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NON-CONDENSABLE GAS PURGEMODE 9. – MAINTENANCE MODEThe MAINTENANCE Mode is brokendown into 4 maintenance procedures:1- Air purge, 2- Filter Change, 3- Re-zeroScale, 4- Refrigerant Management.Please read the following to discusseach procedure.Scroll until the LCD screen reads:9 MAINTENANCE- +Push “SET” key. The LCD will now read:A AIR PURGE- +Push the “+” or “-” keys to scrollthrough the different Maintenancemodes.MODE 9A. Air PurgeMODE 9B. Filter ChangeMODE 9C. Re-zero scaleMODE 9D. Refrigerant ManagementOnce the desired operation is displayed,push the “SET” key.MODE 9A. AIR PURGEThe AIR PURGE maintenance mode isused to remove Non-CondensableGases (NCG’s) from the recovery tank.It is best to check in the morning or aftera long period of non-operation. This willallow the refrigerant to stabilize.Scroll until the LCD screen reads:9 MAINTENANCE- +Scroll again until the LCD screen reads:A AIR PURGE- +Push the “SET” key. The LCD will nowread:R-134a TEMP XX.X FR-134a PRESS XXX.X PSIGCompare the LCD pressure reading withthe R-134a tank pressure gauge on thecontrol panel. If the Tank pressuregauge is higher than the LCD reading,hold down the AIR PURGE switch (onthe control panel) until the gaugepressure falls below the LCD reading.Push the “STOP” key. The LCD willreturn to the Refrigerant SelectionScreen.MODE 9A AIR PURGE is now complete.18

ROUTINE MAINTENANCEMODE 9B. FILTER CHANGEThe FILTER CHANGE maintenancemode is used to change the solid corefilter drier. You will need to purchase anARXF filter from your CPS distributor.When the filter time has expired, the unitwill need its filter replaced. The FILTERTIME is displayed when selecting theRefrigerant operation. The expected lifeof the filter is 3000 minutes (50 hours).Scroll until the LCD screen reads:9 MAINTENANCE- +Scroll again until the LCD screen reads:B FILTER CHANGE- +Push the “SET” key. The LCD will nowread:OPEN HI & LO MNFDVALVES. PUSH STARTNote: The unit should not be connectedto an Auto A/C system.Once a vacuum has been achieved theLCD will now read:REMOVE FILTER COVERPUSH SETSee Figure 1aPush the “SET” key. The LCD will nowread:REMOVE & REPLACEFILTER. PUSH SETSee Figure 1b and 1cPush the “SET” key. The LCD will nowread:FILTER CHANGEDONE. PUSH STOPPush the “STOP” key. This will reset thefilter time back to 3000 minutes. TheLCD will return to the RefrigerantSelection Screen.MODE 9B FILTER CHANGE is nowcomplete.Push the “START” key. The LCD willnow read:RECOVERINGPLEASE WAITFigure 1a Figure 1b Figure 1c19

ROUTINE MAINTENANCEMODE 9B. FILTER CHANGEThe FILTER CHANGE maintenancemode is used to change the solid corefilter drier. You will need to purchase anARXF filter from your <strong>CPS</strong> distributor.When the filter time has expired, the unitwill need its filter replaced. The FILTERTIME is displayed when selecting theRefrigerant operation. The expected lifeof the filter is 3000 minutes (50 hours).Scroll until the LCD screen reads:9 MAINTENANCE- +Scroll again until the LCD screen reads:B FILTER CHANGE- +Push the “SET” key. The LCD will nowread:OPEN HI & LO MNFDVALVES. PUSH STARTNote: The unit should not be connectedto an Auto A/C system.Once a vacuum has been achieved theLCD will now read:REMOVE FILTER COVERPUSH SETSee Figure 1aPush the “SET” key. The LCD will nowread:REMOVE & REPLACEFILTER. PUSH SETSee Figure 1b and 1cPush the “SET” key. The LCD will nowread:FILTER CHANGEDONE. PUSH STOPPush the “STOP” key. This will reset thefilter time back to 3000 minutes. TheLCD will return to the RefrigerantSelection Screen.MODE 9B FILTER CHANGE is nowcomplete.Push the “START” key. The LCD willnow read:RECOVERINGPLEASE WAITFigure 1a Figure 1b Figure 1c19

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