Optimal nutrient ratios for wastewater treatment - HACH LANGE

Optimal nutrient ratios for wastewater treatment - HACH LANGE

Optimal nutrient ratios for wastewater treatment - HACH LANGE


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4 NUTRIENTS_CALCULATIONFavourable and unfavourable<strong>nutrient</strong> <strong>ratios</strong>SC 1000 controller <strong>for</strong> up to eightsensors – also suitable <strong>for</strong> useas a network with, <strong>for</strong> example,ProfibusHowever, all sorts of industrial plants,regional differences in eating habits (disposalof different kitchen wastes throughthe drains), and the nature of the soil anddrinking water cause <strong>wastewater</strong> to varywidely in its composition. Experience hasshown that the C:N:P ratio in municipal<strong>wastewater</strong> is about 100:20:5.The excess N and P compounds canusually be eliminated from the <strong>wastewater</strong>without any great difficulty usingmodern methods.If the <strong>wastewater</strong> in the inflow to the biologicalstage is deficient in one of themain <strong>nutrient</strong>s, a wide range of problemsmay occur (Table 3).For efficient denitrification, a certainproportion of readily biodegradable Ccompounds must be present. Aftermunicipal <strong>wastewater</strong> has passedthrough the primary settling tank, it has aBOD 5 :N ratio of 100:25 (=5). If the ratiofalls below 100:40 (=2.5), the efficiencyof the denitrification process is impaired,resulting in higher nitrate values in theoutflow. If bypassing the primary <strong>treatment</strong>and increasing the denitrificationvolume fail to bring about any improve-Partially immersed NITRATAX scprobe <strong>for</strong> online nitratemeasurementTable 2: Causes and effects of high sulphur concentrationsCauses/Origin of <strong>wastewater</strong> Possible consequences Corrective action• High concentrations of sulphurcompounds from chemicaland protein processingindustries (meat and poultryprocessing)• Anaerobic processes in thesewerage system, whichcause sulphur compoundsto be reduced to hydrogensulphide• Corrosion in sewers andtank walls in <strong>wastewater</strong><strong>treatment</strong> plants• Neighbours suffer odournuisance• Increased growth ofsulphur oxidising filamentousbacteria (Type 021 N)• Avoid blockages in thesewerage network• Add iron salts to the sewer(e.g. at the pumping stations)Table 3: Causes and effects of <strong>nutrient</strong> deficiencies in the biological stage of <strong>wastewater</strong> <strong>treatment</strong>Shortage of Causes/Origin of the <strong>wastewater</strong> Possible consequences Corrective actionCarbon • Long dwell time in the seweragenetwork• Far-reaching primary <strong>treatment</strong> ofthe <strong>wastewater</strong>• Industrial <strong>wastewater</strong> with a highnitrogen content, e.g. from milk andmeat processing• Profuse development of filamentousbacteria (sludge bulking and foam)• Insufficient denitrificationNitrogenPhosphorusLow-nitrogen <strong>wastewater</strong> from:• Paper industry• Fruit and vegetable processing• Landfill leachate, <strong>wastewater</strong> fromfruit and vegetable processing• High COD/TOC values in the inflowof the <strong>wastewater</strong> <strong>treatment</strong> plant• Filamentous bacteria• Increased COD/TOC values in theoutflow• Filamentous bacteria• Bypass the primary <strong>treatment</strong>• Increase the denitrification volume whileretaining sufficient volume <strong>for</strong> the nitrification(minimum sludge age of 9 days)Balance the <strong>nutrient</strong> ratio by:• Addition of N compounds(good-value industrial products such as urea)• Addition of domestic <strong>wastewater</strong>, turbid waterfrom digesterBalance the <strong>nutrient</strong> ratio by:• Addition of P compounds (good-value industrialproducts such as phosphoric acid or phosphatefertilisers <strong>for</strong> the agricultural sector)• Addition of domestic <strong>wastewater</strong>www.hach-lange.com

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