Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2012

Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2012

Food Safety Magazine, February/March 2012


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Friday, October 21, 1977).5. Federal Register Volume 76, Number 246(Thursday, December 22, 2011), 79697–79701.6. Residue vs. resistance. This article purposefullydid not address drug residues that may beRecall_100_2011_Release/index.asp.18. www.fsis.usda.gov/News_&_Events/Recall_071_2011_Release/index.asp.19. According to the FSIS, “natural” is defined as: “A product containing no artificial ingredient oradded color and is only minimally processed. … The label must include a statement explaining themeaning of the term natural (such as ‘no artificial ingredients; minimally processed’).”present in foods of animal origin. The residue violatorlist, kept by the USDA, records both producersand violations. This helps not only toFor more information on FDA food safety legislation, please visitwww.foodsafetymagazine.com.keep a public record, but also to prevent actualdrugs showing up in the food that the publicconsumes. Although this might elicit the “yuck”factor, withdrawal times and other practices thatare in place help mitigate the risk that someonewould actually “eat” antibiotics in any givenmeal.7. www.fda.gov/downloads/AnimalVeterinary/The AIB <strong>Food</strong> ProtectionAdvantageGuidanceComplianceEnforcement/GuidanceforIndustry/ucm052519.pdf.8. Livermore, D.M. 1995. Beta-lactamases in laboratoryand clinical resistance. Clin MicrobiolAIBRev 8:557–584.9. Li, X.Z. et al. 2007. b-lactam resistance and b-Inspectionlactamases in bacteria of animal origin. Vet Microbiol121:197–214.10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC). 2010. National Antimicrobial ResistanceMonitoring System for enteric bacteria(NARMS): Human isolates final report, 2008. Atlanta,Georgia: U.S. Dept. of Health and HumanServices.11. Glenn, L.M. et al. 2011. Analysis of antimicrobialresistance genes detected in multidrug-resistantGFSI AIBSalmonella enterica serovar TyphimuriumAudit<strong>Food</strong>isolated from food animals. Microb Drug Resist17:407–418.SchemesProtection12. Lewis, J.S. et al. 2007. First report of theEducationemergence of CTX-M-type extended-spectrumbeta-lactamases (ESBLs) as the predominantESBL isolated in a U.S. health care system. AntimicrobialAgents Chemother 51:4015–4021.13. Sjolund-Karlsson, M. et al. CTX-M–producingnon-typhi Salmonella spp. isolated from humans,United States. Emerg Infect Dis 17:97–99.14. Zhao, S. et al. 2009. Beta-lactam resistance inLet AIB provide theSalmonella isolated from retail meats in theUnited States: NARMS: 2002–2006. Appl Environ INTEGRATED single-source solutionMicrobiol 75:7624–7630.to your <strong>Food</strong> Protection needs.15. Zhao, S. et al. 2001. Identification and expressionof cephamycinase bla CMY genes in Escherichiacoli and Salmonella isolates from foodanimals and ground meat. Antimicrobial AgentsLeverage the synergies of the best globalChemother 45:3647–3650.<strong>Food</strong> Protection products and services to lower16. Minor species of food animals include deer,your risk and protect your company’s brandsbison, elk, rabbit, duck, goose, quail, pheasant,partridge, pigeon, ostrich and emu.800-633-5137 www.aibonline.org17. www.fsis.usda.gov/News_&_Events/F E B R U A R Y n M A R C H 2 0 1 2 45

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