Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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2. Journal and Documentation Unit – documents, publishes and keeps therecord of the proceedings of sessions including committee hearings and meetings ofthe sanggunian and prepares legislative information materials for the public.3. Legislative Tracking and Monitoring Unit – records, monitors and keepstrack of legislative measures being considered by the sanggunian including theirimplementation by executive agencies. ng>Theng> staff is responsible for recording of titlesof legislative proposals filed and adopted and preparing reports on the status ofimplementation of ordinances enacted. Ideally, the staff has training or backgroundin information technology or computer systems as they are responsible for operatingand maintaining the computerized legislative tracking system of the sanggunian.72

F. SETTING UP THE LEGISLATIVE-EXECUTIVE COORDINATINGCOUNCILng>Theng> success of local government programs largely depends on two factors:• the ordinance formulated to provide the legal basis for policy implementation, and• the implementation of the policy or ordinance.ng>Theng>se factors highlight the two interrelated roles of the legislative body and the local chiefexecutive – legislation and policy implementation. One branch cannot function without theother. Strong coordination and cooperation between the two branches is essential for thelocal government to function well.ng>Theng> ng>Localng> Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Coordinating Council orLLEDAC• is an advisory body or mechanism for regular coordination, consultation andcooperation between the legislative and executive branches of the LGU.• is a strategy for institutionalizing legislative-executive collaboration in all areas oflocal governance: formulation of the local development plan, formulation of theELA and the LA, budgeting, policy formulation, policy implementation, policyevaluation, service delivery and public consultation.• is a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the attainment of LGUdevelopment priorities towards a common vision for the locality.ng>Theng> LLEDAC should be organized immediately at the start of the term of the new set ofelected officials. This means the LLEDAC is already functioning when the ELA teamconvenes. Otherwise, the formation of the LLEDAC may spin off or result from the ELAformulation process that LGUs are enjoined to produce at the start of the term of electedofficials.ng>Theng> LLEDAC is composed of representatives from the legislative and executive branchesand is usually chaired by the LCE. It may also include representatives from civil societyand the private sector to ensure people’s participation in local governance.73

F. SETTING UP THE LEGISLATIVE-EXECUTIVE COORDINATINGCOUNCIL<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> success of local government programs largely depends on two factors:• the ordinance formulated to provide the legal basis for policy implementation, and• the implementation of the policy or ordinance.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>>se factors highlight the two interrelated roles of the legislative body and the local chiefexecutive – legislation and policy implementation. One branch cannot function without theother. Stro<strong>ng</strong> coordination and cooperation between the two branches is essential for thelocal government to function well.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> <stro<strong>ng</strong>>Local</stro<strong>ng</strong>> Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Coordinati<strong>ng</strong> Council orLLEDAC• is an advisory body or mechanism for regular coordination, consultation andcooperation between the legislative and executive branches of the LGU.• is a strategy for institutionalizi<strong>ng</strong> legislative-executive collaboration in all areas oflocal governance: formulation of the local development plan, formulation of theELA and the LA, budgeti<strong>ng</strong>, policy formulation, policy implementation, policyevaluation, service delivery and public consultation.• is a mechanism for monitori<strong>ng</strong> and evaluati<strong>ng</strong> the attainment of LGUdevelopment priorities towards a common vision for the locality.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> LLEDAC should be organized immediately at the start of the term of the new set ofelected officials. This means the LLEDAC is already functioni<strong>ng</strong> when the ELA teamconvenes. Otherwise, the formation of the LLEDAC may spin off or result from the ELAformulation process that LGUs are enjoined to produce at the start of the term of electedofficials.<stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> LLEDAC is composed of representatives from the legislative and executive branchesand is usually chaired by the LCE. It may also include representatives from civil societyand the private sector to ensure people’s participation in local governance.73

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