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QUICK START GUIDEIMPORTANT: Before using this Quick Start Guide it is highlyrecommended that the user completely read and understand this entiremanual. Failure to operate as specified could result in damage to theunit, which could also lead to loss of warranty.• Connect the correct Refrigerant service hoses to the automobile a/c system tobe serviced.• Open the High and Low Side Service Fittings (fittings at the end of the servicehoses).• With the AR300 Manifold valves closed, you can run the automobile a/csystem and determine operating pressures. The unit is equipment withMin/Max gauge indicators.The AR300 is a microprocessor driven unit. Most of the operating instructionsare contained on the LCD. Simply choose the desired function of the unit andfollow the directions on the LCD. The following are the basic keystrokes torun this unit:• Turn the Power switch to “I” (On)position. Open all Tank Valves.• The LCD message should now readPUSH MODE KEYXX LBS XX.XX OZNote: The 2nd line will display thecurrent refrigerant weight in therecovery cylinder. Push “MODE”key.• The LCD screen now reads1 RECOVER/RECYCLE- +Push the “+” or “-” keys to scrollthrough the different modes. Oncethe desired operation is displayed,push the “SET” key.THE DIFFERENT MODES AREAS FOLLOWS:1. Mode 1 – Recovery/Recycle2. Mode 2 – Vacuum/Injection3. Mode 3 – Charge4. Mode 4 – Full Cycle5. Mode 5 – Vacuum/Charge6. Mode 6 – Quick Charge7. Mode 7 – Liquid Flush8. Mode 8 – Refill9. Mode 9 – MaintenanceA. Mode 9A - Air PurgeB. Mode 9B - Filter ChangeC. Mode 9C - Re-zero scaleD. Mode 9D - RefrigerantManagementFollow the directions on the LCD foreach mode. The following pages willdiscuss each Mode.8

AR300 OPERATION MODESSTART UPTurn Main Power Switch to the “ON”position. A few diagnostic messagesmay appear. After about 5 seconds theLCD will read:CURRENT FILTERLIFE 3000 MINSAfter a few more seconds, the LCDmessage now reads:PUSH MODE KEYXX LBS XX.XX OZNote: The 2nd line will display thecurrent refrigerant weight in therecovery cylinder. If metric weights arerequired, push the “LB/KG” key to selectunits of measure.Push “MODE” key.The LCD screen now reads:1 RECOVER/RECYCLE- +Push the “+” or “-” keys to scrollthrough the different modes. Once thedesired operation is displayed, push the“SET” key.MODE 1. – RECOVER/RECYCLEThe Recover/Recycle mode would bechosen to recovery refrigerant from anAuto A/C system that needs a refrigerantcontaining component replaced suchas a compressor, evaporator, orificetube, condenser, etc....When LCD screen reads:1 RECOVER/RECYCLE- +Push the “SET” key. The LCD will nowread:OPEN HI & LO MNFDVALVES. PUSH STARTPush the “START” key. The LCD willnow read:1 RECOVERINGXX LBS XX.XX OZThe AR300 is now recoveringrefrigerant. The 2nd LCD line recordsthe amount of refrigerant recovered.When the AR300 reaches the EPArequired vacuum level, the LCD willread: 90 sec time delay for gasing.1 DONE PUSH STOPXX LBS XX.XX OZPush “STOP” to return to RefrigerantSelection Screen. Do not forget tomeasure the A/C oil in the oil drain bottlefor future re-injection.MODE 1 RECOVER/RECYCLE is nowcomplete.9

QUICK START GUIDEIMPORTANT: Before using this Quick Start Guide it is highlyrecommended that the user completely read and understand this entiremanual. Failure to operate as specified could result in damage to theunit, which could also lead to loss of warranty.• Connect the correct Refrigerant service hoses to the automobile a/c system tobe serviced.• Open the High and Low Side Service Fittings (fittings at the end of the servicehoses).• With the AR300 Manifold valves closed, you can run the automobile a/csystem and determine operating pressures. The unit is equipment withMin/Max gauge indicators.The AR300 is a microprocessor driven unit. Most of the operating instructionsare contained on the LCD. Simply choose the desired function of the unit andfollow the directions on the LCD. The following are the basic keystrokes torun this unit:• Turn the Power switch to “I” (On)position. Open all Tank Valves.• The LCD message should now readPUSH MODE KEYXX LBS XX.XX OZNote: The 2nd line will display thecurrent refrigerant weight in therecovery cylinder. Push “MODE”key.• The LCD screen now reads1 RECOVER/RECYCLE- +Push the “+” or “-” keys to scrollthrough the different modes. Oncethe desired operation is displayed,push the “SET” key.THE DIFFERENT MODES AREAS FOLLOWS:1. Mode 1 – Recovery/Recycle2. Mode 2 – Vacuum/Injection3. Mode 3 – Charge4. Mode 4 – Full Cycle5. Mode 5 – Vacuum/Charge6. Mode 6 – Quick Charge7. Mode 7 – Liquid Flush8. Mode 8 – Refill9. Mode 9 – MaintenanceA. Mode 9A - Air PurgeB. Mode 9B - Filter ChangeC. Mode 9C - Re-zero scaleD. Mode 9D - RefrigerantManagementFollow the directions on the LCD foreach mode. The following pages willdiscuss each Mode.8

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