Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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shall be the Presiding Officer of the LLEDAC and, as such, shall havethe following rights and duties:a. To preside over the meetings of the LLEDAC.b. To exact from all the members present during the meetingsproper deportment and decorum.c. To enforce the rules and procedures of the LLEDAC.d. To maintain order during meetings and render a ruling onquestions of order, subject to appeal by the member concernedto the body for a final decision.e. To sign all LLEDAC documents and papers requiring his/hersignature.f. To relinquish the Chair to the Vice-Chair, or to the latter’sabsence, to any member of the LLEDAC who shall act as“temporary presiding officer.”g. To vote but only to break a tie.Section 12. Quorum – A simple majority of all members of the LLEDAC shallconstitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the LLEDACmembers present may discuss the items in the agenda and make thenecessary recommendations for consideration in its next meeting.Section 13. Schedule of regular meetings – ng>Theng> LLEDAC shall meet on the firstMonday of every quarter. ng>Theng> Executive Committee shall meet on thefirst Wednesday of the month ng>Theng> Members shall be duly notified of thetime and place at least three (3) days before the meeting.Section 14. Special meetings – ng>Theng> Chair shall convene the LLEDAC to suchspecial meetings as may be necessary. Each member shall be notifiedof the date, time and place at least one day before the meeting.Section 15. Venue – ng>Theng> meeting of the LLEDAC whether special or regular shallbe held in Sanggunian Bayan Session Hall unless otherwise specifiedby the Chairperson.Section 16. Decisions and resolutions – ng>Theng> decisions of the LLEDAC shall bemade through the concurrence of a majority of the membersconstituting a quorum.Section 17. Minutes of the meetingng>Theng> minutes of the meeting shall be preparedby the LLEDAC Secretariat.82

RULE VI ORDER OF BUSINESSSection 18. ng>Theng> Order of Business of the LLEDAC shall be as follows:a. Call to Orderb. Roll Callc. Reading and consideration of previous minutesd. Cluster Reportse. Agenda- Unfinished Business- Business for the Day- New Businessf. Announcementsj. AdjournmentSection 19. ng>Theng> Agenda shall contain the following:a. Unfinished Business – refers to a list of items that have been leftunacted upon, postponed or left unfinished during the previousmeeting.b. Business for the Day – refers to a list of items for discussion/decisionof the body.c. New Business – refers to a list of new items that arise during themeetingRULE VII LLEDAC CLUSTERSSection 20. Creation of clusters – ng>Theng> LLEDAC may form clusters or committees asmay be needed based on related sectoral or policy concerns.Section 21. Membership – A committee shall consist of the sanggunian committeechair whose jurisdiction is related to the concerned LLEDAC cluster,his/her counterpart in the executive department, and other members asmay be defined by LLEDAC.Section 22. Meetings – ng>Theng> clusters shall meet at least once a month.RULE VIII LLEDAC SECRETARIATSection 23. ng>Theng> Office of the Secretary to the Sanggunian shall serve as theprincipal secretariat of the LLEDAC.83

RULE VI ORDER OF BUSINESSSection 18. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Order of Business of the LLEDAC shall be as follows:a. Call to Orderb. Roll Callc. Readi<strong>ng</strong> and consideration of previous minutesd. Cluster Reportse. Agenda- Unfinished Business- Business for the Day- New Businessf. Announcementsj. AdjournmentSection 19. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Agenda shall contain the followi<strong>ng</strong>:a. Unfinished Business – refers to a list of items that have been leftunacted upon, postponed or left unfinished duri<strong>ng</strong> the previousmeeti<strong>ng</strong>.b. Business for the Day – refers to a list of items for discussion/decisionof the body.c. New Business – refers to a list of new items that arise duri<strong>ng</strong> themeeti<strong>ng</strong>RULE VII LLEDAC CLUSTERSSection 20. Creation of clusters – <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> LLEDAC may form clusters or committees asmay be needed based on related sectoral or policy concerns.Section 21. Membership – A committee shall consist of the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian committeechair whose jurisdiction is related to the concerned LLEDAC cluster,his/her counterpart in the executive department, and other members asmay be defined by LLEDAC.Section 22. Meeti<strong>ng</strong>s – <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> clusters shall meet at least once a month.RULE VIII LLEDAC SECRETARIATSection 23. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Office of the Secretary to the Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian shall serve as theprincipal secretariat of the LLEDAC.83

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