Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ... Local Legislators' Toolkit - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng ...

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Tool 1Functions, Structure and Composition of CommitteesIn organizing the sanggunian committee system, the following points are important toconsider:1. Functionso ng>Theng> functions of committees are determined by the areas of legislation or concerns ofthe sanggunian, e.g. environment and natural resources, women and family.o A committee is required to perform legislative work pertinent to a particular field or issue.ng>Theng> jurisdiction of each committee must be defined in the IRP to ensure an efficientlegislative process.2. Structure and Compositiono ng>Theng> number and composition of committees of a sanggunian may be determined on thebasis of policy areas defined in 1991 LGC pertaining to duties and functions of thesanggunian or by local law, e.g. the Naga Empowerment Ordinance mandates therepresentation of the Naga People’s Council in the standing committees of thesanggunian.o A standing committee is usually composed of a chair, vice chair and members; and hasusually no more than five members.o ng>Theng> sanggunian may appoint the chair of the committees, either directly or indirectlythrough its presiding officer.o Generally, only elected sanggunian members compose the standing committee. In thecase of the ng>Sangguniangng> Panlungsod of Naga, standing committees have tworepresentatives, one from the association of barangays and another from the NagaPeople’s Council, with voice and vote.o Membership in committees is best determined based on the expertise and interests oflocal legislators.o Membership in committees may be limited to a certain number to allow sanggunianmembers to attend to their committee duties in an efficient manner, e.g. a member isallowed to chair no more than two standing committees, or to be a member of no morethan three standing committees.64

Tool 2Guide Questions for Organizing Sanggunian CommitteesRules pertaining to committees must be defined in the Internal Rules of Procedure to ensurean efficient and responsive legislative process. ng>Theng> following questions can help thesanggunian determine the structure, composition, function, size and responsibilities of itscommittees.1) How many committees does the sanggunian need?2) What are the areas of legislative concern of the sanggunian?3) What are the powers and responsibilities of each standing committee?4) How many members including the chair and vice chair should each committee have?5) What are the duties of a committee chair? Of a committee vice chair? Of committeemembers?6) What is the basis for selecting the chair of the committee? Should the body elect thechair? Should the Presiding Officer appoint the chair?7) What are the duties and responsibilities of committee members? What sanctionsshould apply to committee members who do not perform their duties?8) How often should the committees meet? How often should committee hearings beheld? Where should committees meet?9) When should committee reports be submitted? Should committees be discharged toreport out measures referred to it after a specified period for study has lapsed?10) How can committees ensure the attendance and active participation of civil societyorganizations in committee hearings? Are committee meetings and committeehearings sufficient to get the participation of civil society in the legislative process?65

Tool 2Guide Questions for Organizi<strong>ng</strong> Sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian CommitteesRules pertaini<strong>ng</strong> to committees must be defined in the Internal Rules of Procedure to ensurean efficient and responsive legislative process. <stro<strong>ng</strong>>The</stro<strong>ng</strong>> followi<strong>ng</strong> questions can help thesa<strong>ng</strong>gunian determine the structure, composition, function, size and responsibilities of itscommittees.1) How many committees does the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian need?2) What are the areas of legislative concern of the sa<strong>ng</strong>gunian?3) What are the powers and responsibilities of each standi<strong>ng</strong> committee?4) How many members includi<strong>ng</strong> the chair and vice chair should each committee have?5) What are the duties of a committee chair? Of a committee vice chair? Of committeemembers?6) What is the basis for selecti<strong>ng</strong> the chair of the committee? Should the body elect thechair? Should the Presidi<strong>ng</strong> Officer appoint the chair?7) What are the duties and responsibilities of committee members? What sanctionsshould apply to committee members who do not perform their duties?8) How often should the committees meet? How often should committee heari<strong>ng</strong>s beheld? Where should committees meet?9) When should committee reports be submitted? Should committees be discharged toreport out measures referred to it after a specified period for study has lapsed?10) How can committees ensure the attendance and active participation of civil societyorganizations in committee heari<strong>ng</strong>s? Are committee meeti<strong>ng</strong>s and committeeheari<strong>ng</strong>s sufficient to get the participation of civil society in the legislative process?65

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