son to untoldsuffering. What happened to him ultimately?He was endowed with all powers and could70 March 2011

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3control even the five elements. In spiteof that, he earned a bad name and ruinedhimself because of his anger. What wasthe use of his acquiring so many powers?In the end, he achieved nothing. Due to hisgreed, Duryodhana suffered a devastatingdefeat and lost all his brothers. He harbouredhatred towards the Pandavas who were thevery embodiments of Dharma. He pretendedas though he had faith in Krishna but in facthe had no faith. He even developed hatredtowards Krishna because He supported therighteous Pandavas. Ravana, Hiranyakasipuand Duryodhana bore hatred towards God.Those who harbour such evil qualities, thedoors of liberation are always closed forthem. Evil qualities are the greatest obstaclein the path of Moksha. What is Moksha? Isit attaining Kailasa or Vaikuntha or Swarga(heaven)? Moha Kshaya is Moksha, i.e.,giving up of attachment is liberation. Whenyou gradually reduce your attachment, thatitself leads you to liberation.Once upon a time, Narada asked LordVishnu, “I always come for Your Darshanwherever You are. But sometimes there isan emergency, and I want to meet You foran urgent work. Where is Your head office sothat in such a situation I am able to come toYou immediately and convey the message?Is it Vaikuntha, Kailasa or Swarga”? Vishnureplied, “Narada! Write down My address.Mad Bhakta Yatra Gayanti Tatra TishthamiNarada (I reside where My devotees singMy glories, Narada). Vaikuntha, Kailasaand Swarga are only My branch offices. Butwherever My dear devotee sings My glory,I install Myself there permanently. That isMy head office. In all other places, I am likea Utsava Vigraha (an idol meant for takingout in a procession). They are My temporarydwelling places. But you find Me installedpermanently wherever My devotees sing Myglory”. God is the resident of every heart.Therefore, do not be deluded to think that youare mere mortals. All are the embodiments ofGod. You think, you are mere mortals andobserve differences on the basis of nameand form due to your attachment to physicalbody which is made up of five elements.Forget all differences of names and formsand realise the truth. Contemplate on theeternal principle of divinity. Do not wasteyour life in the pursuit of mundane, physicaland worldly endeavours.Love is the Ornament of a DevoteeGod is love personified. Everything isthe manifestation of His love. One who hasa form has attributes. But God has no formand hence no attributes. Love is God, God isLove. Love has no form. Love is love, that isall. The ocean has a limit, the sky has a limit,but love has no limit. There was a devoteeby name Mallamma in Karnataka. In oneof her compositions, she sang, “Oh Lord!Lotus is the ornament of a lake. Without alotus in it, the lake has no beauty. Similarly,houses are the ornaments of a village. Moonis the ornament of the sky. Waves are theornaments of the ocean. Likewise, love isthe ornament of Your devotees. There is nogreater ornament than Your love”. Just asthe ocean without waves, the sky withoutthe moon and the lake without lotus haveno beauty, likewise life bereft of love hasno meaning. Love is the greatest ornamentof man. Love is God, Live in Love. Love all.Even if the other person lacks love, shareyour love with him. As I told you earlier, loveis like the needle of a mariner’s compass.March 2011 71

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3Wherever you place it, the needle of amariner’s compass will always point towardsthe north only. Similarly, all that you think,all that you desire and all that you do shouldbe directed towards God. Just as you earnmoney by doing business or undertaking ajob, you should earn the wealth of love ineach and every activity that you perform inyour daily life. Love represents fullness.Poornamada Poornamidam, PoornatPoornamudachyate,Poornasya Poornamadaya,Poornamevavashishyate.(That is full, this is full. When the full is takenout of the full, what remains is again the full.)Love always maintains this quality offullness. It neither increases nor decreases.It is from the fullness of love that divinitymanifests. Where there is total love, God willmanifest then and there.Follow the Easy Path of LoveYou do not know how easy it is to attainGod. It may be a little difficult to crush the petalof a flower or press a ball of butter but attainingGod is much more easy than this. However,you do not follow this easy path. The reasonis your wrong notion. You think, God is verydifficult to attain as He is somewhere far awayand one has to perform intense penance andconduct spiritual enquiry to attain Him. Thiswrong notion is the cause of your delusion.God is not far away from you. Whereveryou see, God is there. Sarvatah PanipadamTat Sarvathokshi Siromukham, SarvatahSruthimalloke Sarvamavruthya Tishthati(with hands, feet, eyes, head, mouth andears pervading everything, He permeatesthe entire universe). Where is the need to72 March 2011search for someone who is everywhere?There is no such need. You see the worldwith your physical eyes. This world itself isthe manifestation of God. PashyannapichaNa Pashyati Moodho (he is a fool who sees,yet does not recognise the reality). All thatyou see is the form of God. All heads thatyou see belong to the cosmic form of God.You see only the external names and formsand consider them as mere mortals. Whenyou change your outlook, you will realise thatall are divine. Defect lies in your vision andnot in the creation. Whatever is the colour ofyour glasses, the world will appear to be ofthe same colour. If you see the world withhatred, you will find hatred everywhere. Onthe other hand, if you see the world with love,you will find love everywhere. Therefore, YadBhavam Tad Bhavathi (as are the feelings,so is the result). What you see outside is thereflection of your own feelings.All are the embodiments of God. Developthis feeling of oneness. Nothing in thisworld has more power than love. Love ismore powerful than even an atom bomb, ahydrogen bomb or any other bomb. If youhave only love, you can achieve everything.So many of you have gathered here. What isthe reason? It is love. It is because of Swami’slove for you and your love for Swami that somany of you have come here. Has anyonesent any invitation to you? No. Love is thegreatest binding force. Therefore, developlove, talk to each other with love, perform allactions with love and always contemplate onthe principle of love. There is no easier paththan this. Many people close their eyes, tellthe beads of their rosary and think that theyContinued on page 84...

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3DEVOTIONAL MUSICPROGRAMME OF TWOCOUNTRIESCOMBINED DEVOTIONALAmusic programme of twocountries, viz., Czech Republicand New Zealand was heldon 25th January 2011. The programmebegan with invocatory prayer toLord Ganesh at 6.50 p.m. afterBhagavan’s Darshan in <strong>Sai</strong> KulwantHall. This was followed by the musicprogramme by the singers of CzechRepublic, after which New Zealandsingers presented their programme.Devotional songs were in the nativelanguages of the two countries,besides English. There was anumber in Hindi-Telugu mix also.The devotional songs were followedby Bhajans. At the conclusion of theVideo of this ProgrammeDevotees of Czech Republic and New Zealandpresented a combined devotional musicprogramme on 25th January 2011.programme which lasted for half an hour,Bhagavan showered His blessings on thesingers. He also gave Vibhuti Prasadam tosome of them. The programme came to aclose with Arati to Bhagavan at 7.30 p.m.DISTRIBUTION OF IMPLEMENTSIn a simple and solemn function heldin <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall on 12th February2011, Bhagavan blessed the distributionVarious implements displayed in <strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall fordistribution to beneficiaries on 12th February 2011.of various implements to more than650 beneficiaries to provide meansof employment to them and to makethem self-reliant. The items includedcomputers, sewing machines, wetgrinders, telephone coin boxes,pesticide sprayers, electrician kits,bicycles, tricycles and hearing aids. Thebeneficiaries, both ladies and gents,were selected from various districts ofAndhra Pradesh by <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> SevaOrganisation of Andhra Pradesh whichorganised this programme in the DivinePresence of Bhagavan.March 2011 67 73

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3LAUNCH A NEW MOVEMENTOF VILLAGE UPLIFTR E G A R D S E R V I C E T O M A N A S S E R V I C E T O G O DODAY IS THE HOLY FESTIVALTof Ugadi (Telugu New Year). Webid farewell to the year gone byand welcome the new year. Wehope that during this year, our time andactivity will be meaningful. We pray thatthe new year should confer on all beingslongevity, health and goodness. Pleasantexperiences and unpleasant memories of theprevious year that linger in the mind containmany good lessons. When one reviews thepast year within oneself, one can realise howmuch time was spent selfishly and how muchin service.Man has achieved some progressphysically and scientifically but morally hehas fallen. What is the cause of this fall?Egoism, selfishness, ignorance and Avidya(absence of wisdom) are the only causes. Itis selfishness that is now operating behindevery thought, word and deed of man. Thosewho seek the joy of liberation should burnthis selfishness in the fire of Jnana (spiritualwisdom). Otherwise, man has no future.Do not misuse time which is precious. Timefleets fast. The span of life is like a porouspot. Not to realise this is the basic ignorance.Make good use of time by recognising whatis permanent and true in human life.Cultivate the Feeling of OnenessThere are 5,64,000 small villages inour country. Their condition is sad andpitiable. People living in towns must involvethemselves in social service programmesand help their fellowmen. It is because ofI shall visit every village along withyou and serve all villagers withoutany discrimination of caste, creed,race and class. I wish that <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Organisations should, from this dayonwards, undertake programmes ofrural uplift, go to each village andprovide educational and medicalfacilities. Meditation and penance areuseful to one’s own self only but thegood of the world at large is achievedthrough sacrifice. The Upanishadsrefer to sacrifice as the onlymeans of salvation – ThyagenaikeAmrutatthwamanasu (immortalityis attained only by sacrifice). So, Iwish that members of <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Organisations should develop thespirit of sacrifice and provide basicnecessities of life to the rural masses.74 March 2011

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3your selfishness that youbecome useless to others.You entertain all kindsof hopes and finally getdeceived. People preacha million things but do notpractise even one.We say from platforms“Brothers and Sisters”. Wefeel that we are all brothers.But even real brotherswrangle over propertiesand go up to the SupremeCourt in litigation. So,instead of thinking that weare brothers and sisters,we should cultivate thehigher spiritual feeling ofoneness. Fatherhood ofGod and Brotherhood ofMan becomes meaningfulonly then. Today is the holyUgadi day. It is not enoughif we wear new clothes andenjoy feasts on this day.Launch a new movement tomark the new year. People inthe villages have no medicaland educational facilities.They have no drinking water,no sanitary arrangements.Many of them have no food to eat. Providethese facilities to them and thereby realisedivinity. The need of the hour is the manof action, not the one who only talks. OurBharata Bhumi (land of India) is KarmaBhumi (land of action). Karma is exertion,effort. This sacred land is also known for itslove of God.All of you should take a pledge on this New YearDay that you will serve the rural people to the bestof your ability. You must do this as a sacred dutywhich goes beyond differences of politics, casteand creed. Such a feeling is strengthened by selfconfidenceand equanimity in joy and sorrow. Wesay, we are all children of Bharat. But, in what wayare we sustaining the culture of Bharat? Culturecannot be sustained without proper faith. Faith andself-confidence are essential for spiritual progress.With the hope that you will regard service to villagesas service to God, I confer My blessings on you.Use your Money to Help People inDistressToday our lives are tainted by desire forwealth. Wealth makes a man intoxicated andmad. Money is necessary but it must have alimit. Excessive money can be harmful. It ismore difficult to spend money than to earn it.It is even more difficult to take care of money.This difficulty has an advantage – put theMarch 2011 75

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3money to good use by spending it for ruralfolk and people in distress. It is not DhanaMoolam Idam Jagat (money is the basis ofthe entire world) but Dharma Moolam IdamJagat (righteousness is the basis of the entireworld). If money grows, unrest also grows.Money brings sorrow with it. A rich man isharassed from three sides – the government,his relations and thieves. God alone knowsthe agony suffered by a rich man.Those who amass wealth for the sake oftheir sons suffer privations themselves andruin the life of their sons also. So, give awayyour money in charity and make it purposeful.Members of <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Organisations musttour every village and improve the lot of therural folk. This is a new challenge for themembers of the organisation.I shall visit every village along with you andserve all villagers without any discriminationof caste, creed, race and class. I wish that<strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Organisations should, from thisday onwards, undertake programmes ofrural uplift, go to each village and provideeducational and medical facilities. Meditationand penance are useful to one’s own self onlybut the good of the world at large is achievedthrough sacrifice. The Upanishads refer tosacrifice as the only means of salvation –Thyagenaike Amrutatthwamanasu (immortalityis attained only by sacrifice). So, I wishthat members of <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Organisationsshould develop the spirit of sacrifice andprovide basic necessities of life to the ruralmasses. It is in the villages that a certainamount of morality and honesty is still left. Ihope that all rich people will strive to improvethe condition of the villages.Does a festival mean only wearing newclothes and eating sweets? Get rid of oldideas and imbibe new ones. The bitter-sweetmix served on the Ugadi day implies that oneshould treat pleasure and pain equally.Students must be trained to serve in ruralareas. There are about 20 crore children inour country today. Forty per cent of themlack basic necessities of life. It is not goodto keep quiet when there are such hardshipsin society around. We should give up Japaand Sadhana and uplift such people throughservice and sacrifice. We should realise thatJana Seva is Janardhana Seva and ManavaSeva is Madhava Seva (service to people isservice to God).All of you should take a pledge on thisNew Year Day that you will serve the ruralpeople to the best of your ability. You mustdo this as a sacred duty which goes beyonddifferences of politics, caste and creed. Sucha feeling is strengthened by self-confidenceand equanimity in joy and sorrow. We say,we are all children of Bharat. But, in whatway are we sustaining the culture of Bharat?Culture cannot be sustained without properfaith. Faith and self-confidence are essentialfor spiritual progress. With the hope that youwill regard service to villages as service toGod, I confer My blessings on you.– From Bhagavan’s Divine Discoursein Sivam, Hyderabad on 28th March 1979.Prompted by the urge to advance the progress of others, when a person dedicateshis wealth, skill and intelligence, his position and status, he becomes truly great.Such a one is the purposeful seer for the world.– Baba76 March 2011

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3InterviewTHE MESSAGE OF UNITY ANDUNIVERSALITY“I gravitated to the universality of Bhagavan’s Message. Here was a teacher who wassaying, whatever religion you belong to, it does not matter, whatever form and name ofGod that is your deity, pray to that form and you will arrive at the goal. Very few teacherswere saying this; most of them were preaching about one particular faith. Here was auniversal teacher for the whole of humanity to keep it under one umbrella”, said <strong>Sri</strong> FizeMohammed of Trinidad and Tobago in an interview for Radio <strong>Sai</strong> Global Harmony.SAI RAM, SRI MOHAMMED.We are happy to welcome youin the studio of Radio <strong>Sai</strong>. It is,in fact, avery special occasionZfor us because it issuch a rarity thatwe have someonefrom Trinidad in ourstudio. There are <strong>Sai</strong>devotees in everycorner of the worldbut perhaps this isthe first time thatwe have a devoteefrom that smallisland in our studio.Before we begin ourconversation, canyou please tell a littlebit about yourself byway of introducingyourself to ourlisteners?Sure. I am veryhappy to be here inthe studio of RadioZThere are 52 <strong>Sai</strong> Baba Centres inthe country and for a tiny island likeTrinidad and Tobago, the amount ofwork done by the <strong>Sai</strong> Organisationis really amazing. Moreover, whatthe <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation has been ableto achieve with Bhagavan Baba’sgrace is really stupendous. Forexample, we have two televisionstations that screen two onehourprogrammes on NationalTV every week. Therefore, manyhomes in the country watch theseprogrammes. So, all the beautifulDVDs of Swami’s work we giveto these stations and they screenSwami’s programmes at least fortwo hours, one on Thursday, oneon Sunday for one hour each.<strong>Sai</strong> and it is a great opportunity. My nameis Fize Mohammed. I am a Muslim by birth. Iam a Financial Consultant in private practice.I have been amember of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Organisationsince 1981. WithBhagavan’s grace,I have held manypositions. The firstone was the NationalYouth Coordinatorfor four years, andpresently I am theNational SpiritualCoordinator ofTrinidad and Tobago.ZOne questionwhich is inevitableand which perhapsevery listener wouldalso like to knowis, “How did Swamicome into your life”?From my early age,I was always inclinedZMarch 2011 77

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3towards spirituality and started readingbooks of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,Paramahamsa Yogananda and RamanaMaharshi. Particularly, I read the Gospelof Ramakrishna and Yogananda’s book“Autobiography of a Yogi”. I was very muchfascinated by the wonderful stories of thesesaints and whenever I read it, it would createa thrill in my heart to go deeper and deeper tofathom myself. I also studied Sufism and readabout mystical men of Islam like JalaluddinRumi who transcended religion and werereally living spirituality. At a young age, Ideveloped a deep interest in real spiritualityand started asking questions, why I took birthand what was the purpose of my life?So, when did all this learning take place?It happened at the age of 17 when I had justcompleted my Secondary School education.I did not know at that time what I wanted todo further in my studies. So, I decided totake a little time out and think about it. I usedto frequently visit the mosque in my town andoften spend hours there in prayer, doing theNamaz, reading and meditation. After sometime, I met a gentleman who used to come tothe mosque and later I found out that he wasthe son of the Imam who conducted dailyprayers. On my very first meeting with him, hereally opened my eyes. I realised that most ofmy Muslim friends and elders did not havean open mind towards other religions andfaiths. They felt that Islam was the greatestreligion and Prophet Mohammed was the lastand final messenger. Often in the mosque,I would have debates along these linesbecause I could not agree with them. I wouldshare my views with them that Islam was agreat religion, but so was Hinduism and sowas Christianity. In my opinion, God was78 March 2011going to judge our conduct, our intentionsand purity of heart regardless of religion. Butthis gentleman whom I met had a universaloutlook. Like myself, he was also searchinganswers to many fundamental questions.He had read many books and studied greatmasters. So, I developed a kinship with him,and thereafter we had very long, beautifulspiritual discussions for many many days,sometimes lasting until the wee hours of themorning.I was fortunate to meet him and he hada great impact on my spiritual development,being 10 years older than me and with somuch wisdom. The more I conversed withhim, the deeper truths I understood untilone day, <strong>Sai</strong> Baba’s name came up duringdiscussion. I had not heard much about <strong>Sai</strong>Baba but I discussed this with him for a littlewhile. Later, he bought a book and handedit over to me. The name of the book was“<strong>Sathya</strong>m Sivam Sundaram”. I asked him,“Who is that person on the cover”? He said,“He is God in human form”. I said, “You mustbe mad”. He looked at me very seriously andsaid, “Fize, read it but read it with an openmind”. So, I took his advice, went home andstarted reading the book the same day. Icould not put it down and read every page ofthe book. It had such a tremendous impacton me! All that I had learnt previously fromthe great masters, all that I had studied in myown universal way of thinking, I found it inharmony with what <strong>Sai</strong> Baba was saying.There were beautiful sayings of <strong>Sai</strong> Babathat really touched me and opened my eyesas to what His message really is. Thosesayings were: “There is only one religion,the religion of love. There is only one caste,the caste of humanity. There is only one

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3language, the language of the heart. Thereis only one God and He is omnipresent”. I feltthat it was so beautiful, and then the otherwhich I really liked was: “Let different faithsexist, let them flourish. Let the glory of Godbe sung in all the languages in a variety oftunes. Respect the differences betweendifferent faiths and recognise them as validas long as they do not extinguish the flameof unity”. He was telling the reality in a veryloving and unified way. But the one sayingthat really caught my attention was when Hesaid, “I have come not to disturb or destroyanyone’s faith but to confirm each in hisown so that a Muslim becomes a betterMuslim, a Hindu becomes a better Hinduand a Christian becomes a better Christian”.And then I said, “What wonderful teachingsfrom such a great spiritual master”! It reallyinspired and encouraged me to go deeperand deeper into the philosophy, teachingsand mission of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba.Thus, Swami captured your heart.He surely did. But in the midst of that, therewas a conflict that started to arise in me whilereading. <strong>Sai</strong> Baba said, “I am God, all namesand forms are Mine”. It differed from the pointof view that I had always held or had come toknow as a Muslim that God is formless. Andhere <strong>Sai</strong> Baba was saying, He is God. So,there was a conflict. How do I reconcile theformless aspect of Allah with <strong>Sai</strong> Baba who issaying, “I am God”? But when I went deeperinto His teachings, I realised that He has alsosaid, “I am God but you are also God, theonly difference is that I know, I am God butyou do not”. Still this conflict was so greatand it was so strong in me that the confusionand frustration went on for many days,weeks and months and sometimes I hadsleepless nights. Many many times, I prayedto Almighty Allah to show me the truth so thatI could resolve this conflict within myself. Andthen something happened to me, somethingcame to me that said: If Allah is omniscient,omnipotent and omnipresent, if He is allpowerful, can He not assume a human form?It reassured me and removed quite a bit ofdoubt from my mind. It was just a flash. As Iwas questioning, as I was searching amidstthe conflict, I was praying to my dear Allah toguide and show me the real path. One day, itdid remove a lot of doubt from my mind eventhough there was still some.Because I gravitated a lot to <strong>Sai</strong> Baba’steachings, I decided to visit some <strong>Sai</strong> BabaCentres, and in Trinidad there are many. InTrinidad, we have about 1.2 million peopleand there are 52 <strong>Sai</strong> Centres in the country.So, I went to the one that was nearest to meand the very first Bhajan session I went to,it captivated my heart. I loved the singing,beautiful singing and I said, “Swami, this isreal universality”. Even though I was attractedto the teaching of <strong>Sai</strong> Baba, the conflictof the form against the formless still keptbothering me. So, I met Muslim devotees of<strong>Sai</strong> Baba and spent hours with them tryingto see how they had reconciled this conflictand frustration, and it did help me a lot. I triedto find out how they were able to reconcile<strong>Sai</strong> Baba and Allah in their journey. But aftersome time, I prayed and I said to myselfthat I must see for myself. In 1981, a groupof devotees from Trinidad and Tobago wasattending the first overseas Bal Vikas Gurustraining programme at Prasanthi Nilayam.I offered my name as a delegate and sowith Bhagavan’s Will and grace, I was ableto spend one month in Puttaparthi. On thisMarch 2011 79

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3trip, I saw <strong>Sai</strong> Baba, I saw Him materialisingthings, interacting with devotees, heard Himspeak and felt His energy. I began to stronglybelieve in Him as somebody really great andspiritual, and at the end of that trip most ofmy doubts were removed. So, that is how Ireally came into contact with Swami, that ishow I came to believe in Him.It was His message first which reallycaptured you and then when you saw Him, Ithink, everything was sorted out.Yes, I gravitated to the universality ofBhagavan’s message. Here was a teacherwho was saying, whatever religion youbelong to, it does not matter, whatever formand name of God that is your deity, pray tothat form and you will arrive at the goal. Veryfew teachers were saying this; most of themwere preaching about one particular faith.Here was a universal teacher for the wholeof humanity to keep it under one umbrella.So, you returned to Trinidad as a differentman.Totally different. When I came back frommy trip to India, I really encountered manyproblems and challenges especially withpeople in the mosque. Being a young adult, Iwas the Vice President of the Muslim YouthGroup. I also led Namaz and the call todaily prayers. Some of the members in themosque knew that I had started believingin <strong>Sai</strong> Baba and that I had gone to India tomeet Him. Another incident also happenedat that time. In the holy month of Ramadan,which is designated for Muslims to fast for30 days, there is one particular night whenthey are supposed to keep awake the wholenight, engaging in the recitation of Quran,chanting the name of God and so on. I did80 March 2011ZZthat and also to pass time in a spiritual way,I took one book of <strong>Sai</strong> Baba with me in themosque. One of the members of MosqueManagement Board saw the book that I wasreading. It really upset him. Thereafter, theycalled a meeting in which they said that I wasbelieving in a man as God. They had cometo know about my visit to India and my beliefin <strong>Sai</strong> Baba. They said that this could not betolerated. “How can you pray to a man andcall him God”? they asked. So, they askedthe Mosque Management Board to removeme from the position of Vice President of theYouth Group and banned me from leadingthe daily prayers. They felt that I had becomean outcaste and had converted to a differentreligion. So, their treatment became veryhostile.ZWhen the talk was given, Imentioned some of Swami’ssayings: “Love All, Serve All”, “HelpEver, Hurt Never”, “Hands that helpare holier than the lips that pray”,and I quoted Swami’s saying aboutunity of different religions: “Thereis only one religion, the religion oflove”. And all of that I said withoutmentioning Swami’s name. Peoplecame up to me and said, “BrotherFize, we have heard these teachingsfor the first time. Where did you readit from”? Then I told them, “Theseare the teachings of the DivineMaster who is walking on the face ofthe earth. So, now you know who <strong>Sai</strong>Baba is. He is transforming peoplethrough His universal teachings”.Z

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3What did all this do to you?I was very much hurt by this condemnation.I felt that I did not deserve to be treatedthis way. After this, whenever I went to themosque, I was met with harsh and hostiletreatment. Then I prayed to <strong>Sai</strong> Baba.Now that I had accepted Him as my Guru,as my Divine Master, I started practisingHis teachings. In my heart of heart, I wasbecoming a better Muslim. So, when I used togo to the mosque and receive this treatment,I prayed to Swami, “From now onwards, I willstay away because it is causing too muchturmoil”. So after a while, I stopped but mymother used to go there and I had to drop herand pick her up quite often.But Swami works in miraculous ways.After a year or two, my mother organisedwhat is called a Quranic Reading at our homewhere members of the mosque were invitedto read and interpret the holy Quran and singdevotional songs of Islam. When we did that,my mother asked me to say a few wordsafter everyone had spoken. I got up and saidvery lovingly, “Whether we call Him Rama,Krishna or Allah, it is the same God. Mostimportant is not only belief in God but howthat belief overflows into our conduct andbehaviour because God looks at the purity ofour heart and our intentions. Regardless ofreligion, purity of heart and conduct are mostimportant”. I also said, “No religion is greaterthan another because all belong to God andHe has no favourites”. The most amazingthing happened afterwards. The Imam of themosque came up to me and said, “BrotherFize, what a good message you have given”!I was so shocked. I said, “Swami! These arethe same people who literally discarded mefrom the mosque”.So, something happened to them.Something happened. When I came backfrom my first trip to India, I started givingmessages on Bhagavan’s life and teachingsthroughout the country. I came to knowthat some Muslim brothers in the mosquehad attended these meetings as they wereinvited by some <strong>Sai</strong> devotees. So, theyhad heard the message of <strong>Sai</strong> Baba andit was beginning to take root in their heart.And what an amazing thing happened then!There was an old gentleman in the mosque.He was celebrating his 70th birthday. I gota phone call one day that he had arrangeda birthday prayer in the mosque and wantedme to address the gathering. I said to myself,Swami, what is happening now! When thetalk was given, I mentioned some of Swami’ssayings: “Love All, Serve All”, “Help Ever,Hurt Never”, “Hands that help are holier thanthe lips that pray”, and I quoted Swami’ssaying about unity of different religions:“There is only one religion, the religion oflove”. And all of that I said without mentioningSwami’s name. People came up to me andsaid, “Brother Fize, we have heard theseteachings for the first time. Where did youread these from”? Then I told them, “Theseare the teachings of the Divine Master who iswalking on the face of the earth. So, now youknow who <strong>Sai</strong> Baba is. He is transformingpeople through His universal teachings”.So, what happened after that? After yourfirst trip, did you make any more trips toPuttaparthi?Well, by Bhagavan’s grace, this is my28th trip to Puttaparthi. My very first one wasin 1981. I have made an average of aboutone trip per year, and through His DivineWill and grace I have been able to get eightMarch 2011 81

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3interviews. The first interview I had was in1983. Prior to that in June of 1983, I metwith a serious motor vehicle accident. 19thof June is a public holiday in Trinidad andTobago. We had gone to attend a Bhajanon 18th June and because it was a holidayon 19th, we sang Bhajans throughout thenight. While driving back home with two orthree devotees, I do not know whether I fellasleep or lost control, but the car smashedinto another one coming at a very high speedfrom the opposite direction. As the steeringcame up and hit me on the chest, I startedcoughing out blood and lost consciousness.When I woke up, I was in hospital anddevotees were pouring Tulsi (basil) water inmy mouth and chanting the Gayatri Mantra.The strange thing was that I felt absolutely nopain and after three days, I was dischargedfrom the hospital. After that, I started chantingthe Gayatri Mantra. Whenever I came toSwami, I used to chant it in my meditationalso.In October 1983, a group of 45 personscame to Puttaparthi from Trinidad and Swamigranted an interview to the group. As soonas I sat in the interview room, He looked atme and said, “It was I who saved you fromthe accident”. I said, “Bhagavan! I am sograteful”. This was the very first thing He toldme in the first interview in Puttaparthi, whichis thousands of miles away from Trinidad. Headded, “You drive too fast. Start early, driveslowly, reach safely”. Then His hand startedgoing in circular clockwise motion and outcame a pendant. Thinking that He was givingit to the gentleman sitting behind me, I bowedmy head. He looked at me and said, “No, no,you, you”. So, I put my hand out and He gavethe pendant with <strong>Sai</strong> on one side and Om atthe back.It is a long and beautiful journey. Andhow has it affected you in your personal andprofessional life?At the time I came into contact with Swami,I was studying to be an Accountant. When Istarted working in an international firm, theboys would go for drinks and to socialiseevery Friday. I also used to drink off andon. When I came into contact with Swami, itaffected my life in such a way that I gave updrinking and meat eating. I decided to imbibeSwami’s teachings and transform myself.I came from a broken home. My fatherwas a chronic alcoholic, my brother wasa drug addict, and my other brother wasalso alcoholic. Almost every day they usedto quarrel and there were different types ofhardships in the house. I felt very painedbecause I really wanted a family in whichthere was unity and harmony. Because meatused to be cooked in the house and alcoholwas consumed, I told my parents that Iwanted to build a separate room at the backof the house and so, I built a separate roomand lived separately. There, I started recitingthe Gayatri Mantra, doing Jyoti meditationand practising my reading. But every timethere was a quarrel in the house, it really hurtme. It pained me to see father and brothersfighting. One day, I prayed to Bhagavan“Swami, I will give myself to service in Yourorganisation but You must promise me onething; You must restore unity in my family”.After that, one day, my brother who was adrug addict, came with scissors and askedto cut his long hair. Then my eldest brotherwho was a chronic alcoholic came and saidthat he had given up alcohol. Most important,my father gave up drinking. He startedreading Swami’s books and began taking82 March 2011

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3part in group discussions about <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Baba at our home. This helped manypeople to give up drinking. I said, Swami thisis Your miracle. So, I began to see the handof Swami in this great transformation. Mymother has been to Puttaparthi three timesand one of my brothers is also here; he is onhis second trip. So, the transformation effectof Swami has overflowed into my family.Swami’s teachings had a great impacton my professional life also. When involvedin the social events of my Company, Iwould never smoke or consume alcoholwherever I went. At first, people used tomake comments, saying “Half of your life hasgone waste. Why don’t you live comfortablyand then pray when you become old”? So, Iused to get a lot or pressure but I stuck to myresolve very firmly. In the end, people startedrespecting me, saying, “Fize does not drink;he doesn’t eat meat”. I told them, “You canalso have such a good life by not taking partin those things”. So, in that way I strived toput Swami’s teachings into practice. Thereis one teaching of Swami that goes likethis: “Politics without principles, educationwithout character, science without humanity,commerce without morality are not onlyuseless but positively dangerous”. I spoke onSwami’s teachings. This had a great impacton the working of my Company.Now coming back to your associationwith <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation, you are the NationalSpiritual Coordinator of Trinidad and Tobago.Can you please tell our listeners what arethe different activities that this small islandis engaged in, because not many people areaware of the wonderful things that go on inTrinidad and Tobago.Firstly, Swami told one of the devotees,“There is a little island Trinidad which isZHow do I reconcile the formless aspectof Allah with <strong>Sai</strong> Baba who is saying,“I am God”? But when I went deeperinto His teachings, I realised that Hehas also said, “I am God but you arealso God, the only difference is that Iknow, I am God but you do not”. Stillthis conflict was so great and it wasso strong in me that the confusion andfrustration went on for many days,weeks and months and sometimesI had sleepless nights. Many manytimes, I prayed to Almighty Allah toshow me the truth so that I couldresolve this conflict within myself.And then something happened to me,something came to me that said: IfAllah is omniscient, omnipotent andomnipresent, if He is all powerful, canHe not assume a human form?Zthe jewel of My eye”. The population of thisisland is very diverse, it is basically 50%Africans and 50% Indians. There are 52 <strong>Sai</strong>Baba Centres in the country and for a tinyisland like Trinidad and Tobago, the amountof work done by the <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation isreally amazing. Moreover, what the <strong>Sai</strong>Organisation has been able to achieve withBhagavan Baba’s grace is really stupendous.For example, we have two television stationsthat screen two one-hour programmeson National TV every week. Therefore,many homes in the country watch theseprogrammes. So, all the beautiful DVDsof Swami’s work we give to these stationsand they screen Swami’s programmes atZMarch 2011 83Z

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3least for two hours, one on Thursday, oneon Sunday for one hour each. Mostly, theyscreen programmes on Baba’s Mission. Andthen, we have many Indian radio stations. Atleast on two of them we have two one-hourprogrammes that disseminate the Messageof Bhagavan, one hour per session, i.e., twohours a week.Trinidad conducts medical camps on aregular basis. We had Grama Seva and justwhen I came to Puttaparthi, we identified84 needy families to cater to their needs incommemoration of Swami’s 84th Birthday.We also have public education programmesand Bal Vikas. We have many excellentteachers in Trinidad and Tobago whointegrate human values with the curriculum.So, EHV is beginning to take root in thecountry. On every single day in Trinidad, youcan go to a Bhajan session in different centresthroughout the country. We encourage multifaith Bhajan sessions so that people fromdifferent faiths can come together and singthe glories of God. Spiritual retreats are alsoorganised from time to time where peoplefrom all faiths come together.You have been blessed to be such awonderful instrument of Swami and of courseyou speak so well. Thank you so much, sir,for your time. We are privileged to have youhere and I am sure all the listeners wouldhave enjoyed this session with you.I am grateful for this great opportunity. <strong>Sai</strong>Ram.– Courtesy : Radio <strong>Sai</strong> Global Harmony...Continued from page 72are doing Japa. They hold the rosary in theirhand but their mind wanders to the houseof a washerman or a barber. They sit formeditation but their mind goes to the kitchenwhen they get the smell of an overfried curry.Can you call this Japa or Dhyana? What isthe meaning of Japa? Real Japa is when youthink that God is in you and you are God. Then,what is Dhyana? Thinking Aham Brahmasmi,Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman, I amBrahman) is real Dhyana. No Veda teachesany easier path than this. All the Vedasdeclare, Aham Brahmasmi, Tattwamasi(That Thou Art) and Prajnanam Brahma(Brahman is Supreme Consciousness)and Ayam Atma Brahma (This Self isBrahman). The consciousness present inyou is Brahman. Therefore, everything is inyou. The Mahavakya (profound statement)Ayam Atma Brahma signifies I am Atma andBrahman. These words convey the truth.But the scholars create confusion in you anddestroy your faith by misinterpreting thesewords. Do not give room to this confusion.Do not spoil your mind by the jugglery ofwords. Follow the path of love. The easiest,sweetest, most sublime and blissful path islove, love and love alone.(Bhagavan concluded His Discoursewith the Bhajan, “Prema Mudhita ManaseKaho…”)– From Bhagavan’s Divine Discourse in<strong>Sai</strong> Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam on5th July 1996.84 March 2011

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3Effulgence of Divine GloryINTA, WENTA, JANTASWAMI’S OMNIPRESENCE ISmind-boggling – He knows it all,we are open books to Him – theall-pervading Lord! In 1995, Ihad a horrible car accident. The car wassmashed, it rolled over thrice into a low ditch.But I got away without a scratch! Someoneout of the blue came to the car in that darkDecember night and pulled me out of the car,put me in a bus and sent me home. I neversaw that man again. Was it Swami Himself?It had to be, because He knew my name!Once when I went to Kathmandu (Nepal)in 1998 to attend a women’s conference, Iexperienced a wonderful Leela of our Lord.After the conference was over, I was taken toa <strong>Sai</strong> devotee’s house. That lady was broughtback to life by our Lord! There I could feelHis presence. So, I said to Him aloud, “Lord,show me that You are here”. Lo and behold!A huge marigold flower flew at me fromnowhere. I was ecstatic; there was anotherand another from three different directions.He was there and showing me His presenceindeed – Inta, Wenta, Janta (with you, aroundyou, in you). That is my Swami, my BelovedSwami, who is everywhere with me – always.In 1997, we were with Swami inKodaikanal, enjoying the Prakriti (Nature)and Purusha (our Lord). I was then sufferingfrom hypothyroidism for five years. I nevermentioned this to Swami. On the day wewere leaving, He materialised a silver casketfull of Vibhuti. Ever since I have been takingthe Vibhuti. In no time, my thyroid becamenormal; till today, I am not on any thyroidmedication. Thyroid problems are usuallylifelong and one has to be on medicationcontinuously. This is proof of His omniscience,and also His care and compassion for anordinary mortal. Take one step towards Himand He takes ten steps towards us.Ever since I opened the door of my heartto our Beloved Lord, my life has been likea magic carpet! Everything happens at HisWill. He has given me the inner strength toaccept success and failure. He has given methe strength to accept the good and the bad.And above all, the ability to forgive those whoharmed me.In my experience of being a <strong>Sai</strong> devotee,this inner transformation is His biggestmiracle. What I was and what I am today hasbeen a tremendous personal journey for me,like taking a new birth in this very lifetimeitself, all due to His grace.Swami’s teaching of love is His message.He is walking, talking love – love in action. AllHis life, He has been teaching and preachinglove – pure unconditional expansion lovewhich is the rarest commodity in today’sworld, the Age of Kali. Being in His fold hasfilled that void for me. My heart throbs withlove for the Lord and for humanity becauseHe fills it with His love. Let us offer Him ourhearts filled with love. Isn’t that what Hewants?– Excerpted from an article in“Tribute” by Dr. (Smt.) J. Geeta ReddyMarch 2011 85

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3Wisdom through the AgesPRAY EARNESTLYaND WHEN THOU PRAYEST,thou shalt not be as the hypocritesare: for they love to pray standingin the synagogues and in thecorners of the streets, that they may be seenof men. Verily I say unto you, they have theirreward.But thou, when thou prayest, enter intothy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door,pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thyFather which seeth in secret shall rewardthee openly.But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions,as the heathen do: for they think that theyshall be heard for their much speaking.Be not ye therefore like unto them: foryour Father knoweth what things ye haveneed of, before ye ask him.After this manner therefore pray ye: OurFather which art in heaven, hallowed be thyname. – St. Mattew 6:5-9A person once told Dr. Johnson, thefamous English thinker, that he could seldomget time to recite the Name of God, whatwith the hundreds of things he had to dofrom morning till nightfall and even far intothe night. Dr. Johnson replied with anotherquestion. He asked how millions of peoplefound space to live upon the face of theearth, which is two-thirds water and the restis too full of mountains, deserts, forests, icyregions, river beds, marshes and similarinaccessible areas. The questioner saidthat man somehow struggled to find livingspace. So, too, said Dr. Johnson, man mustsomehow find a few minutes a day for prayerto the Lord. – <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Speaks, Vol. 186 March 2011Jesus ChristDo not fritter away the time allotted toyou; offer it to Keshava, who is Kalaswarupa(embodiment of time). Know that wakingfrom sleep is but birth and going into sleepis death. On waking, pray every morning ofyour life, “Oh Lord, I am born now from thewomb of sleep. I am determined to carry outall tasks this day as offerings to Thee, withThee ever present before my mind’s eye.Make my thoughts, words and deeds sacredand pure; let me not inflict pain on anyone;let no one inflict pain on me; direct me, guideme, this day”. And when you enter the portalsof sleep at night, pray, “Oh Lord! The tasksof this day, the burden of which I placed onYou this morning, are over. It was You whomade me walk and talk and think and act; Itherefore place at Thy Feet all my thoughts,words and deeds. My task is done. Receiveme, I am coming back to You”.Adopt theseas your daily prayers.– <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Speaks, Vol. 2

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3Who is the True Guru?Who is the True Guru?Chinna KathaBY WORKING VERY HARD,a businessman earned a lotof money and became rich.Safeguarding his accumulatedmoney, he spent it very economically tomeet his household needs and performedacts of charity to the extent possible. After along wait, a son was born to him. He broughthim up with great indulgence and fondness,and gave him whatever money he asked for.Due to the pampering of the father, the boybecame a victim of bad habits. Seeing hispockets full of money, his friends took himto hotels and cinemas. With the passageof time, his bad thoughts and bad habitsincreased and he took to evil ways. Seeingthis condition of his son, the father realisedthat his son would not listen to any goodadvice. Therefore, he put all his remainingmoney, gold and jewellery in a vessel andburied it at a place within the compound ofthe house, thinking that it would be of use tohis son some time in future. He disclosed thissecret only to one of his closest friends.Seeing the deplorable state of his son,the father became sad and sick. One day atmidnight, his condition became very adverse.He underwent a lot of pain and sufferingduring the night. He thought, he would tell hisson about the hidden money before deathovertook him lest he should suffer for wantof money after his death. He waited for thebreak of dawn to tell his son about the hiddenmoney. But he did not survive till morningand died after midnight.After spending whatever money he hadwith him, the son became a pauper. Havingno knowledge of the hidden money, hestarted going from house to house with abeggar’s bag and started begging for alms.When his father’s friend noticed him begging,The businessman put his money, gold andjewellery in a vessel and buried it in thecompound of his house. He shared this secretwith his closest friend.“Why are you begging when you have a bigtreasure buried in the compound of yourhouse?” asked the businessman’s friend.March 2011 87

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3he asked, “My dear, what is this? What illfatehas befallen you that you are beggingin the streets”? The rich man’s son replied,“I have spent all the money accumulated bymy father. Now I don’t have a single paisawith me”. Then his father’s friend said,“Your father might have forgotten to tell yousomething. Now I will tell you”. He took himto his house at night and dug out the hiddenvessel of money. Handing over the vessel ofmoney to the rich man’s son, he cautionedhim, “At least from now onwards, spend thismoney carefully and lead a decent life”.What is the moral of this story? Thewealth of the Atmic principle is placed in thegolden vessel of virtues and hidden in thephysical body. This wealth belongs to theJivatma (individual soul). But the Jivatmais not aware of his Atmic wealth. One whogives this knowledge of the Atmic principle tothe ignorant Jivatma is the true Guru.SRI SATHYA SAI INSTITUTE OF HIGHER MEDICAL SCIENCESEPIP Area, Whitefield, Bangalore – 560066Tel: 080-28411500, Ext 415/345; Fax: 080-28412502;E-mail: registrarblr@sssmt.org.in; Website: www.sssmt.org.in<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield, Bangalore is offering 4years course leading to Bachelor’s degree in Nursing (for girls only) and 3 years coursesleading to Bachelor’s degree (for girls only) in Anaesthesia Technology, Cardiac CareTechnology, Imaging Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology and PerfusionTechnology. Applications are invited from candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteriaas given below.1. Age: Candidate should have completed 17 years on or before 31st of December inthe year of admission. Maximum permissible age for application is 25 years in the yearof admission.2. Qualification: 10+2, PUC or any other qualifying examination conducted byBoards/ Councils/ Intermediate Education established by State Governments/ CentralGovernment and recognised as equivalent to two year Pre-University examination bythe Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences/ Association of Indian Universities(AIU).3. Subjects in 10+2/ PUC: Candidate should have passed subjects of Physics, Chemistry,Biology and English (PCBE) individually and must have obtained a minimum of notless than 50% marks put together in all these subjects. For Imaging Technology, thecandidate should have passed Mathematics along with the subjects mentioned abovewith an aggregate of 50%.Candidates desirous of applying can download the application form from the websiteand send the same by post. Incomplete applications, applications in a different formatand applications not meeting the eligibility criteria will be rejected.Last date for receiving applications: 10th April 2011.Entrance exam would be held in the second week of May 2011.– Director88 March 2011

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3THE 85TH BIRTHDAY OF OURBeloved Lord, Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong><strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba, was celebratedall over the world. His devotees,representing many races, countries andcultures assembled to pay homage to Him.They shared their love with their countrymenin the form of selfless service to the needy,medical care for the infirmed and publicmeetings that informed people of HisPresence, His Work, and His Teachings.S O U T H A M E R I C AMore than 70 <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centres anddevotional groups in Brazil celebratedBhagavan’s 85th Birthday with Bhajans andservice activities. In the <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centre ofIbirapuera (São Paulo), hot food was servedto residents in a nursing home. The <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> devotional group of Vila Velha deliveredhot meals to the homeless living in the streetsduring the night; and during the day, food andclothing were handed out to children and theelderly living in the Mother Teresa Home. InMaceió, a public meeting was held to spreadthe message of Bhagavan to the generalpublic. In the city of Salvador, six <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Centres joined together to celebrate theevent with Bhajans and devotional singing.About 200 <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> devotees attendedBhagavan’s Birthday celebrations in thecapital city of Asunción, Paraguay on 29thNovember 2010. In Uruguay, a public meetingwas organised as part of Bhagavan’s 85thBirthday celebrations. The devotional groupin Punta Del Este, Uruguay gave food andtoys to 140 destitute children and cleanedtheir neighbourhood. In Chile, <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Centres held Bhajans on Bhagavan’sBirthday.In Argentina, Bhagavan’s Birthday wascelebrated by country’s 43 <strong>Sai</strong> Centresand devotional groups, and more than 150service projects were organised to serve theneedy. The projects included medical andveterinary camps and free distribution of eyeglasses and medicines. Some of Argentina’s<strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> schools also held specialfunctions to celebrate 85th Birthday of theirfounder, Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba. The<strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of Education in HumanValues of Argentina celebrated Bhagavan’sBirthday with a full week’s programme at theMahatma Gandhi <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> School in thecity of Castelar in Buenos Aires province.On 23rd November, the students distributedBhagavan’s 85th Birthday was celebratedby 43 <strong>Sai</strong> Centres and devotional groups inArgentina. The picture shows a function heldin Buenos Aires.March 2011 89

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3toys and blankets to needy children alongwith loving greetings written for them by <strong>Sai</strong>students and parents.The Uriarte <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centre, togetherwith the San Telmo <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centre,celebrated Bhagavan’s Birthday at the ElNacional Theatre in Buenos Aires. Thistheatre was filled to its capacity of 1,022 forthe celebrations, which included devotionaland cultural programmes organised by 180<strong>Sai</strong> volunteers.U. S. A.With love and devotion, Bhagavan’s 85thBirthday was celebrated at various placesacross the U.S.A. About 350 people fromthe <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centres of Bridgewater andEast Brunswick in New Jersey celebratedBhagavan’s 85th Birthday on 21st November2010, sharing stories of Bhagavan’s life andservice and plays by <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> youth andSSE children. The <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba Centre ofEdison, New Jersey celebrated Bhagavan’s85th Birthday on 23rd November 2010,wherein 35 <strong>Sai</strong> volunteers served lunch anddistributed blankets, clothing and toiletry kitsto more than 300 needy people.In Flushing, New York, 300 peopleattended Swami’s Birthday celebration heldon 21st November 2010, wherein wintercoats were collected and delivered toresidents of the Goldwater Memorial Hospitalin Roosevelt Island, New York.At the <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centre of Memphis,Tennessee, 146 gift bags were distributed tothe residents of the Overton Park HealthcareCentre and Nursing Home following a specialBhajan session. On 18th December 2010,230 devotees from the <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centreof Columbus, Ohio and 120 devotees fromthe <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centre of Des Moines, Iowacelebrated Bhagavan’s 85th Birthday withspecial Bhajans, talks and presentations.The <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centres of Colorado(Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs andNorthern Colorado) hosted a RegionalCelebration with the theme “God Is.” Onehundred people, including many residentsfrom the Nepalese community, attended theprogramme of SSE skits, a youth programmeand Bhajans. In addition, backpacks, books,new clothing, jackets, shoes and toys weredistributed to needy school children.In New Mexico, a Birthday Bhajan sessionwas held on 21st November 2010, followingwhich hot meals were cooked and served toabout 70 people at a homeless shelter.S R I L A N K AIn U.S.A., Bhagavan’s 85th Birthday wascelebrated with love and devotion at variousplaces. The picture shows a function held inNew York to celebrate the event.<strong>Sai</strong> Centres throughout the countrywere beautifully decorated and specialcultural shows and Bhajans were conductedto celebrate Swami’s 85th Birthday. An90 March 2011

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3A U S T R A L I A<strong>Sai</strong> Centres throughout <strong>Sri</strong> Lanka conductedspecial cultural programmes and Bhajansessions to celebrate Bhagavan’s Birthday.exhibition titled “Our Journey with <strong>Sai</strong>” washeld from 18th to 21st November 2010 at theColombo Mandir, with Bhagavan’s teachingsas the focus of the exhibits. Students andteachers from several schools, numberingover 900 in all, visited the exhibition andtook home the message of Bhagavan. On23rd November 2010, Bhajans were heldby the Colombo Samithi in the morning,afternoon and evening at three differentlocations. About 2,500 people attendedthe evening programmes, which includedtalks by eminent speakers and a culturalprogramme. In Killinochchi district, medicalservices were provided to 750 patients andcataract surgeries conducted for 58 patients.Elsewhere, about 700 volunteers from thenorth-central region of <strong>Sri</strong> Lanka carried outservice projects at refugee camps, whereSaris, bicycles, food and other items weredistributed. About 1,500 people participatedin the celebrations at the Jaffna Centre,where the programme included Bhajans, acultural presentation and food distribution.Bhagavan’s 85th Birthday was celebratedin many parts of Australia with serviceactivities and 85 hours of devotional singing.As part of a <strong>Sai</strong> Envirocare project, about1,500 saplings were planted, with eachfamily planting 85 saplings. <strong>Sai</strong> Centresand devotional groups undertook a monthlycollection of 85 items for distribution tocharitable organisations. In Perth, foodwas prepared and served by <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>volunteers to 700 people on Bhagavan’sBirthday. A play titled “God Is”, written by<strong>Sai</strong> Youth and enacted by youth and childrenwas enacted.In New South Wales, Bhagavan’s Birthdaycelebrations were held on 27th November2010. About 250 people attended morningSuprabhatam. Evening programmeincluded screening of Bhagavan’s Birthdaycelebrations at Prasanthi Nilayam, devotionalsinging, western musical presentationsOn the occasion of Bhagavan’s 85th Birthday,85-hour Bhajans and service activities wereorganised in many parts of Australia. Bagsof food items were also distributed to needypeople by <strong>Sai</strong> volunteers.March 2011 91

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3and a play based on human values. About700 persons attended this programme, <strong>Sai</strong>volunteers provided 50 blood donations andabout 225 non-perishable food baskets fordistribution to the needy.As part of a “Love All, Serve All” food vanservice project, <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> volunteers serveda Birthday meal for the needy in Victoria.Bags emblazoned with “Love All, Serve All”and packed with food items were distributedto the needy. In Queensland, devotees fromGold Coast and Tweed sewed 108 toiletrybags and donated them to other charitableorganisations for distribution to those in need.L A O SThe <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Foundation of Laoscelebrated Bhagavan’s 85th Birthday on 27thNovember 2010 at four places – Wat Pho<strong>Sai</strong> Buddhist temple, Wat Non Kho Buddhisttemple, Vientiane School for Blind Children,and the <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centre. About 150 peoplefrom Wat Pho <strong>Sai</strong> temple and 200 peoplefrom Wat Non Kho temple, including Buddhistmonks, local villagers, SSEHV students and<strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> devotees, attended the Birthdaycelebrations. Buddhist prayers were chantedin both the temples, and hot meals alongwith warm blankets and 10 kilograms ofrice grains were lovingly given to about 85poor families. Food was also distributed in aschool for blind children.R U S S I AAbout 300 devotees from <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Centres and devotional groups gatheredto celebrate Bhagavan’s 85th Birthday on23rd November 2010 at the “House of AllReligions” in St. Petersburg. The programmebegan with chanting of Gayatri and <strong>Sai</strong>92 March 2011Gayatri Mantras. A short introduction aboutBhagavan was followed by presentationson the 85th Birthday celebrations atPrasanthi Nilayam, including <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>University Convocation and the Ninth WorldConference. A summary of the activities in2010 of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation of Russiawas presented, and a video was shownon the July 2010 Pilgrimage to PrasanthiNilayam, including the cultural programmepresented by Russian-speaking countries.Reviews of educare training programmes,service projects for the needy, and valuesbasedprogrammes for children were alsopresented. In addition, SSE children andtheir teachers sang Bhajans and presenteda play based on human values.U. K.<strong>Sai</strong> Centres and groups across theUnited Kingdom took up a variety of serviceprojects and hosted celebrations to mark the85th Birthday of Bhagavan. The date, 21stNovember 2010, was designated as theU.K. National Seva Day. Devotees arrangedmeals and outings for the elderly; childrenmade cards and wrapped gifts for distribution,and a major drive was held centrally to collecttoys and gifts for children in local hospitals.From 11th to 14th November, Veda chanting,repetition of Bhagavan’s Name and Bhajansinging continued for 85 hours at the <strong>Sai</strong>Mandir in Wimbledon, with participation by<strong>Sai</strong> students and devotees from across theU.K. In Harrow area, about 5,000 peoplefrom London and beyond participated in85th Birthday celebrations at two differentvenues. The celebrations included musicalperformances at Kadwa Patidar Hall by<strong>Sri</strong> Anup Jalota, and at Byron Hall by Smt.

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3Kavita Krishnamurthy Subramaniam andDr. Subramaniam. The celebrations alsoincluded a variety of programmes, prayersand Bhajans.Harrow East Centre started its daylongcelebrations with Suprabhatam, Mantrachanting and Bhajans and ended the day byproviding lunch for 150 seniors from Agelink,Ashiana, the Brent Senior Association andthe Fremantle <strong>Trust</strong> of Slough. <strong>Sai</strong> volunteersalso prepared and served hot meals to about250 needy people at the Mother TeresaHome.Southall East Centre offered a varietyof programmes, including performancesby children from the Centre, singing by <strong>Sri</strong>Shahid Abbas Khan and inspirational talks.The event was attended by the local Mayor,dignitaries and a Member of Parliament.For the seventh consecutive year,Milton Keynes Centre held a 24-hour multifaithAkhanda Bhajan. The venue this timewas the Peace Pagoda in the city, with itsspectacular wooden Japanese BuddhistTemple. Religious groups from major faithssang for 30 to 60 minutes each, and thepeace felt in the air all around the templein its beautiful setting next to Willen Lakewas tangible. <strong>Sai</strong> Centres elsewhere in thecountry celebrated Bhagavan’s Birthdaywith talks on Bhagavan’s life and teachings,group devotional singing and plays focusingon human values and major Indian epics.B A H R A I NFor the 11th year in succession,Bhagavan’s Birthday was celebrated forthe same number of days as the numberof years since Bhagavan’s Advent. Thisyear, the 85-day programme consisted ofnumerous spiritual and service activities.Numerous spiritual and service activities for 85days marked the celebration of 85th Birthdayof Bhagavan in Bahrain.A 24-hour multi-faith Akhanda Bhajanwas held by Milton Keynes Centre for theseventh consecutive year on the occasion ofBhagavan’s 85th Birthday.Prasanthi Nilayam festivals and functions,including the ten-day Navaratri (Dasara)festival, Global Akhanda Bhajan andLadies Day were celebrated. Other spiritualactivities included special study circles,Laksharchana (chanting of God’s Name1,00,000 times), Sahasranamam (chantingof 1,000 Names of God) and <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Puja. Service activities included bloodMarch 2011 93

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3donation and distribution of meals, grains,aerated water and bottled fruit-drinks to theneedy. A workshop on service under thetheme “Love All, Serve All”, a seminar titled“Swami’s Teachings on Sarva Dharma”(unity of faiths) and a training session forSSE Gurus were also organised. About 600people attended the grand finale of the 85-day long programme on 23rd November. Theevent included devotional songs, a video ofBhagavan’s service projects, a choir of SSEchildren, and distribution of Prasadam.Many other countries across the globeincluding Bosnia, Ghana, Dubai, Fiji, Kuwaitand the Netherlands celebrated Bhagavan’s85th Birthday in a grand manner with variousspiritual and service activities.– <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> World FoundationB H A R A TAndhra Pradesh: In the book exhibitionorganised by the Hyderabad ExhibitionCommittee, the Book Stall displaying theexhibits of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Seva activities, andparticularly <strong>Sai</strong> Literature won the attentionof all. The love shown by the volunteers andthe explanation about the different exhibitswon the appreciation of the visitors and atthe end, the Exhibition Committee adjudgedthis Book Stall as the second best in theexhibition.A defluoridation plant for providing puredrinking water to the villagers was installedin Boriville village, Mahaboobnagar district.This was the 19th such plant installed by the<strong>Sai</strong> Organisation to provide pure drinkingwater to villagers.Nellore Samithi provided nutritiousfood packets and Amruta Kalasams (foodprovisions) to 306 boys and girls affected by94 March 2011HIV. On the advice of the doctors, Samithihas decided to continue this service for oneyear.In East Godavari district, DangeruSamithi organised an eye camp in which131 eye patients were examined. Of these,30 patients were identified for cataractoperation. The operations were performed inKakinada Hospital.Assam: <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Seva Samithi,Nagaon organised a very educative andilluminating two-day State-level programmeon various aspects of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Educareon 29th and 30th January 2011. Around 150participants from various towns of Assam andArunachal Pradesh attended the programmeheld in a specially erected Pandal at the<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Centre of Nagaon. Variousspeakers delivered interesting and in-depthanalytical speeches which were very wellreceived by a large interested audience. Alocal TV channel covered the function.As part of the 85th Birthday celebrationsof Bhagavan, Silchar Samithi organised afunction, in which 30 retired educationistsand 10 senior citizens drawn from diversecommunities were felicitated. The recipientswere visibly moved when woollen shawlswere wrapped around them and othervaluable presentations were made along withbooks on Swami. At the end of the function,they were lovingly offered a feast prepared atthe Silchar <strong>Sai</strong> Centre.Odisha: The 35th State Conference of <strong>Sri</strong><strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation, Odisha was heldfrom 7th to 9th January 2011 at Kabi SamratUpendra Bhanja Mahavidyalay Ground,Bhanjanagar. More than 2,000 delegatesfrom all over the State actively participated in

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3the conference. The theme of the conferencewas: “<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Organisation – a UniqueGift to Mankind”. The State President ofSSSSO, Odisha, <strong>Sri</strong> P. Jagannath PrasadRao, inaugurated the function and presidedover the proceedings of the conference.The LCD based presentation on successstories of <strong>Sai</strong> activities carried out throughoutthe State inspired the participants. A spiritualexhibition with exhibits on various activities ofthe State was organised which inspired oneand all. A souvenir “<strong>Sai</strong> Spandan – 2011”comprising synopsis of all talks delivered inthe conference, roles and responsibilitiesof office bearers, guidelines of variousprojects was released on the occasion.Seven other new publications and one audioCD on value songs for Bal Vikas were alsoreleased. Panel discussions were conductedto develop clear understanding of the rolesand responsibilities of various district-leveland Samithi-level office bearers. Besidespanel discussions, group discussions wereconducted at different venues on varioustopics. A symposium on “Journey with <strong>Sai</strong>to Golden Age” was organised in the opensession. Besides that, brief talks weredelivered on various topics which included<strong>Sai</strong> Seva Yoga – an Offering of Five YearPlan, Spirituality – Undercurrent of all <strong>Sai</strong>Activities, Bal Vikas – Key to Manifest Love,Sadhana for Mahilas.Ekadasa Rudra Parayana (chanting ofRudram eleven times) was conducted by121 <strong>Sai</strong> devotees in eleven groups on 16thJanuary 2011 in the serene atmosphere ofTirupati Tirumala Devasthanam, JayadevVihar, Bhubaneswar. Devotees from morethan 15 districts of Odisha participated inA programme of chanting of Rudram wasconducted by <strong>Sai</strong> devotees in Bhubaneswar.this sacred ceremony and basked in theambience of the divine vibrations. This uniqueprogramme was conducted by the devoteesof Odisha for the welfare of the world.Vidya impels man to pour into the sacrificial fire one’s narrow ego and foster inits place universal love, which is the foundational base for the superstructure ofspiritual victory. Love which knows no limits purifies and sanctifies the mind. Letthe thoughts centre around God, the feelings and emotions be holy and acts andactivities be expression of selfless service. Let the mind, the heart and the hand bethus saturated in good. Vidya has to take this task of sublimation.– BabaMarch 2011 95

Contents Page <strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Sanathana Sarathi Archives Darshan Updates Video Link 1 2 3NOTICESRI SATHYA SAI CENTRAL TRUSTWith effect from 01/12/2010, the hospitals run by <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Medical <strong>Trust</strong>, viz., (i)<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Prasanthigram (ii) <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield (iii) <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> General Hospital,Prasanthi Nilayam (iv) <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> General Hospital, Whitefield and (v) <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Mobile Hospital are being run by <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Central <strong>Trust</strong>, consequent to themerger of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Medical <strong>Trust</strong> with <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Central <strong>Trust</strong>. Further,<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Central <strong>Trust</strong> has been permitted by Government of India to receivedonations towards the project (originally approved to be run by <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Medical<strong>Trust</strong>) titled “(i) Running and Maintenance of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Institute of Higher MedicalSciences at Prasanthigram (Andhra Pradesh) and at Whitefield, Bangalore (Karnataka)(ii) Running and Maintenance of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Mobile Hospital (iii) Building aCorpus Fund for the <strong>Trust</strong>” which qualifies for 100% deduction from income underSection 35AC/80GGA of the Income Tax Act 1961, from 01/12/2010 to 31/03/2013.Consequently, donations by Cheque/Demand Draft towards running of the abovehospitals may be made in favour of “<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Central <strong>Trust</strong>”, accompanied bya covering letter mentioning that the donation is for 35AC Project. If the donation isintended towards the Corpus Fund of the <strong>Trust</strong>, the same may be specifically mentionedin the covering letter.– Secretary<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Central <strong>Trust</strong>SRI SATHYA SAI EASWARAMMA WOMEN’SWELFARE TRUSTWe are pleased to announce that with Bhagavan’s blessings, Mother and Child CareProgramme is expanded covering three more Mandals, i.e., Nallamada, Kothacheruvuand Bukkapatnam besides Puttaparthi Mandal, increasing the number of villagescovered to 150 through central locations in each of these Mandals.We wish to place on record our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the donors of<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Easwaramma Women’s Welfare <strong>Trust</strong>. As a non-profit organisation, weare pleased to inform that we have started accepting donations in foreign currenciesin the form of Cheques/Demand Drafts in favour of “<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> EaswarammaWomen’s Welfare <strong>Trust</strong>” payable at Puttaparthi.– <strong>Trust</strong>ee<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Easwaramma Women’s Welfare <strong>Trust</strong>96 March 2011

Contents Page<strong>Subscribe</strong> <strong>Online</strong>Sanathana Sarathi ArchivesDarshan UpdatesVideo Link 1 2 3Statement of Ownership and other Particulars of the NewspaperEntitled SANATHANA SARATHI (English) R.No.10774/1958(To be published in the first issue every year after the last day of February)Form IV (See Rule 8)1. Place of <strong>Publication</strong> : <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Press, within the compound of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong><strong>Sai</strong> Ashram, Prasanthi Nilayam.2. Periodicity of <strong>Publication</strong> : Monthly3. Printer and Publisher’s Name : <strong>Sri</strong> K.S. RajanWhether citizen of IndiaAddress4. Editor’s Name : <strong>Sri</strong> G.L. Anand: Yes: West II / C-22, P.O. Prasanthi Nilayam, Dist. Anantapur,A.P., 515134.Whether citizen of India : YesAddress: Round Block V / C-3, P.O. Prasanthi Nilayam, Dist.Anantapur, A.P. 515134.5. Names and addresses of : <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Sadhana <strong>Trust</strong>, <strong>Publication</strong>s Division, P.O.individuals who own the Prasanthi Nilayam, Dist. Anantapur, A.P., 515134.newspaper and partners orshareholders holding more thanone per cent of the total paid upcapital as on 28-2-2011I, K.S. Rajan, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best ofmy knowledge and belief.(Sd) K.S. RAJANDate: 1-3-2011(Signature of Publisher)Click on video to play, Right click to play full screen

REGD. WITH REGISTRAR OF NEWSPAPERS R.NO.10774/1958REGN.NO. HDP/002/2009-2011Licenced to post without prepayment No. HDP/002/2009-11Attaining Atmic BlissThere are some people who engagethemselves in Sadhana, study and listeningto discourses for transient mentalsatisfaction or even entertainment. Theyfeel that this is enough effort. But the taskis not over with these. Food has to becooked, it has to be consumed, and it hasto be digested and assimilated. The bodycan develop strength only when thesethree steps are accomplished, one afterthe other. Similarly, what is heard has tobe pondered over, what is pondered overhas to be put into practice. It is only whenall three are accomplished that Atmananda(Atmic Bliss), the bliss of the realisation ofthe Reality, can be attained.– BabaAnnual Subscription English (12 issues)India ` 75. Nepal, Bhutan and <strong>Sri</strong> Lanka` 600. Other Countries ` 850 or US $19or UK £13 or ¤13, CAN $22, AUS $26.Acceptable for 1, 2 or 3 years.Printed by K.S. RAJAN Published by K.S. RAJAN On behalf of the owner <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Sadhana <strong>Trust</strong>, <strong>Publication</strong>sDivision, Prasanthi Nilayam 515134, Anantapur District (A.P.) And Printed at M/s Rajhans Enterprises, 136, 4th MainRoad, Industrial Town, Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru - 560 044, Karnataka And published at <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Sadhana <strong>Trust</strong>,<strong>Publication</strong>s Division, Prasanthi Nilayam 515134, Anantapur Dist., Andhra Pradesh.Editor: G.L. ANAND

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